Few months ago there was a regional Marathi movie in India named 'Sairat' which became super duper hit, as any other film it was of course a love story but it was presented in new way which attracted many to it. A hero from lower class and poor background fells in love with daughter of rich politician and land lord of village. Both run away to marry with each other and start living in some remote village, land lord's honour was killed due to their marriage, he somehow or other finds out them and kills both of them, very sad end! Actually we are misled by lust on the name of love,there is big difference between love and lust, lust means trying to satisfy the own senses and love means giving pleasure to others sacrificing our own.
Sairat means uncontrolled and wild mind(as explained by Saint Ramdas in one of his poetry). Uncontrolled mind creates only havoc, mind directs the senses and appeals for sense enjoyment, as we see in this movie a teen aged boy gets attracted to a girl and without thinking for his family which has raised him he leaves them to be with this girl for love without bothering for consequences, so strong are the senses and mind. Similar thing Gita speaks(2.67),“As a strong wind sweeps away a boat on the water, even one of the roaming senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man’s intelligence”. Whoever listens to the uncontrolled mind his end is really sad as seen in movie, but movie doesn't offer any conclusion and hope for this sadness.
Bhagavat mahapuran explains various similar love stories where end was really sad but it offers mindblowing hope for suffering soul. King Pururava felt in love with heavenly damsel Urvashi, both enjoyed for many many years together but one day she left and Pururava was devastated, he became mad but in due course of time renunciation raised in his heart and he became self realised knowing the temporary and illusory nature of this world, body, senses and mind, he understood the supreme soul(God) and achieved the peace. He speaks,"one should never let one's senses associate with sense objects and even intelligent person shouldn't trust mind"(11.26.24). Bhagavat also says, A soul gets attracted for sense pleasure with woman for deriving little happiness but gets chastised by her protector(5.14.22), similar thing happened in movie.
Svarat means one who is fully independent, are we fully independent? No...we have to follow so may codes and laws and breaking of law or trying to be independent will cause severe punishments as seen in movie. Lord is Svarat , He is fully independent, He can do anything and everything. We can't imitate Him but we can follow Him, His teachings given in Gita, then only our end will be happy end. In conclusion If we keep running for pleasure as dictated by mind and senses(Sairat) we won't be happy and satisfied at all but if we follow as dictated by God(Svarat) then there are 101% chances of being happy while living, while leaving the world and after death as exemplified by King Purarava and many others.
Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sairat means uncontrolled and wild mind(as explained by Saint Ramdas in one of his poetry). Uncontrolled mind creates only havoc, mind directs the senses and appeals for sense enjoyment, as we see in this movie a teen aged boy gets attracted to a girl and without thinking for his family which has raised him he leaves them to be with this girl for love without bothering for consequences, so strong are the senses and mind. Similar thing Gita speaks(2.67),“As a strong wind sweeps away a boat on the water, even one of the roaming senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man’s intelligence”. Whoever listens to the uncontrolled mind his end is really sad as seen in movie, but movie doesn't offer any conclusion and hope for this sadness.
Bhagavat mahapuran explains various similar love stories where end was really sad but it offers mindblowing hope for suffering soul. King Pururava felt in love with heavenly damsel Urvashi, both enjoyed for many many years together but one day she left and Pururava was devastated, he became mad but in due course of time renunciation raised in his heart and he became self realised knowing the temporary and illusory nature of this world, body, senses and mind, he understood the supreme soul(God) and achieved the peace. He speaks,"one should never let one's senses associate with sense objects and even intelligent person shouldn't trust mind"(11.26.24). Bhagavat also says, A soul gets attracted for sense pleasure with woman for deriving little happiness but gets chastised by her protector(5.14.22), similar thing happened in movie.
Svarat means one who is fully independent, are we fully independent? No...we have to follow so may codes and laws and breaking of law or trying to be independent will cause severe punishments as seen in movie. Lord is Svarat , He is fully independent, He can do anything and everything. We can't imitate Him but we can follow Him, His teachings given in Gita, then only our end will be happy end. In conclusion If we keep running for pleasure as dictated by mind and senses(Sairat) we won't be happy and satisfied at all but if we follow as dictated by God(Svarat) then there are 101% chances of being happy while living, while leaving the world and after death as exemplified by King Purarava and many others.
Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
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