Intel outside

Intel is world's largest semiconductor chip maker, it's a inventor of microprocessors and supplies processors to top leading computing systems. It also manufactures motherboards, flash memory, embedded processors related to communications. So in short it's a intelligence of computers which is most important part of any computer or communication system. Their logo is 'Intel inside', means if your system is equipped with their product hardly there are chances that it will fail.

Just like computers we are equipped with God given intelligence. Scriptures explains us that senses are like horses, mind is like reins, intelligence is charioteer and passenger is soul. So if we want to have smooth and comfortable journey our charioteer must be experienced and skillful else horses will run everywhere without proper directions then mind in the form of reins won't able to control them in fact it will run with horses(senses) and intelligence won't be able do anything except watching the fall down of passenger(soul, ourself). Now know that our charioteer is untrained and inexperienced to control the mind because it was always trained before to follow the mind.

It's explained in Gita that intelligence is higher than mind and it can control mind in return mind can control roaming senses, but intelligence mentioned here is Spiritual intelligence. Our material intelligence is corrupted by orders of false ego, it's job is only to make plans to satisfy ego so it doesn't have any potency to control the mind, if we want to control our mind we need to import intelligence from outside, this intelligence has to be backed up with something substantial.

If we use our corrupted intelligence to solve problems of our life then rather getting solutions, problems will become worser because it's now influenced by passion and ignorance, so we can not use our intelligence which is already inside but we need to make it sharp and effective by taking assistance of intelligence of Sadhu(saints), Guru(spiritual teachers) and Shastra(scriptures). Daily reading Bhagavadgita, taking shelter of genuine guru and asking questions to them, seeking their advice from spiritual perspectives will make our intelligence strong which can surely control devil mind and its plan to ruin the spiritual journey of passenger.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
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