Make a Living but don't forget to Make a Life

I was born and brought up in Mumbai. After graduation I was placed in college as lecturer, I was simultaneously happy and miserable. Miserable because job was at little far distance from my home(it would take 45 mins to reach). Then someone told me, you are most fortunate because many people travel for 4 hrs from home to reach their job and again to reach home it takes 4 hrs, I was horrified by hearing this because one third of their day is wasted in travelling only, another 1/3 at job and remaining for sleeping and maintaining the body(In Mumbai minimum time spend in travelling is 2 hr) and holidays are gone in seeking entertainment. People are just working and working day in and day out, they get so much consumed in their daily routine that they forget and hardly thinks about to make their life, they forget what's the true goal of life.

Man is spending so much time just to make his living, just to earn money so that he can eat nicely, sleep nicely, enjoy nicely and protect himself nicely, as if he don't have any other purpose of life. Just work till body becomes invalid and then rest in old age till death arrives. But if you observe properly such kind of life even animals also lives, in fact they live better life than us. They don't have to travel like us, they are regulated and thus healthy, they obtain food somehow or other but without much difficulty, they also protect themselves, so many similarities. In what way humans differs from animals?

Human can have purpose in life, animals can't because their intelligence is just meant to search food and fulfill basic needs of life and that's their goal of life. But humans have higher purpose in life and that is to attain love of God, and that's why human form is awarded to us, to inquire truths of life, purpose of life...any one can make a living, what's a big deal in that, Animal population is more than us, and some of them eat tremendously but we never find them going to offices and running always to maintain their living. The God provides for everyone, these animals are proof of that.

Yes off course we have to work hard to make our living, even lord whenever He comes to this world He also teaches by His example that work is necessary but we shouldn't waste our prime time of youth only in working till we get old and invalid, we also need to make our life. And life means purpose, without purpose their is no meaning to life. We must ponder over questions about life like why I am suffering? Why I am not getting success even after working so hard? What's the death? What will happen to me after death? Why I took birth? So on and so forth. So if we are not inquiring about this then we are surely wasting our life.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
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