Turning Dangal into Mangal

Recently there was a super hit movie 'Dangal', it's story revolves around the 2 wrestlers. A person named Mahavir who had to leave wrestling due to financial difficulties vows to make his son best of the wrestlers but he gets disappointed when his wife gives birth to 4 daughters. Later he realises that 2 of his daughters has the potential to become wrestlers thus he begins coaching them in wrestling. As a result of their consistent efforts both wins commonwealth games. Exciting isn't it?

Wrestling or for that matter any game is thrilling and intoxicating, one derives a great pleasure especially when opponent is defeated. We all individuals can experience this wrestling at every moment within us, but most of the time we loose the competition, because we have very powerful opponent. Who is he? He is our own mind, who defeats us with his tactics, strategies, plans. And because we are habituated in getting defeated we don't try to oppose the mind rather we agree whatever mind says. Gita explains uncontrolled mind is our greatest enemy because it keeps us binding to our conditionings which stops our overall progress and create inauspiciousness.

In one sense it's easy to defeat competitor who is equal to us by learning his strengths and weaknesses. But the opponent within us has very peculiar characteristics, it's most powerful as well as most stubborn and flickering even the most powerful warriors and sages were also victimised by it. In fact it has experience of defeating us, fooling us from time immemorial. Just like for 2 daughters it was practically impossible to defeat the wrestlers but when they learned from their father who was expert wrestler they could do it. Similarly spiritual teacher can coach us in the matter of wrestling with the formidable mind.

To oppose the mind it's not an easy play it may require lifetime of practice, patience, sense of discrimination and purified intelligence. But consistent fight should go on, scriptures explains us that mind is the main cause of our roaming into different species of life. It covers our real identity and makes us suffer or enjoy accordingly. In conclusion fight with some wrestler is easy but fight with internal wrestler is quite difficult and long lasting it can only be won with the help of the God and His representatives. When we follow their instructions, advices, guidelines then soon this Dangal can be turned into Mangal(auspiciousness).

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Does your Actions turns to satisfaction?

Why do we play games? Why do we want to go for recreation? Why do we watch movies? Why do we make friends or engage in relationships? Why do people work hard? Different people have different expectations from their job or work or for that matter any activity. In case of work someone may be there just for money or someone may have different purpose to be there. But ultimately everyone is seeking only for satisfaction, everyone is looking for some kind of mellow or pleasure through any activity.

There are 3 kinds of satisfactions, satisfaction on bodily level, on mental and ego level but higher than that is satisfaction on spiritual level. Satisfaction on bodily level includes sensual pleasures or pleasures acquired through working senses. Satisfaction on mental level is of wide varieties, which includes pleasures on emotional, egoistic, intellectual levels, and it is higher than sensual pleasure.

But pleasure based on body and mental platform are temporary and eventually leads to misery as well as anxiety. That's why we see even those who are filthy rich, well positioned are also some point of time fearful and anxious about their money, own security and social position. So in other words their actions are producing fear instead of satisfaction. This happens with everyone, generally one looks for something but receives something else, because one fails to look or concentrate on proper place which can give the real satisfaction.

Spiritual satisfaction is real and highest of all and as name suggest it belong to our real self, the soul. How inexhaustible soul can find pleasure in exhaustible or temporary things? It's impossible. So if we don't endeavour for spiritual satisfaction we will always be miserable even though we may be multimillionaire. In conclusion according to BG 2.65, if one doesn't focuses on satisfaction on spiritual level then threefold miseries will always exist for him.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Regulation is for Elevation

For most of the people regulation is weird term, they just want freedom or free culture. According to them freedom means, 'whatever comes to my mind I will do that for my immediate enjoyment'. These people don't use their intellect for thinking about good or bad effects of such following.

For example someone may say, "I like sleeping for long hours so I will sleep, I love eating junk food I will eat, I relish watching movies I will spend money and watch all movies, i like to drink so I drink, I do whatever feels me good, why should I think about regulating myself if I am enjoying?" But they forget to understand that this pleasure which they are receiving is not healthy pleasure, it can create many problems in physical body as well as in mind, also such pleasures won't last long. So we have to control and regulate our likings, habits.

