Regulate before you regret

Imagine a school without any discipline or rules, students can come and go at any time, if they wish they can study else no worries, they can eat and play whenever and wherever they want etc. Of course for time being students will be happy but how helpful it will be for children's future or a nation at large? No, it won't be. Regulation, rules, laws are must in all parts of life. It's said 'Discipline leads to success'.

Still we find there are few who just don't want to control or regulate their own lives. According to them regulations, laws restrict their enjoyment, 'enjoy the life indiscriminately' is their whole philosophy. But we can see from our own life that we can't enjoy unlimitedly, for eg we can't eat sweet balls beyond certain numbers. And even we eat them we can't digest them, and even if we digest them we may suffer from diabetes in future(if we eat them regularly and indiscriminately). This can be highly regretful situation for lover of sweet balls, because now he can't enjoy them anymore. This sorrow could have been avoided only if he could have regulated.

People in general don't want to follow spirituality, scriptures and their direction because they want to 'enjoy', they keep distance from God thinking he will restrict me. But any ways how long such enjoyment can last? The whole motto of enjoying can be thrashed in few moments putting one in miserable state of life. Uniqueness of scriptures is that they offers us not only regulated way of enjoyment which doesn't harm us, but also the way for higher and purer enjoyment.

In conclusion one must regulate his life and whims in reference to scriptures to get rid of pains and to experience bliss even in this mortal world(BG 6.17). In other words if someone is unregulated in his life he can never properly enjoy his material life and will be always remorseful what to say of going to spiritual world.

By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

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