Finding difficult to control Lust, try out following A,B,C,D...

While most of the people are enjoying delights of sex pleasure indiscriminately there are few who are trying to go against the current of material civilisation, for attainment of higher bliss by restraining their senses and mind by regulating sex. History reminds us by giving the examples of great personalities like King Yayati, Pururava, Saubhari etc that it's not easy to curb this desires but still not impossible. If one is unable to control his desires then he can't fulfil his material responsibilities also what to say of attaining spiritual world which is free from such selfish desires. Here are few principles which can help us in accomplishing our higher goals.

Avoid bad association
Association leads to aspirations and aspirations becomes the cause of actions. If we associate with those who are attached to enjoy through opposite sex, wine and wealth then we may fall in trap of material enjoyment which leads to reactions again. It's a vicious cycle very difficult to come out of it therefore One has to be very conscious about his company. Not only people but also keep a distance from magazines, films, novels, stories which aggravates our passion.

Be aware of your thoughts
Mind is like a generator and nerves are like wires which carry a current to machines that are compared to senses. When certain desires comes to the mind they are sent to the senses, mind propels the senses to carry out or to fulfil its wishes. As krishna explains in Gita, fall down of soul starts with contemplation on sense objects, this contemplation leads to lust(2.62-63) which is enemy of conditioned soul(3.37). Therefore checking lust at the very beginning is most important. Try to check your thoughts, don't let mind wander everywhere, keep it engaged in productive work(6.26). The more it thinks of sense enjoyment more it feels unsatisfied.

Control the diet
Lord explains in Gita about 3 kinds of foods, that is in mode of goodness, passion and ignorance. Gross part of food affects body and subtle part of food affects the mind. If one consumes passionate food like too hot or pungent, meat, fish, eggs his passion gets nourished which actually agitates the mind. Lord recommends healthy diet in mode of goodness that includes wheat, rice, lentils, milk and fruits which also helps in getting happiness and satisfaction(17.8)

Develop a higher taste
To be blissful always is the nature of soul and therefore it's searching for some kind of pleasure at all the time. When one is not experiencing higher bliss he will look out for lower form of bliss available in sense enjoyment(2.59). When the beggar is full with tasty, nourishing food he won't beg neither will eat cheap and unhealthy food. When we engage ourself in processes of Bhakti we naturally becomes happy and contented at heart and mind thus we try to give up enjoying senses through the medium of sex.

By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

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