On Thursday, Mumbai court sentenced 25-year-old Ankur to death for an acid attack on 23-year-old nurse Preeti Rathi at Bandra Terminus in May, 2013. Her eyes, stomach and lungs were severely damaged when he threw two liters of sulfuric acid on her. She died a month later from her injuries in a hospital. Why did he throw acid on her? Because he was having one sided love affair with her, and when she rejected his proposal he raged with anger, followed her till Mumbai from Delhi to kill her. How can lover be the killer?
This is the nature of material world, where satisfaction of own personal senses has prioritised over other's, and if lover rejects the love then there is anger and frustration. One hardly bothers about loved one, but that's not love. Love means sacrifice, service to the lover, Being satisfied in satisfaction of loved one. Love is not force it's a choice of heart. Love is when other person's happiness is more important than our own. What goes on the name of love in today's world is simply lust and gratification of senses.
There is big difference between love and lust. It's like gold and iron both are metals but values are total different. Practically love doesn't exist in material world. Love exist in spiritual world between God and His devotees, whose only aim is to satisfy God unconditionally. There is no limit between their loving dealings. God is so loving that He has given free will to us, He never forces us to love Him. When we abandoned Him and came to this dirty material world He accompanied us as paramatma, He didn't say, "you people left me, now suffer", no... He respects free will, He never demanded surrender.
In fact He provided all necessities to all of us, not only this but those who deny his existence, He is taking care of them too!! He has provided all kinds of pleasure in all species of life, even in the life of pig, He is never envious of anyone but always compassionate and forgiving like true lover. So if we consider all these points we can find that He is the only 'One sided lover' because we never bothered to love Him. Just see His kindness He also never forced us to love Him, He just want to see us happy. This is real lover, not one who just want to exploit us. And when someone starts loving Him, He is ready to reciprocate with him. So it's our choice with whom we should fall in love, the Supreme person who is loving us unconditionally from time immemorial or person who is after his own sense gratification which is full of conditions?
Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by Iskcondesiretree.com
This is the nature of material world, where satisfaction of own personal senses has prioritised over other's, and if lover rejects the love then there is anger and frustration. One hardly bothers about loved one, but that's not love. Love means sacrifice, service to the lover, Being satisfied in satisfaction of loved one. Love is not force it's a choice of heart. Love is when other person's happiness is more important than our own. What goes on the name of love in today's world is simply lust and gratification of senses.
There is big difference between love and lust. It's like gold and iron both are metals but values are total different. Practically love doesn't exist in material world. Love exist in spiritual world between God and His devotees, whose only aim is to satisfy God unconditionally. There is no limit between their loving dealings. God is so loving that He has given free will to us, He never forces us to love Him. When we abandoned Him and came to this dirty material world He accompanied us as paramatma, He didn't say, "you people left me, now suffer", no... He respects free will, He never demanded surrender.
In fact He provided all necessities to all of us, not only this but those who deny his existence, He is taking care of them too!! He has provided all kinds of pleasure in all species of life, even in the life of pig, He is never envious of anyone but always compassionate and forgiving like true lover. So if we consider all these points we can find that He is the only 'One sided lover' because we never bothered to love Him. Just see His kindness He also never forced us to love Him, He just want to see us happy. This is real lover, not one who just want to exploit us. And when someone starts loving Him, He is ready to reciprocate with him. So it's our choice with whom we should fall in love, the Supreme person who is loving us unconditionally from time immemorial or person who is after his own sense gratification which is full of conditions?
Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by Iskcondesiretree.com
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