We must have observed kite flying. Kite is tied to thread, if the kite thinks that this thread is restricting me thus I need to free myself from thread to go higher and higher thus it separates itself from thread. But what's the result of that? Will kite go higher? No, it will come down. Similar with the example of train, it's bound by railways thus it's going ahead. If someone wants to be successful in life he has to be regulated in terms of his likings, he has to sacrifice many things by thinking of higher goal in life. Without regulation we become like an animals.

In spiritual life also we have to regulate ourselves in so many ways without getting disturbed by understanding that these regulations are meant for our advancement only. Without regulation spiritual as well as material life becomes chaotic. Regulation helps to develop determination and to get off mental platform. Generally people avoid scriptures thinking that it will ask  me for restricting my pleasures but scriptures doesn't tell us about restricting our enjoyment tendencies but they offer us the ways of regulating such proclivities so that slowly slowly one may advance on spiritual path.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 

What's in the name??

Now a days there is so much discussion going on about the name of one of the celebrity's child. Some of the people are deliberating that this particular name may hurt the feelings of Hindus, others say that parents have right to give any name to their baby, some others refereeing to Shakespeare say that, what's there in the name (This reference is often used to imply that the names of things do not affect what they really are).

For all of us name is so important, it's our identity, people know us by name. Without names life would be so boring and confusing. Names play a significant part in our life. It's often observed(it's also researched scientifically) that name do affect the personality, personal character and behaviour. So it was the custom that parents would keep name of the child belonging to great historical personalities or belonging to gods. This would help the child and even parents. History tells us the example of Ajamila.

Ajamila was gentle and pious person by nature but somehow or other he felt victim to lust and got entangled with prostitute. In due course of time she gave birth to many kids, the youngest child, who was very dear to Ajamila, was given the name 'Narayana'. It's one of the name of Lord Vishnu. When Ajamila was on the verge of death, Yamdutas, the servants of Yamaraja came to take him. By seeing their fierce form Ajamila was terrified and started calling for his youngest son by his name, 'Narayana'. As soon as he uttered the names of Lord, the servants of Lord, Vishnudutas came to rescue him to gave him another chance of improvement.

Actually there is nothing in ordinary names but there is everything and full potency in the names of God which can deliver people of cumbersome material world. Anyhow one hears or call out for His names receives the benefits for eternity. Therefore we see that all the saints and the spiritual teachers give emphasis on chanting and hearing of Holy names. In conclusion we have to fold our life in such a way that somehow or other we are speaking and hearing the names of God or names of His pure devotees which only can infuse auspiciousness in us and all around.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Understanding the MISunderstanding

World is full of misunderstandings. It's there between husband and wife, friends, boss and servant, parents and children, teacher and students, misunderstandings are all pervasive. It's a main reason for break up in relationships.  This is one of few other feelings in the world that makes you feel downright terrible even if a stranger happens to misunderstand you, what to say of close ones.

What to say of us but scriptures give various references where great personalities were also misunderstood by people in general. In Ramayana after departure of Dasaratha from this world, Bharata returned to Ayodhya. Although having no connection with whole incidence he was held responsible for King's death and Lord Rama's exile by residence of Ayodhya. Then he was misunderstood by his guru Vasista and Viswamitra. Later when he decided to get Lord back to Ayodhya he was misunderstood by Laksmana. Only Lord Rama could understand Bharata's intentions. Similarly Bhagavat Mahapuran explains the story of Syamantaka jewel, where in whole episode Lord Krishna was misunderstood by His own relatives, Yadavas. Later Lord brought back jewel from forest and clarified the doubts of people.
If we take care of mis, understanding can grow well.

M misidentification has to be given up -The main cause of misunderstanding is that we have misunderstood ourselves. Although eternal soul with blissful nature we think ourselves to be a body which has to end one day. Although servant of supreme God and meant for his pleasure we want to become boss, proprietor and independent enjoyer neglecting the God. Servant enjoys when he serves the master faithfully and when master gets pleased servant is also pleased, service is his inherited nature, if servant wants to enjoy separately he can't do so with fullest extent. Till the time we think I am the owner, I am the enjoyer, I am the boss, everyone should obey me, respect me till that time there will be conflicts because every conditioned soul thinks in that way.

I interpretation has to be avoided- another cause of mistaking is interpretation of something or about someone by mind based on its impressions from past experiences. We must clarify what person meant by his actions rather what we perceived their actions to mean.

