We are living in a world where love affair is most common thing, love affair means a romantic or sexual relationship especially between two people who are not married to each other, it's just a expression of unfulfilled lust in heart, practically all Hollywood and Bollywood stars and other rich people are famous for their affairs, sometimes we find whole newspaper filled with the stories of their extra marital affairs, which is ideally condemned by cultured people and spiritual society. I recently heard about one of she professor in my college who is having extra marital relationship with her own car driver, and apparently whole college knows about this thing even her husband also knows but he is helpless, lust is so powerful one looses all the discrimination power and logic, I was thinking if the teacher is indulged in such a heinous act what can we expect from students?
When we tell the people about the chastity and pure life they question us by saying, "even God(Krishna) also had dance, Raas Lila, in the middle of the night in dense forest with the young girls(gopis) of Vrindavan so what's the problem in we imitating the God by having many partners to enjoy with". But these people forget to understand a simple fact that Krishna is supreme person and His activities proves that, He lifted the mountain hill called govardhan at the age of seven and killed many demons sent by Kamsa, He showed the Vishwaroop(the universal form) to Arjuna, no way we are closer to God, He is like the ocean and we are drop of ocean, how can we imitate Him?
Lord Krishna is creator of everyone including the gopis, so what's the problem if He is having dance with His own parts and parcels? Krishna is the Supreme Enjoyer, Raas Lila is Supreme Enjoyment, therefore Krishna likes Raas Leela. Even though Krishna enjoys this pleasure, still He is always fully renounced, always Brahmachari. There is no mention of breakups and divorces and unwanted pregnancies and abortions and custody rights in the Vrindavan. The attraction between boy and girl, man and woman in this material world is a perverted reflection of the pure unadulterated Love between Krishna and Radha, Krishna and the Gopis. No mundane materialistic person can ever understand Raas Lila, they can only misunderstand and they do. To understand Raas Lila as interactions between ordinary boys and girls is the worst mistake one can make. We can see from the example of the exalted devotees like Shukdev Goswami, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who were great sanyasis but they revered gopis love for Krishna and worshipped them and always desire to have love like them.
So let's not misunderstand Krishna's love for gopi to an ordinary affair but know that it's a divine and most sacred pastime for the pleasure of His surrendered devotees.
Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
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