The internal terrorists

As much as we have danger from terrorists from beyond the LoC same danger we have from internal terrorists in the form of people and politicians who supporting terrorism, because attack from them is not sudden but gradual also it's very difficult to recognise them because they look like ordinary faithful citizens only. So in one sense they are more dengerous than actual terrorists because of their disguised form.

But the greatest internal terrorist for every individual is his uncontrolled mind which is backed by supporters like lust, anger, envy, pride, illusion and greed. As we discussed earlier it's very easy to recognize external enemy but difficult with internals, similarly because mind is part of our subtle body and we have stayed so long with it we have developed full faith in untrustworthy mind. If any unlawful desires impelled by 6 anarthas enters into our heart we think it's normal and we must fulfill them but trusting them causes our ruination.

These 6 anarthas are 6 commanders in chief of age of Kali. They know when to attack and where to attack knowing the weakness of person. If one commander attacks then all others will soon follow destroying a person. Similarly when one anartha attacks soon others will also attack destroying the consciousness of person fully. With the help of mind these vices always try to pull person down, that's why uncontrolled mind is referred to as a enemy in scriptures.

There is only one way to counterattack these internal supporters to terrorists and that is to change their mentality by giving them proper council and making them faithful to our nation, we can't kill them because they are residents of this nation. Similarly we can't abandon our mind but we can purify it from the influence of 6 anarthas. How to do that? By receiving proper knowledge from scriptures like Bhagavad Gita and chanting the Holyname of God mind can become faithful in service of God, because God has invested all potencies into it anyone who chants His name comes in contact with all pure God and thus person also becomes pure, just like anything which comes in contact with fire becomes like fiery. So in conclusion don't trust the mind but try to control it by giving positive engagements like chanting and reading scriptures else it will remain internal terrorist.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
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