S sustainable relationships with everyone on the basis of service attitude- if our attitude is correct, if we are careful in our dealing and sensitive about people's feelings then there won't be any conflicting situations. But even if such situation arises, due to good relationships with them misunderstandings can be immediately clarified. Conflict is distressing but if we deal it with correct perspective then it can turn into great opportunity for growth in terms of deepening our relationships.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

When mind plays the game, play careful

Who don't like playing games, there is fun especially when we defeat the opponent. But winning the game is never easy even in front of weak contestants, so many tricks, tactics have to be used.

Did you ever observe or feel that biggest opponent is staying very close to us, just within us, whatever we propose, may that be any noble idea or resolution or plan it opposes it or disposes it. It is our own evil mind, evil because it is untrained and uncontrolled from time immemorial thus it supports what is not worthy of and accepts which will bring our ruination. It's just like crazy as well as strong monkey.

Mind plays various tricks with us to destroy our plans and hopes. Sometimes it proposes different plans, apparently for sense enjoyment but which also has potential to cause future miseries to us. Many times it projects the opposite and different ideas about someone or something which disturbs us. So if we are not strong enough to control these different emotions arising in mind we may fall victim to them which can create more chaos in life forgetting the real goal of life.

Especially when one tries to practice devotional service mind opposes in very tactful and hard and many time in formidable ways. Because mind knows if someone takes to genuine spiritual path then it will have to give up all contaminated enjoyment tendencies where mind feels I am the boss and will have to accept the pure path of service to Krishna where including mind all sense are also servant. If one starts believing in the mind and it's plans then one can't go ahead on spiritual path. There were many in the past who felt victim to mind's demand and went away from purpose of human form of life. One must use intelligence which is refined in the association of spiritual teachers and scriptures. With the help of this intelligence answer or oppose mind's questions and plans carefully. Defeating the mind is not an easy game it may take a lifetime too thus under guidance and proper intelligence we have to stick to path of spirituality.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Love is not blind, it opens the eyes!!

It's a common saying that 'Love is blind' which means Love is blind to reason, common sense and logic. In fact traditionally Cupid(love God) is also pictured as blind with arrow in hands.

Actually real love is not blind, it not only opens the eyes but illuminates the everything around. There is common misunderstanding between love and lust. What people mean to say is that lust is blind, sense gratification is blind, when senses sees the sense objects they desire to enjoy them without bothering for further consequences. Just like moth rushes to the fire getting attracted with something illuminating, it doesn't bother for future results thus although having eyes moth is considered as blind.

To fulfil the lust, to perform sense gratification is also not so easy just like animals do whenever they want. But for humans we have pay heavy amount in terms of physical and mental endeavour but at the end one realises that pleasure is totally insignificant compared to endeavours gone to have it. But people keep hoping from material nature that one day we will become successful in enjoying the senses at the topmost level even though getting defeated again and again they try different methods of sense gratification thus gets entangled in laws of karma.

As a soul we have an eternal relationship with the God, we are eternal lovers of him but due to misidentification with this material body we have completely forgotten to love him and serve him instead we started loving and serving our own senses. Devotional service is a process of again engaging ourselves in the service of God thus developing forgotten loving relationship with Him. This love reveals that service to Lord is real aim of life and can provide pleasure for soul. In conclusion when we start loving God without having ulterior motives it opens our eyes to eternal realities.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 

Matter doesn't really matter to us

We all are always bothered by things happening in the world. Different problems, sufferings, miseries are coming from nature, other living entities and our own body and mind. Something is always going at the back of the mind, mostly anxieties, tensions, thoughts of how to resolve the particular solutions. In one sense no one is happy here.

We are always searching for the solutions which can deal with all these issues and can offer us comfortable life. Thus we are heading towards technical, scientific research to avoid or at least postpone the miseries. But history shows that science can not mitigate problems 100%, in fact many times solutions are more troublesome than original problem.

Scriptures explains us that we are not these bodies made up of matter, but we are eternal souls. Matter can't sustain without spirit, matter is always dead. In real sense we have nothing to do with this material world which is full of matter, matter or material world can't hurt or trouble us in any way, but because we have identified ourselves with these matter we suffer the consequences while interacting with matter. Why we suffer? Because nature of the matter is temporary, it's bounded by time, when it's taken away by time we suffer due to separation of sense objects.

