The Root cause of all problems: Envy

Envy is desire to posses something which is belonging to someone else may that be big home, wealth, fortune or name and fame, heart of envious person burns by seeing prosperity of others. Envy means to think I am the only enjoyer and important and if someone try to break my ideas then there is negative feeling for that person in heart. Socrates says,"envy is ulcer of soul".

We all have experience of envy for someone, no one except god can say, I envy no one, we envy someone that's why we are here in this world, else we would have been into spiritual world with God and with his loving devotees. What not people do to express their envy, King dhritrashtra and his 100 sons were envious of pandavas, they always felt insecurity that pandavas will take away our throne so they tried all means to kill pandavas but mysteriously pandavas were always saved. Under the influence of envy person becomes blind to the reality and focuses on his own agendas by pulling others down, envy keeps our mind and heart longing for things which others posses and we become dissatisfied in this situation we can not attain peace of mind.

Lord explains to Arjuna in Gita(9.1) that, 'because you are non envious of me(anasuyave) I am revealing this transcendental knowledge which will help you to transcend this miserable world'. Being non envious of God is first qualification to understand Gita or any scripture. A real devotee is never envious of anyone in fact he is well-wisher of everyone, because he knows someone's success or failure is only for temporary period and God has awarded that, he sees power of God in success of others, he understands that God has empowered someone to do big tasks so better I should help him to please God.

Because of envy we came to this world, we were happily serving lord in spiritual world but envy entered our heart we also desired to become enjoyer like a God leaving aside His blissful service and thus He fulfilled our desire by creating separate material world for us and from time immemorial we are rotting here. Envy stops us from serving others wholeheartedly. Spiritual world is all pure and unless we get rid of this disease there is no way by which we can reach there. Only God and his holy name has power to cure this disease, apart from this ultimate medicine try to serve the people who you are envious of. In conclusion when all our envy from heart gets eradicated by chanting resulting into service attitude towards everyone then there are 101% chances of attaining our real and blissful spiritual life in Vaikuntha.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
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