Imagine a person borrows money from bank and forgets or neglects to pay it off back within given time, what will happen? The banker will surely sue a case against him to recover whole money. However bank may tell you that they offer best loans at attractive interest rates with flexible pay back options they won't leave you until you return a single paisa. In fact before giving loan they will check your financial conditions and your ability to pay back money, if you fit in their criteria then only you will receive the loan.
If we observe our life carefully we will find that we own practically nothing and everything is borrowed from someone else, may it be from parents, nature, from animals, birds and trees etc. And a good responsible human tries to repay his debt by various means to those who have helped him in so many ways.
But if we see God although he has given everything he never expects anything from us. Lord explains in Gita that earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and ego, which later helps in creating different bodies and species, emanates from him(BG 7.4). 7th chapter further explains that krishna is taste of water, abilities in man, life in all lives, power in all powerful men, strength of the strong etc. He is the one who nourishes the herbs and plants, provides seed for creation, he sends forth the rain which causes growth of food crops not only that he is also a digestive fire in stomach and in other innumerable ways he provides us everything that is required to live a life without looking at our qualifications and conditions. We are certainly indebted to him, more than anyone else.
Although he doesn't asks us anything in return but as a responsible, sensible humans we must try to repay him back. Although being omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, lord Krishna is very simple at heart, simple and genuine things please him the most. Suppose a money lender comes to you and you just offer him water or leaf to nullify debt, he will not only get infuriated but also beat you up. But Krishna is not like that, he says he is happy accepting the things such as water, a flower, a leaf and a fruit if offered with devotion in return to enormous things which he has provided. By being grateful to him, appreciating and using things in his service we can repay his debt.
By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
If we observe our life carefully we will find that we own practically nothing and everything is borrowed from someone else, may it be from parents, nature, from animals, birds and trees etc. And a good responsible human tries to repay his debt by various means to those who have helped him in so many ways.
But if we see God although he has given everything he never expects anything from us. Lord explains in Gita that earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and ego, which later helps in creating different bodies and species, emanates from him(BG 7.4). 7th chapter further explains that krishna is taste of water, abilities in man, life in all lives, power in all powerful men, strength of the strong etc. He is the one who nourishes the herbs and plants, provides seed for creation, he sends forth the rain which causes growth of food crops not only that he is also a digestive fire in stomach and in other innumerable ways he provides us everything that is required to live a life without looking at our qualifications and conditions. We are certainly indebted to him, more than anyone else.
Although he doesn't asks us anything in return but as a responsible, sensible humans we must try to repay him back. Although being omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, lord Krishna is very simple at heart, simple and genuine things please him the most. Suppose a money lender comes to you and you just offer him water or leaf to nullify debt, he will not only get infuriated but also beat you up. But Krishna is not like that, he says he is happy accepting the things such as water, a flower, a leaf and a fruit if offered with devotion in return to enormous things which he has provided. By being grateful to him, appreciating and using things in his service we can repay his debt.
By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
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