Thus sages and saints would keep their minimum contact with material world and always focus on spirit and spiritual world by engaging themselves in austerities and penances. In our case of course we can't go to forests to perform austerities or yogas but scriptures offers us the easiest way to get free from this matter and material conceptions and that is engaging these matters, things of the material world including our body in the service of Lord. When we use everything in service of God who is all spiritual we start slowly realizing our real identity as soul. Then one can actually become indifferent to the things happening in the material world and doesn't get bothered about them unnecessarily.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent bywww.iskcondesiretree.com

Movie doesn't move you at all!!

While my travels may that be short or long distanced I observed the people were absorbed in their mobiles watching the movies. Their eyes were right into mobile screen and headphones on their ears, they were unmoved by any distractions around. According to them they were utilising their time in noble way. Some of them found to be so addicted that they started new movie immediately after end of the first one.

Movies are considered to be good medium of entertainment. But along with the entertainment lot of violence, vulgarity is also shown which contaminates and agitates the mind rather than refreshing it. Most of the time movies take you away from reality of the world and presents falsity which makes the similar impression on mind thus person starts expecting more than what world and people can offer, thus gets ultimately frustrated.

Movies doesn't take us anywhere, it makes us stagnant, in our attitude and behaviour towards the world, we can't move, can't grow. It just kills our time and sucks the energy. In Vedic times of course there were not any movies but there used to be the dramas or other entertainment programs. These programs would not only entertain and offer enjoyment to people but it would make people to understand realities of life as well as purpose of human life which is not only enjoyment. Today's movies, cinemas lack these skills of illuminating people for their real goal but promote 'do as you wish'. People should understand where their benefit lies, if they are unable they should approach scriptures and expert spiritualists.

In conclusion we are not against the movies but they should spread the substantial message in society rather then just providing entertainment, teach people how to control the anger, stress, dealing with depression and unexpected situations, teach them to deal with the negativity of thoughts and actions. Movie should move the people forward and not make them stagnant, in their thoughts and consciousness by keeping them unaware of realities by showing false hopes.

Article By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

Have you charged yourself today?

What do we do immediately after getting up in the morning? We start searching for our mobile phones, isn't it? because we want to check up messages by friends and various other notifications. But suddenly we realise that battery is draining out then next thing we do that is to start searching for charger and then we keep mobile for charging at least for 2-3 hours so that it can work effectively throughout the day.

Actually human body and mind is also like a mobile, it also needs charging everyday. If not done properly then it won't work efficiently for the day. We charge our body by taking care of it, feeding it, bathing it etc but usually, not usually but always we forget to take care of mind and ourself, soul. This is the reason for most of the problems in life. Any activity may that be regular job, study or any activity sucks the bodily energy as well as mental energy. We replenish bodily energy with food but what about mind and soul??

Mind is already tired with yesterday's work and now we drag him today for new work and expect the same efficiency but this ultimately leads to tension, depression and other mental problems because mind is not fed properly. We generally think movies, songs, dramas etc will entertain the mind thus energise it but this is like feeding fast food to body which only creates further complications. Mind needs something substantial for its nourishment. Many times it happens that even though you are not using mobile phone battery keeps on draining, why? Because many unnoticeable apps are running at the background, similarly we may not be doing any work but mind's energy is draining constantly because many worries, many thoughts which are like unnoticed app are running in background. How to stop them? How to delete these apps?

There is only one way to substantially replenish the drained out mind and that is meditation. For most of the people meditation is like boring task but it's a need of mind without it don't expect mind to function properly over the period. If the battery is spoiled we can buy a new one but what if mind gets wild or spoiled? We can't change it, thus we need to take nice care of mind too! Simple way of meditation is to chant everyday for 1-2 hours which refreshes and soothes the mind and energises the soul for rest of the day.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Read the Shloka and get Rid of Shoka

There is no dearth of miseries in the world. Calamities will always be there and no one can escape from them. Yesterday train accident, today war, tomorrow tsunami or hurricane etc. In broad sense miseries are divided into 3 categories miseries caused by own body and mind e.g. physical illness and mental problems, miseries caused by others e.g. war, miseries from nature e.g. Flood or drought etc. So there is always a situation of hardships, tortures, suffering, unhappiness, grief, dejection, despondency, agony and that's why Gita calls this world as Dukhalayam- place of miseries.

