We have so many management study institutes, but none of them teaches the most important course of life to manage desires in fact we have been taught from childhood how to fulfil our wishes somehow or other. It's nature of mind to be flickering and constantly hovering over the sense objects for enjoyment and due to uncontrolled mind desires arises in the heart. When desire takes prominent place one try to fulfill the desires anyhow, when desires are fulfilled one feels happy and if not one is miserable. But desires are like fire more you feed it more it becomes, for an example child desires to play a video game and if he is not controlled by his parents he can play it throughout the day, forgetting his real aim to study and pass, similarly we may also get engaged in only fulfilling of our desires through tour life forgetting real aim of human life.
Actually there are 2 types of desires, material desires and spiritual desires. Material desires are temporary and have the full potency to engage one in material world for life after life but spiritual desires liberates us. Material desires can't be fulfilled ever, they keeps increasing as we discussed about fire. But it doesn't mean you shouldn't satisfy your desires, one should know how to control also. When one tastes something higher, lower desires are automatically subdued just like when one eats full meal he won't hanker for burger or some street food. Artificial repression of desires will ultimately fail for slightest thought to enjoy senses will agitate person to gratify his senses, we need some solid solution to control desires.
Scriptures are filled with cases of desire management, how devotees managed and subdued their material desires to fulfill their spiritual desires. There is famous example of King Pururava, he felt in love with heavenly damsel Urvashi. Both of them enjoyed together for many years but Pururava was unsatisfied till the end, similar thing happened with King Yayati and Devyani, both enjoyed each other's association in heavenly gardens but still there was sense of incompleteness. Fulfilling desires couldn't give them real happiness, in fact they got in trouble and became miserable.
Lord speaks in Gita(BG 2.70),"A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires – that enter like rivers into the ocean, which is ever being filled but is always still – can alone achieve peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires". So one who actually striving to satisfy his material desires he won't be satisfied ever, he will always be agitated. How to control desires? Only those who are devotees of lord they are satisfied in loving service of God, they are steady like ocean, therefore can enjoy full peace. We can't be ever without desires, also desires can bound or liberate us, so we have to manage our desires in such a way that our desires rather than binding us will liberate us!!
Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by iskcondesiretree.com
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