Imagine you are walking on a road which is devoid of street lights at dark night of no moon day. How difficult it would be to reach your home, you may fall due to pot holes, or bang on trees injuring yourself in fact you may come to a point again from where you started your journey. All these problems could have been avoided if torch was carried.
Walks of life are also filled with darkness arising from confusion and bewilderment. Many of us are trying to walk on our life's journey without carrying torchlight of proper knowledge. So we fall due to our inabilities to tackle with unpredictable difficulties, challenges, chaotic situations etc which are like potholes and other obstacles and we fail to achieve our goal. Ignorance is compared to darkness it makes us hopeless and gives rise to many problems making journey troublesome. In light road gets clear and easy for walk. Similarly when darkness of ignorance is overcome with light of knowledge life becomes easy to go on.
We see that Kurukshetra war was being played during day time, everything was visible and clear, the opponents, the goal etc but still Arjuna was unable to play, he refused to take part in war, he was confused(BG 2.7). Why? Because his inner world was covered with darkness. When he was illuminated with wisdom of Gita he not only fought but also won the war. Lord compares spiritual knowledge to a light of lamp which dispels the darkness within hearts(BG 10.11). Problems in the world are because of ignorance of our real nature thus Inner illumination is more important than outer. In conclusion many times our goals are clear to us but internally we may get perplexed while execution and give up our attempts to reach goal. Gita can help us during such times by offering its wisdom which acts like a light to overcome our plight which can arise on different walks of our life.
By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Walks of life are also filled with darkness arising from confusion and bewilderment. Many of us are trying to walk on our life's journey without carrying torchlight of proper knowledge. So we fall due to our inabilities to tackle with unpredictable difficulties, challenges, chaotic situations etc which are like potholes and other obstacles and we fail to achieve our goal. Ignorance is compared to darkness it makes us hopeless and gives rise to many problems making journey troublesome. In light road gets clear and easy for walk. Similarly when darkness of ignorance is overcome with light of knowledge life becomes easy to go on.
We see that Kurukshetra war was being played during day time, everything was visible and clear, the opponents, the goal etc but still Arjuna was unable to play, he refused to take part in war, he was confused(BG 2.7). Why? Because his inner world was covered with darkness. When he was illuminated with wisdom of Gita he not only fought but also won the war. Lord compares spiritual knowledge to a light of lamp which dispels the darkness within hearts(BG 10.11). Problems in the world are because of ignorance of our real nature thus Inner illumination is more important than outer. In conclusion many times our goals are clear to us but internally we may get perplexed while execution and give up our attempts to reach goal. Gita can help us during such times by offering its wisdom which acts like a light to overcome our plight which can arise on different walks of our life.
By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
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