*Stay connected*

Once a man went to market to buy a water pump for his garden, he bought it and fixed it nicely. But next day he saw although everything g was fine water was not being pumped he was astonished and called immediately to shopkeeper, he started giving bad words to him calling him cheater and lier for giving faulty pump. Shopkeeper asked,"have you properly fixed all the parts, have you put inlet into well, have you primed the pump?", man replied,"off course". Then shopkeeper thought for a while and said,"have you plugged in the wire of pump, have you given power supply?", man realised his mistake he had forgotten to provide power supply which is most important. That's our mistake too, to become happy we do everything but we miss the power supply...connection to God!!

Everyone is in search of connection, may that be wifi connection, mobile signal, relationships because connection provides pleasure, sucurity and confidence. People want to be connected with their family, kids, parents, in laws etc. Connection is required everywhere, even pilot has to be connected with cabin crew members on ground, captain of ship has to be connected with crews on shore to get directions. It's said,'we were born with craving for connection', but many are ignorant about,'connection with whom, which connection will satisfy me the most?'

There are 3 kinds of connections, bodily or physical connection, mental connection and spiritual connection. Physical connection is gross and has high chances of breaking off, that's why we see many people who have connected to each other only on physical basis they part away after some time because other 2 connections are not present. Mental connection is like emotional bonding with someone, here even someone is far away still person feels his love and care. Actually to feel connected is basic human need. Human is social animal he need some connection with others. All these physical and mental connection are temporary because they are related to body, as soon as body is finished they are finished, but spiritual connection is strongest of all and it's eternal too!! Gita speaks,'everyone is part and parcel of God and in that way everyone is connected to Him', but under sway of ignorance we have lost this connection, so to set up this connection with every living being and with God is goal of human life.

Prabhupad once said,"when finger is hurt we feel so much pain because we are intimately connected with finger, similarly we have connection with Krishna and we are fallen, so He feels pain He comes down to relieve our pain." In this age of quarrel He appears as holy name which is non different from Him, so when we chant his name we are connected directly to Krishna. Connection to Krishna means connection to power supply of satisfaction and eternal happiness because He is reservoir of pleasure. So let's utilise our time to remain in connection with Krishna by simple method of chanting 'Hare Krishna', stay connected and be blessed!!

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by iskcondesiretree.com

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