*Overlook the 'look' but look into the 'heart'*

Most of us get attracted to those who are very beautiful and charismatic. According to many of us most beautiful and handsome people are in cinema industry or in sports like cricket , people get so much fascinated by these star's look that they want to offer their whole life to them. I know some of the women who were the fans of one particular Bollywood hero, when he got married they were all devastated, cried bitterly and fasted for two days. And vice a versa, many men cried when one of the heroin got married(may be they all were expecting she will marry with them).

But after all how many days this 'look' will sustain, time is very cruel, ruthless and he doesn't leave anyone, soon there will be wrinkles, toothless mouth, grey hairs and different symptoms of old age. So one has to understand this beauty is temporary and one should not run after temporary beauty, we often observe in college, boys have girlfriends and girls have boyfriends, on what basis they choose each other?...Simply 'look', he or she looks beautiful and can satisfy my senses nicely, that's all is their criteria. But that's not real beauty.

Real beauty is of heart, which lasts long even body gets old. Beautiful heart is full of divine qualities like compassion, gratefulness and love, it never demands it just wants to serve the others. Bodily beauty doesn't have these qualities and that's why we see those who are in love with others(on the basis of bodily beauty) they soon break apart, their relations are temporary. Again just take the example of superstars of Bollywood, so many times they keep changing relationships, partners and wives, hardly some of them are continuing with their actual married wife or husband, why? Are not they beautiful or handsome or rich? No...they lack the beauty of heart. It's not with only stars but practically everyone suffers from from this problem, people just go on external look that to see internal look of heart!!! Not just see the beauty but see the behaviour and observe the character of person and on that basis decide he/she is having good looks or not? what's the use of beauty when the person is cruel or full of hatred?

In conclusion I am not against the beauty and charisma of physical body but I value the internal beauty more. It's a bit difficult to find a person with both beauties together...but there is a person who is most beautiful and pure and sweet hearted too!! Who is He? He is God, Lord Krishna. In fact whoever associates with Him becomes beautiful both internally and externally too, He attracts millions of Cupid to Him and what to say of compassion He gives mercy even to those who comes to kill Him(Putana), where will we find such a person. So why to run after temporary 'looks' of this world if we have 'Lord Krishna' as the permanent beauty of eternal world!!

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

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