*Lessons from Satyakam Jabali and Kabali*

Kabali which released on Friday, has created history by becoming the biggest Indian opener of all time, film was released in more than 10000 screens all over the world. Till now movie has earned Rs 400 crore. Movie primarily deals with fight of Kabali ( Rajnikanth) for the rights of Tamil Malaysian and as usual happy ending when Kabali meets his wife after 25 years, more than plotline of movie what attracted the people is Kabali's entry, his dialogues, his actions and his dance, his style. As soon as he makes his entry people starts offering Aarti and prasad to the screen.

On the other hand we have Satyakam Jabali, whose story comes in ancient vedic text Chandogya Upanisad, who left the home at very young age in search of God, he met with sage Gautama, who tested him in various ways, Jabali passed all the test and Gautama gave all necessary knowledge to him which will free one from illusions of the world. Later for the benefit of common people Jabali wrote upanishad also and later he departed for spiritual world, the real happy end.

What we can learn from above 2 stories :
1) Every living entity has a propensity to worship someone, adore someone, follow and love someone. But if this tendency not used in service of God one will worship or adore any mortal being. Our love can be fully satisfied when it is reposed in God.
2) worshipper of superstars forget that he is also common person like us and he also has limitations, they keep unrealistic expectations from him and get disappointed, except God no one can fulfill our expectations, He is unlimited and never disappoints anyone.
3) Happy ending is only in movie, real life is full with anxiety and struggles, but devotee's life also has happy ending, because he know at the end of life he will be in the world free on anxiety and struggles (Vaikuntha).
4) movies and cinamas and other things are only entertain us and sometimes they give teachings, but scriptures like Upanisad ( especially Gitopanisad, commonly known as Gita), Ramayan and other not only entertain and teach us but purify our heart too.

So the choice is ours Jabali or Kabali....

Articles by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

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