*Appreciation goes on Depreciation*

We are living in a world where good qualities are slowly diminishing, and one of that quality which is reducing in all humans is to appreciate someone. Once Mother Teresa quoted, "There is a more hunger in the world for love and appreciation than for a bread". Appreciating the other person for whatever he has done for us has become so rare now a days, once one young boy went for an interview and passed all the rounds at final round he was asked," did you get any scholarship for your education", he said, " no, my single mother managed to pay all my fees till graduation", they asked, "what job your mother does?", he said,"My mother works as clothes cleaner". The director requested the youth to show his hands. The youth showed a pair of hands that were smooth and perfect, director realized that this young boy has never helped mother, he asked him to go to home and massage mother's hand and come tomorrow. He was surprised why director is asking me to do such thing, but he followed and came home to massage mother's hands, he could not believe his eyes that  his mother’s hands were so wrinkled, and there were so many bruises in her hands, Some bruises were so painful that his mother shivered when they were cleaned with water, there were tears in his eyes, he realized mother's sacrifice for him and appreciated her.

If one doesn’t understand and experience the difficulty it takes to earn the comfort provided by their loved ones, then they will never value it. Similarly there are so many in this world who are helping us in so many ways and we forget to be grateful to them because we don't understand what struggles they go through to make us comfortable, we must learn to appreciate what we have else time will force us to appreciate what we had. Not appreciating is symptom of ungrateful heart. Appreciation also encourages person to continue on his service with enthusiasm, someone has said well, " Appreciation is person's greatest emotional need". We must be grateful to Supreme Lord also and appreciate His mercy on us, Srila Prabhupad says, "Ungrateful persons are those who do not understand how much benefit they are deriving by the arrangement of the Lord. They enjoy the sunshine and moonshine, and they get water free of charge, yet they do not feel grateful, but simply go on enjoying these gifts of the Lord. Therefore, they must be called thieves and rogues."

So let's be grateful to all and appreciate their love for us, and if you really appreciate someone don't just say it but show it.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

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