How we spend our days is how we spend our lives

If we assume average lifespan of person is 80 years, this is equivalent to 954 months or 29037 days. I will break down the time to show you that how less time we have for most important activity in life. On average people spend one-third of their lives asleep, which is 318 months. Person goes to school and then homework, tuitions which counts 8 hrs/day means 43 months are gone in learning. 128 months of your life we spend working. 13 months are utilised in toilets. 6 years goes in eating. Then getting ready, housing, learning driving, waiting for trains and other services takes our lot of time. We waste 10 years in watching television then much time lost in shopping, entertainment. Now only 200 months in our hands, but we spend the first twelve years of your life just taking it easy and doing nothing, which makes our time left to live even smaller, so effectively we have only 56 months to do something constructive in life. This was the calculation considering lifespan of 80 years, in India it's 67 years. All other activities will take their time although lifespan is decreased, due to that effective lifespan is hardly 35-40 months for Indians.

Now just observe our daily life, we get up, get ready, then go to work, after work some time spend in leisure, then we eat and watch tv and go to bed, nothing significant we are doing throughout the day. We are doing similar activities which animals are also doing. Are we special than them if yes then  in what sense? Yes, we are special because we have got purpose and intelligence to perfect human life but we can see that we have really less time to perfect our lives.

Once Srila Prabhupada asked Mr. Sethi what he did during the day, starting from when he woke up in the morning. Mr. Sethi began, “I get up, brush my teeth, take my bath, have a cup of tea and a piece of toast, read the newspaper, and go to work.” Srila Prabhupada said, “What is the difference between you and a pig?” Mr. Sethi thought about it and seemed to agree. So he asked Prabhupada, “What should I do?” And Prabhupada replied, “You should invite the devotees to home early every Sunday morning to do hari-nama-sankirtana, and then you should feed them sumptuous prasada.”

Mr. Sethi was convinced that just doing daily chores won't make his life successful but he need to invoke the presence of God in life by chanting and hearing His names and glories daily, else life will just pass and one day end will come. So don't become one of those who just came to this world and went away without doing anything good for their ultimate benefit nor for others. Include the God in daily activities, become aware of His presence, offer Him results and purify our lives, that's Bhakti, it's not something difficult, there is no need to give up anything Bhakti means just adding God to your life and when you spend our day in this God conscious way we feel real satisfaction at the end of day and at end of the life.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 
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