*Don't Trust the Lust*

Lust means to yearn for something very passionately, especially to fulfill sexual craving unrestrictedly. Lust also means to take another person or things for our own gratification, this enjoyment tendency is cause of all sins, sufferings and problems in the world. Many crimes like human trafficking, rapes and so many others are the result of lust only. Practically all the songs, movies, news, magazines are centered around this lust, no one talks how to subdue it but everyone talks how to fulfill it and proclaim it to be source of all happiness, but scriptures of all religions tell the reality of the lust, they say don't trust and try fulfill the lust as it is sinful enemy of soul, in whose contact person forgets his real identity as servant of God and becomes utterly miserable.

Still there are some so called gurus who teach their disciples to satisfy this lusty craving which will eventually lead to samadhi( Sambhog se Samadhi ki aur). In Gita Arjuna asked Krishna what's the reason person commits sin even he don't want to do it? Lord Krishna tells,“It is lust only, Arjuna, which is born of contact with the material mode of passion and later transformed into wrath, and which is the all-devouring sinful enemy of this world.” This lust never gets fulfilled, Manu smriti explains lust is like a fire, any amount of fuel you supply it will only increase. So satisfaction of lust will not lead to samadhi but there will be more agitation and hankering of senses and mind. As Prabhupad says, "one can control this lust by strength of Krishna consciousness".

By our own endeavor one can't eradicate lust but one should take guidance of proper authority. Who is that authority who can destroy this lust which is destroyer of self realization? He is 'Lord Balaram' the Divine brother of Lord Krishna, once when Krishna, Balaram and their cowherd friends were playing in Vrindavan, one demon named Pralambasura entered into their association by changing his form as gopa and started behaving very friendly with boys and cows, but Lord Krishna recognized him as demon. Two parties were made, pralamba took the side Krishna. Balaram's party won the match, He rode over the pralamba, pralamba took him away from Krishna and thought it's great opportunity to kill Balaram, but Balaramji with the one blow of His feast killed the pralamba.

Aacharyas explains us that pralamba represent the mentality to enjoy opposite sex and to have desire for profit, adoration and distinction. Initially these desires look like friends to us just like pralamba who behaved very friendly with gooas, but later they try to devour us. Everyone of us think that this lust will make us happy and we endeavor to fulfill that but lust only takes us away from ultimate source of pleasure and that is Krishna, in this situation we need the help of blow of Balaram who only can bring us back to God. So let's not trust the lust but trust the destroyer of lust- Balaram and pray for His mercy.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

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