*Don't become Workaholic or Idle but make your work Holy and Ideal*

There are two kinds of extremist generally seen in society, one is workaholic( who works compulsively, enjoying his work more than anything) and other is idle( who doesn't want to work at all), off course hard working people are different from workaholics, there is wide gap between both hardworking and workaholics. Workaholics doesn't bother anything other than work including personal priorities and family issues, when work is not there they feel lonely and stressed, their mind is constantly at work even they are not.

 Whereas idle is lazy and don't want to work at all. Both cases are non exemplary for us because they don't fulfill the mission of human life that is to develop love for God, we are not only meant to work day and night or not doing any work but we are meant to do something substantial in life.

How to make our work holy and ideal? By not performing our duties for our own sense enjoyment but as an offering of love to Krishna, it should be an act of sacrifice. Lord Krishna in 3rd chapter of Bhagavad Gita says, "one who works only for his satisfaction his life is vain but who performs activities being unattached he attains the supreme. Work for our own sense pleasure will create bondage but work done for satisfaction of Lord will make work holy and one will get liberation from reactions." Many people think by reading Bhagavad Gita or following the God given process our inclination for our work will reduce and we will become idle but this is not a reality, after hearing Gita from Lord, Arjun didn't give up his bow and arrow and went to forest for austerities but he fought more diligently and tactfully because he realized this work is going to give pleasure to Lord. Lord also speaks no one can remain idle, everyone has to work at lest  for his body maintenance. After all Bhagavad Gita is not against our work but it teaches us in what attitude we should perform our work.

Lord Krishna speaks in 8th chapter, “Arjuna, you should always think of Me in the form of Kṛṣṇa and at the same time carry out your prescribed duty of fighting. With your activities dedicated to Me and your mind and intelligence fixed on Me, you will attain Me without doubt.” Prabhupad explains in the purport that, "this instruction is for all humans, Lord doesn't recommend to give up the duties. One can continue them but at the same time remember Krishna, this will free one from material contamination."

So let's not become workaholic or idle but make our work holy and ideal by adding Krishna to our work and following the path of Bhakti.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

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