But don't worry, Gita also talks about how to overcome this Dukhalayam, place of miseries, shoka. Gita is like medical study book which describes problems and solutions too. Ignorant will be frustrated and depressed by reading description of sever diseases given in medical books and will close the book immediately but medical student knows same book reveals the perfect  cure. Just like diseases can be there but one can prevent and also cure them with proper and expert help, similarly Gita offers us preventive measure but if we unable to apply preventions then offers us cure too.

Ignorance is the root cause of all problems. The greatest of all illusion which traps us into suffering world, is to think that I am this body and everything in relationship to this body is mine. And whenever things which we are much attached to, due to our ignorance, are taken away from us by power of time, we become miserable. Under the impression of ignorance one forgets about Permanent but considers temporary to be permanent. Knowledge is compared to as an umbrella which can protect us from torrents of rain and scorching heat of miseries.

Don't consider Gita to be like a book filled with esoteric verses which doesn't have anything to do in our life. These are the words of the God, which carries fullest potency like Him(there is no difference between Gita and form of God as revealed by many historical evidences). There may be a heavy traffic on road but person sitting in aeroplane doesn't bother as well as doesn't get affected at all by such traffic. Similarly by regular reading and hearing of Gita(shloka) one becomes aware of his actual position in relation to God which uplifts the consciousness of person due to which he is not bothered as well as doesn't get affected by miseries(shoka) and stays happily and satisfied even in miserable situations!!

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 

Swachh Bharat...what about swachh Mana(mind)

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a national campaign by the Government of India, covering 4,041 statutory cities and towns, to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure of the country. It is India's biggest ever cleanliness drive with 3 million government employees and school and college students of India participating in this event.

Swachh Bharat will be successful only if people of country do not litter it again, otherwise it will so happen that on one side group of people cleaning the city or village and others are littering there again. So this littering, spoiling tendencies of the people have to be removed first from their mind. Our surroundings are nothing but projection of our mind. If mind is contaminated we will contaminate the surrounding, if the mind is pure then we will take utmost care to keep environment pure and clean. Just like till the time corruptive proclivities doesn't go away from heart, person will again and again try for corruption although there may be serious laws.

Therefore underground work has to be done first, we can't have 100 storeys building first and then foundation, else however beautiful architect we may make, it will collapse. Similarly cleaning the mind of all the unwanted thing is basis, foundation, in fact it's a goal of human life-to clean the mind and engage it in the service of the God. Gita explains 'mind can be our friend or enemy', friend will help us to rise, enemy will always pull our legs making our move towards again to bad habits (in this case littering) and because we have failed to conquer the enemy(mind) we will have to listen to it, its unhealthy demands, its contaminated desires which will make country ultimately unclean only.

In conclusion swachh Bharat abhiyan can have bright future only if we first carry out 'Swachh Mana abhiyan'. Mind can be cleaned not with chemical soap or water but only when it comes in touch with most pure things, Holyname it slowly gets purified. Purified mind sees everything in relationship with the God, this earth, water, air everything thus it is very careful to protect these. If mind becomes purified then there is no need for special endeavour, propaganda or mission to keep India clean, it will happens automatically!!

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 

Salute to the heroes

8 years ago on November 26, 2008, 10 terrorists targeted several high-profile locations in Mumbai, including the landmark Taj Hotel at the Gateway, the Oberoi Trident at Nariman Point, Leopold Café, and Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus - killing up to 166 people, and leaving 300 injured. Up to 26 foreign nationals were among those killed by the terrorists.. There were brace policemen who fought for Mumbai's safety and laid down their own life. 18 security personnel were martyred in the attack. This is the day to remember their sacrifice.

Actually there are 2 kinds of heroes, one who protects, saves our body, society, nation etc from outside attacks and other is one who protects our soul from inside attacks. Both are extremely important, we can't give impotence to body forgetting soul neither only look for soul forgetting necessities of body, both should go together. Spiritual teachers who helps us to protects our mind from contaminations are as much important as soldiers standing on border protecting nation, we can't ignore the contribution of spiritual heroes.

