*What makes you ugly in the eyes of others ?*

What is that which make us ugly? The polluted city, dust particles, our  ultraviolet sun rays or cosmetics full of chemicals, no, none of these things makes us ugly but polluted heart and lust particles present in heart makes us ugly in the eyes of others and people starts avoiding us although we may be handsome or beautiful with deodorants sprayed all over the body
, and as it is physical beauty is time dependent, one day there will be wrinkles on the body even though we may use best of cosmetics, the beauty which remains with us eternally is our attitude, and the divine qualities. Let's discuss in detail the ugliness present withing us.

1) Self absorption- we focus on ourselves, we talk about our own greatness, no one wants to be friend with someone who cares about themselves.

2) Always in mood of competition- we want to be on top, if someone says, "I got 67% in exam", don't say, "I had 76%", instead say, "wow that's really amazing, proud of you friend."

3) Bossy nature- if you are in mood of being incharge always and you are the one who always want to make decisions or trying to control  over the others, then there are chances that will make you unattractive.

4) Rudeness and Crudeness- people don't want to be around with someone who is impolite, offensive and uses harsh language, be little refined not crude.

5) Negativity- if you are always putting things and people down, taking them in wrong way, or seeing situations in negative way(pessimism) is also main reason which makes you ugly. Try to see positive qualities in them and encourage people.

Now the question is how to deal with this ugliness?? The God is all attractive because of His qualities, and that's why His name is Krishna(One who attracts everyone).  Bhagavatam says, "As one becomes devotee of Lord, divine qualities of demigods starts automatically getting manifested into him.", just like God attracts everyone to Him, similarly devotees of God also attract people towards them by their genuine devotion and pure heart. So let's become Devotees of God so that we can become beautiful in the eyes of others and get rid of our ugliness.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga dasa

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