*Copyright © God* *All rights reserved by God*

I have written over 100 articles and blogs, many appreciated and liked it and some  disliked it. But I was really upset with one incidence when I received my own written article with alteration which changed the whole message and meaning of it for which I wrote the blog. I was thinking how can someone do this, it's okey when one removes the author's name but presents the same authentic message but when someone changes meaning then whole intention to present something is lost and wrong message is spread in society. This was with only one article what if someone changes the whole book and misuses it? How much author must be in pain to see this? That's why they have made the copyright law. Copyright is a legal right created by the law of a country that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights for its use and distribution, it's a form of intellectual property, no one can interfere in writings without permission of author. Doctor will not appreciate when his prescriptions are changed by unauthorized men. Even Albert Einstein was also sad when he saw his creation of atom bomb is being misused.

Similar with scriptures, there are people who misinterpreted the scriptures and presented it without the concern and intension of original writer Vedvyas. There are more than 700 editions of Bhagavad Gita all over the world and very few of them teaches the real and original message of Gita that is to surrender unto God, Krishna. How much Lord Krishna is displeased to see His message being altered. Those who have written their commentary on Gita many of them are atheist, antagonistic philosophers and impersonalists, they neither have any faith in the words of Gita nor Krishna they consider both as mythological, how such Gita commentary will help the society to reform?

As Prabhupad says, "The general pattern translators have followed in rendering Bhagavad-gītā into English has been to brush aside the person Kṛṣṇa to make room for their own concepts and philosophies. The history of the Mahābhārata is taken as quaint mythology, and Kṛṣṇa becomes a poetic device for presenting the ideas of some anonymous genius, or at best He becomes a minor historical personage". So only God and His pure devotees coming in bonafide sampraday has right to comment over scriptures, all rights are reserved by them and only they have power to transform the society. To make a person devotee of Lord is purpose of Gita but 700 editions of Gita couldn't make a single devotee. When Prabhupad presented Gita it made transformation in world and many became devotees of Lord because he presented Gita's message As It Is. Prabhupad speaks,  "Kṛṣṇa is the speaker of the Gītā, and its ultimate goal as well, the Bhagavad-gītā As It Is presents this great scripture in its true terms, This Gita directs the reader to Krishna rather than away from Him".

So in conclusion, Gita is great scripture and only God and His unalloyed devotees, those who are surrendered to Him have right to write commentary on it. Non devotees who considers Krishna as historical, mythological, poetic personality and impersonalists have no right to write because that will only spread wrong message and ultimately won't please the original author, the God.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

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