*The unReal Estate*

Rates of real estate in Mumbai are increasing like a rocket speed. Recently son of one of the politician bought duplex flat for 160 crores, before that in 2015 one industrialist paid rs 425 crores only to buy a sea facing flat!! People are so much attached to and have fond of their property that till the end of life as if they are going to take property with them. Bhagavatam says," Even a man’s brothers, wife, parents and friends united with him in love will immediately break off their affectionate relationships and become enemies over a single coin", it's so true, just see example around us of a people who are actually fighting over a coin, not only common people but also sons of big politicians, industrialist, superstars of movies and big builders, these people are pulling their own brothers in the court and have become the rivals of each other to get the property of their father. There were cases where family members killed each other due to estate issues, who will have the estate? Who will be the successor? All relationships become insignificant in front of money, that's why it's said money is sweeter than honey.

Fighting over the estates or land is not a new thing, if we look into our history textbooks we shall find many similar examples. What did moguls do? What did Britishers do? Then what did Portuguese do? They all wanted to conquer the land, they didn't fought only with the opponents but also killed their own relatives( Aurangzeb killed all his brothers and imprisoned his father), may be they have thought they have danger from their own family members. And fights for land and property still going on...in family, in society, in states, in countries etc.

Goddess earth gives a nice conclusion over this phenomenon of trying to conquer her, she says in Bhagavatam that, 'no one actually can posses her, she is property of Lord, people fight or they kill one another to obtain her. Although some mighty kings lived their life intensely tying to acquire her they became subjected to time and died and non of them could establish rule permanently'. Alexander the Great practically conquered all earth, but where is he now?

Jesus once said to merry,“Life is a bridge: pass over it, but build not houses upon it." Bridge is meant to cross not to make a houses on it, similarly this world is compared to a bridge. Let's use it to cross the material ocean of birth and death not get to much into temporary things of life like money and property because we can't carry even a needle after death. Devotees of God try to make their homes in kingdom of God by their service to Him, which is actually A Real Estate because it's permanent and full of bliss with no envious brothers!!!

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

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