Spiritual teachers, saints are protecting our culture of devotion from invaders, sacrificing their own life they are preaching about devotional service everywhere. Many of them threatened to death by local kings, blind religionists and politicians but they didn't stop, many of them were actually killed(e.g. just go through the life of Sripad Ramanujacharya, Saint of 1100th century, his disciple Kuresh and Guru Mahapurna were tortured for preaching about Lord).

When the emotions, problems, desires haunts us, they attack us on most important location 'mind', which can kill us spiritually, forgetting our relationship with God. We can only deal with these attacks with the help of spiritual heroes, the aacharyas, who have sacrificed their life for the mission of the God. They are protecting and uplifting our consciousness from internal terrorists like lust, anger, greed etc to service of the God. In conclusion we need external as well as internal protectors without minimising the importance of anyone of them.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Slow down before you break down

Investigators are finding out the reasons for Kanpur train accident. Loco pilot said that he had noticed overload on engine at 1 am thus he informed officials but he was asked to get train anyhow at Kanpur. At 3:03 a.m. there was a heavy explosion in the Overhead Electric Cable (OHE), after which the driver had to apply an emergency brake. The train at that time was running at a speed of 110 km/h. As a result, the passengers experienced a series of sudden jerks and deafening noise. And then the coaches began slipping from the track causing death of 150 passengers.

If we analyse whole thing properly we can see that similar tragedy happens with us too. We also sometimes realise that now I am overloaded, overburdened with responsibilities and duties but we ignore them and keep running with one aim in mind I want to reach Kanpur, means I want to achieve something may that be money, position in society etc. But what's the result of that?... health breakdown, mental and emotional breakdown, financial breakdown. It's said in youth people loose their health to gain money and in old age they loose their money to gain health.

So, slow down, analyse which part of the engine overburdened. Find out the reason, ask for the solution, apply solution, don't just keep running. Similarly in our daily life slow down sometimes, Find out reasons why I am born? What is purpose of my life? analyse our life, I am running at high speed with purpose in life but is my mind or heart capable of taking burdens of various problems of life else there will be sudden breakdown for sure causing serious dangers. That's why we should take the shelter of spiritual processes which helps our mind and heart not to get disturbed and continue working well when they are burdened with thoughts or problems. When your engine becomes capable of taking burdens then run with speed.

Scriptures explains us very wonderful example of moth who just rushes to fire thinking it to be some glittering object for enjoyment thus looses the life. In the same way just for the gratification of senses we run with full speed to sense objects thus entangling ourselves more into this world. Slow down...think about consequences, know more about yourself and engine(mind) with help of spirituality. Don't run with high speed without knowing about your engine(mind) and its capabilities else be ready for break down!!

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Certainly uncertain

Kanpur train accident was India’s worst train tragedy in the last six years. At least 142 people were killed and over 200 suffered injuries when 14 coaches of the train derailed near Pukhrayan. People in the train were sleeping peaceful not knowing something horrific was waiting for them. Various reasons for derailment are being found out to avoid such severe accidents in future.

Actually this is the nature of material world, whatever is most unexpected that only happens and we can't change this law. Does anyone had a single idea about something like this will happen...no, in fact train travel is considered as most safest amongst all means of conveyance. So uncertainty is the quality of material world. Most certain as well as uncertain thing is 'death' it's a certain but uncertain about its timings, we don't know when it's approaching. Thus it's better to be prepared in forehand.

There are many people in the world who understands uncertainties occurring in the world thus they are prepared materially so in case if they die their family should not suffer the loss at least in monetary ways, they are ready with all the policies, accident insurance, term policies etc. But while thinking about future of their families in their absence they forget to think about their own future, after life. LIC or any other insurance company neither prepare you for next life nor assure your next birth, you have to think about it.

It's proved that anything can happen which may take our life too thus it won't be good idea to be prepared only materially but one need to think about spiritually also. Just like to reduce uncertainties we invest a premium regularly into various policies similarly we need to invest into our spiritual account too which can help us at the time of emergencies, serious emergencies. Premium in spiritual life is very simple we just need to chant but the result is extraordinary and that is freedom from 'certainly uncertain material world'!!

