*Just Do It...but Do whatever scriptures say*

Just Do It is a trademark of shoe company Nike, and one of the core components of Nike's brand. The slogan was coined in 1988 at an advertising agency meeting. It practically means doing whatever comes to your mind. Mind may say eat this, look at this, hear this, smell this, touch this and so on and so forth and following the verdict of uncontrolled mind will bring only mess in our life.

Just Do It according to mind's direction is the mentality of demons like Ravna and Hiranyakashipu, they always did what they wanted, they never thought about anything or anyone, it satisfies me them I will do it that's was their nature. And what not they did for satisfaction of their own senses, they troubled sages and saints, they looted, they harassed the people, they kidnapped the women, they just did it because of dictations from uncontrolled mind. Activities should be done with the help of superiors and scriptures, not according to desires of mind.

We can't trust the uncontrolled mind, it is worst of enemy. One must control the mind with intelligence. Also doing things according to our own whims is not recommended by Bhagavad Gita verse 16.23, "He who discards scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme destination." , demons acts by their own way but their future is dark according to this verse, what happened to Ravna, he always did what he liked, he was killed and everything was ruined, similar story of Hiranyakashipu and other demons, they never got happiness.

One can not claim that my inner voice is actually voice of God from within, actually our heart is so polluted with vices, craving of desires are so much that actually we can't hear the voice of parmatma although he is advising and directing us every time, it's like a sound of a bubble In front of noise of tsunami. So until and unless our mind is completely purified we must not listen to the mind but we must listen and try to practice according to direction of scriptures, Guru and devotees.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

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