What are you looking for, Fact or Impact ?

When it comes to the spirituality people starts asking the various questions, like what's the proof of Mahabharata actually did happen? What's the proof of Ramayan actually did happen, did Ayodhya, Mithila and Lanka actually exist? How Krishna had 16000 wives, where is their palace now? Did Ramsetu was build by Ram? What's the proof that Krishna's lifting of the Govardhan hill? Did Krishna tell Gita to Arjuna or it's someone's imagination? Vedic literatures are reality or just myth to teach us some lessons? And so many unlimited other questions...

In today's scientific world we have been taught to believe what we see or what has proofs, and everything else which doesn't have any proof is blind faith as they say. But we see many theories which scientists propose they also don't have any proof but are just accepted on the basis of faith. In our education also we learn many things and we accept them as it is. For eg how many of you were present for American civil war(1861-65), then world war I (1914-18), world war II(1939-45)?...none of us, but when asked in exam we write answers as if we were personally present there, because we accept these histories on the basis of faith, off course historians have provided all the facts and proofs of battles and wars.

But as far as my understanding goes I have never heard or seen someone whose life transformed because of studying these histories, although they are full with facts and figures, yes, one may get knowledge, information but no transformation. On the other side we have our scriptures like Ramayan, Mahabharata, Bhagavat Puran and many others are filled with the knowledge and information of God, just because His pastimes mentioned there are inconceivable, we should not reject them but accept on the basis of reasonable faith and not blind faith.

What's this reasonable faith?...I have seen many of those who accepted scriptures on basis of faith and practiced it, what an impact they had on their heart and lifestyle, it's simply unimaginable. I know many those who were meat eaters, gamblers, women hunters, smokers, drunkards before, left everything after coming in contact with God and His words(scriptures), they are totally transformed and living a pure life. Did anyone force them to leave bad habits aside? No...they had the impact on their hearts, when one tastes something higher the inclination for lower things automatically goes down. So scriptures may not provide you the facts and figures or you may get bewildered by seeing contradictions there, due to that your faith may get shaken up, during that time focus on the people who have practiced words of scriptures and observe their lifestyle that will restore our lost faith, off course we have sciences like astrology and all with which facts mentioned in scriptures can be proved. So let's not look for fact proof but focus on impact proof on people's heart.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by Iskcondesiretree.com

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