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Based on SB 10.14.58
samāśritā ye pada-pallava-plavaṁ
 mahat-padaṁ puṇya-yaśo murāreḥ
bhavāmbudhir vatsa-padaṁ paraṁ padaṁ
 padaṁ padaṁ yad vipadāṁ na teṣām

For those who have accepted the boat of the lotus feet of the Lord, who is the shelter of the cosmic manifestation and is famous as Murāri, the enemy of the Mura demon, the ocean of the material world is like the water contained in a calf’s hoof-print. Their goal is paraṁ padam, Vaikuṇṭha, the place where there are no material miseries, not the place where there is danger at every step.

Body Health check up... what about spiritual health check up?

Just few weeks ago I was extremely sick with coughing, fever, body ache, weakness and so many other health related issues. I neglected it for some time intentionally thinking body will respond to it naturally but didn't work like that and I became more sick thus weak, then I was taken to the doctor who asked me to carry out health check ups to find out where exact problem lies. Check up included blood test, sputum test, x-ray etc. I did all the tests faithfully and received the 'Normal' report at the end. I was told to do these tests regularly to stay fit.

But one thing I could understand from test is that what's actually going in my body, what's the count of RBC, WBC, RCC, MCV, WCC, what's the count of platelets, is haemoglobin level proper in blood? in conclusion I understood is my body functioning properly to live long life or are there some issues inside the body. Suppose if the reports were not normal then I would had to take special treatment to get cured faster. So many tests we need to do to maintain this temporary body made up of flesh and still it can betray us at any moment.

Just like we are so protective and careful about our body, do we that much preservative about ourselves, soul? Are we interested in spiritual health check up? No... most of us are so engrossed in the body that we forget checking the soul, we forget what soul needs, what soul expects, how spiritual life should go on ideally etc. Spiritual health check up reveals us answers to all these questions, it also includes different tests which can be conducted under expert guidance. Some of the tests you yourself can perform by asking these questions..

How much do I feel to chant or engage in spiritual activity ?
Am I happy practicing spirituality ?
Are my material attachments increasing or decreasing ?
Do I like to serve or do I like being served?
Am I expecting respect or offering respects without expecting none in return ?
Am I assertive upon others? Am I demanding or humbly requesting for something ?
Can I deal with negativity of my mind(negative thoughts, negative feeling about someone and other anarthas) ?
There can be many questions but these includes into basic test.

Check the report is normal or not by examining the answers, if not normal then take treatment from good spiritual doctor but don't give up, just like when body is sick we don't give up body similarly when spiritual life is sick or goes on toss don't give up ask the expert doctor you will be cured of sickness!! We need to do these tests to know our progress as well as to stay fit in spiritual life.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Life is much more than goosebumps and heartburns(Based on SB 5.5.1)

Modern culture and especially modern eduction system has made our understanding very shallow about life. We feel life is  just about trying to aquire things for own sense pleasures and becoming happy by obtaining it and if we fail in getting those things then becoming sad and in this way keep life going on in midst of pleasures and miseries cantered around senses. Goosebumps are reaction of body when we become excited for something which can give us sense enjoyment and heartburns means we burn in agony when we lose something or we don't get something which we really want for sense satisfaction.

So in both cases one thing is common and that is 'senses'. We are so much caught up by senses that we, all the time are thinking about senses and their pleasure, which food should I serve to my tongue, which scene will give pleasure for my eyes, which song will give peace to my ears and my mind, which finest touch will give my body a soothing sensation, which smell will please my nose thus we are always concentrating on senses.

But interesting thing is we are trying to satisfy something which we are not, we are not these senses, we are something else, something more than senses. We are soul who has nothing to do with this temporary material creation named 'body'. Life is meant to do something meaningful than just experiencing enjoyment and suffering. Human life is meant for doing austerities and penances which will lead to sense and heart purification thus one can achieve life's chief success, Love of Godhead.

Actually sense gratification is not big deal it's really ordinary and any one including all species of life can indulge into it without special endeavour. Something really extraordinary is to starve the senses and thus purify them, starve the senses doesn't mean you don't eat it or don't fulfil any need of senses but it means you engage yourself in the service of God. Sense enjoyment has very dark future but sense control and purification of mind and senses creates very bright future for practitioner thus devotee gets entrance into eternal transcendental world which is filled with bliss.

Article By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

(Based on SB 5.5.1)
Lord Ṛṣabhadeva told His sons: My dear boys, of all the living entities who have accepted material bodies in this world, one who has been awarded this human form should not work hard day and night simply for sense gratification, which is available even for dogs and hogs that eat stool. One should engage in penance and austerity to attain the divine position of devotional service. By such activity, one’s heart is purified, and when one attains this position, he attains eternal, blissful life, which is transcendental to material happiness and which continues forever.

