Scriptures-Fantasised or fantastic

Most of the people consider scriptures to be fantasy of someone's fertile mind. They think these are merely lessons intended stories, texts, verses for morale evolution of humans and not more than that. They ignore the importance of scriptures saying it's just a mythology, like an ordinary film story.
But scriptures are wonderful creation of God for helping everyone to reach him eventually, certainly they contain substantial matter for all of us.

Offers us the ideal path to go on with in life-
Often we want to have standardised or most perfect or ideal things but when it comes to living a life we just want to live it without standardising it. Scriptures includes the lifestyles of various successful kings of past history such as Yudhisthira, Janaka, Dhruva, Bali, Shibi etc. These kings didn't not only live their life for completing material responsibilities but also fulfilled their spiritual duties. By following such examples we can also become successful in both the worlds like them.

Guides us in crucial moments-
Life is not completely in our hands, we are not sure that when tragedy will arrive. But responding to problems is in our hands. Some consider that religion or scriptures tells us to run away from everything but no, they actually prepare us beforehand to deal with different situations resulting in jubilance, distressing or disturbing.

Gives us the specific purpose to live for-
Scriptures gives us much more than morale instructions, they offers us the higher purpose in life. Without a purpose life don't have any meaning. They tell us the importance, advantage, rarity of human birth and prepares us to attain the goal of human life that is to please God through our actions. They shift our focus from sense gratification to self realisation which awaken us to eternal reality which exists beyond this mortal world.

Scriptures are Filled with extraordinary information-
They have talked about all kinds of sciences and information such as embryology, health, space, species, miliatary and political sciences etc much before than advancement of technologies. Scriptures doesn't limit till gross science but also deals with subtler sciences, where it teaches to deal with mind, intelligence and ego. In fact it talks about most subtle thing the soul, supersoul and their relationship which is not at all taught by any other education system. This knowledge makes us aware of our predicament here in this world and ignites the fire within to go to spiritual world where eternal bliss exists.

Carries the potency for transformation-
Scriptures are filled with instructions and pastimes of God who is all purifying, thus by getting in contact with such literatures one can experience internal purification, change of heart and attitude towards this world and towards everyone, which is not possible by any mundane subjects. Purified heart is store house of bliss and satisfaction. There are many who attained transcendental bliss by practicing this wisdom.

In conclusion when we study scriptures under expert guidance many dimensions of realities which are beyond our physical approach can be known to us. These are fantastic words from God in fact scriptures are the incarnation of God in words, by learning and following these words we can actually experience and reach him who is beyond this world.

By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

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