iPod, iPhone, iPad...isoul !!

Apple is launching its latest product iPhone 7 with many upgraded features on 7th September. Apple products like iPod, iPhone and iPad always being successful in attracting the customers due to quality of product and service they provide and because of that although they are expensive they are in demand. They are 2 years ahead of their competitors. Gadgets fans are always waiting on Internet for release of new iProducts and engrossed in thinking and discussing which 'i' is better? Which 'i' can give be best of pleasure, pleasure to touch, to see and to show to other?

In the world of 'i' gadgets we have completely forgotten to ask the question who is this I? no one is bothered to think who am I? I means myself but what's my real identity? Actually if you see only humans have the prerogative to ask the questions because of higher intelligence, and one should make a proper use of that to get answers related to life. According to scriptures we have 2 identities, one is temporary and other is real. Temporary identity changes with time, place and circumstances but real identity remains the same always. Our relative identity as name suggests is in relation with something, so when someone is asked who are you, we will get the answers on the basis of relative identity because of real identity crisis, for eg one will reply by saying, I am Ram or I am Michel or Shyam, now his answers are in relation with name. Someone will say, I am male or female, answer is in relation with gender. Others will say, I am Hindu or Jain, identity based on religion. Others will reply, I am Indian or I am American, here identity is based on nationality. Now if you observe properly all these identities can be changed or transferable. For eg if person changes his name his identity will also change, if person changes his nation his nationality will change, man can become woman, rich can become poor, religion and faith can be changed. In fact even our body changes at every moment, it's said after 7 years all cells of body are changed means we get brand new body. But still we feel that we are same personality, why is it so? Fat person after becoming doesn't say,"ohh! I wasn't that, I am new person", no he is same person...because although temporary identity is changed real identity remains same.

And what's that real 'I'? It's a soul who is living in the body, which is unchangeable and eternal, that's our real identity and Lord Krishna explains this phenomenon very nicely to Arjuna in Bhagvad Gita to bring him out of confusion. Gita says,"As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul similarly accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones", it means the body which we are considering as ourself will be given up one day by soul just like we give up things which are not useful for us.

So one should not only enquire about iPhones or iPads but also inquire about 'isoul' means understanding the fact that we are not this body but we are the soul, eternal part and parcel of The God. Only the 'i' which is engaged in service of God can make us truly happy!!

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

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