Lost love...!!!

Not so clear but at least little understanding of love, we have learned from watching Bollywood movies. Typical scene is like a hero and heroine falls in love with each other, spend time with each other but due to misfortune they get separated. For sometime in their mind the thoughts of loved ones are there but as time passes both forget about each other and finds out new partner to settle down. And after many many years somehow or other they see each other and remember the whole story of past love and regret about their actions and decisions.

Once we were also in the love with the God not only for the sake of saying but actually we loved Him like anything. As a part and parcel of God it's our eternal nature to love Him and serve Him. There are different mellows in which one can love the God according to own intensity and propensity, so we were also serving Him according to our nature. We were happy, blissful, satisfied in serving the Lord, we spent lot of time together. But somehow or other we came to this world of dualities and forgot about our first love. We got attracted by false love here and got trapped thus continuing our existence in material world.

But in our case we have one advantage and that is our eternal partner has not forgotten about us and past love, although we may have forgotten Him but He is always ready to accept His surrendered devotees neglecting their past activities. Not only this but He keeps us reminding of His love through various means, He sends His devotees with Gita, He shares Prasad and gives darshan for our purification so we can get some remembrance of our past love.

In conclusion human form offers us a great chance to express, experience and cultivate that love towards supreme lord, our First love which has unfortunately become lost love!!

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 

Are we from lunatic asylum?

Once a king went to see the condition of mental asylum of his country. As soon as he entered into it he was asked by one of the patient,"who are you?", King said, "I am so and so, the king of this kingdom", patient started laughing loudly, king asked what happened, patient replied, "I also used to think I am king before coming to here". Although funny joke it teaches us nice message that patient was actually misidentifying king's position as well as his own thus was kept in asylum. But when he realises and accepts his position as servant of king he will be released.

Similar is our case too! We also misidentify ownself, sometimes we think I am Indian, sometimes I am man, sometimes I am engineer, doctor, lawyer, sometimes housewife and so many other designations. But we are non of these, we are eternal soul, everything else is just outside temporary covering over the body. Just like patient who was thinking I am the king thus got admitted to hospital similarly we also thought we are the enjoyer, proprietor and master of the creation, The God, thus got admitted into this world.

We not only misidentified our ownself but God too. We wanted to take his position, thus this world which is like hospital was created for souls who have misidentification problem. Purpose of hospital is to cure the disease and not to trouble the patient, if the patient is sincere in following doctors can fully get cured thus can be freed from hospital as early as possible.

In conclusion when we become free from this misidentification by following doctors and their treatments in the sense spiritual teachers and Bhakti process, when we will understand our eternal position as servant of God we will be immediately released from hospital and given place into eternal blissful world from where we have come to this world.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Heart alone

During our childhood there was famous movie named 'Home Alone', it was the story of 8 yr young boy Kevin who was accidentally left in the home by parents during Christmas vacations. Then, Kevin discovers about two burglars, Harry and Marv, about to rob his house on Christmas Eve. Kevin acts quickly by wiring his own house with makeshift booby traps to stop the burglars and to bring them to justice.

To deal with home alone is not a big problem but if someone is feeling all alone in heart then it can cause bigger problem. One of the major reason why do people kill themselves is because they find themselves all alone, they feel isolated from society, hopeless, they don't have anyone to share their feelings, their thoughts and thus are frustrated with life. Many top successful people have become victim of such things and ended up their lives.

That boy in movie was accidentally kept alone in the home similarly we also accidentally left the Lord in spiritual world But one thing we need to understand is that we are never alone, we are always accompanied by God in the form of super soul staying in the heart. The person who understands this fact he never feel himself to be alone, he can always perceive the presence of Lord in the heart. In fact pure ones can directly contact with Him by taking guidance and all other helps. He is just like a friend, but most of us are unaware of His presence and thus suffer from loneliness.

By regularly chanting and meditating on His holy names Lord reveals Himself to us thus making our faith more stronger. In conclusion never feel you are alone, recognise and experience the presence of Lord within heart by regularly taking shelter of His names which can give us strength to deal with all negative feeling from inside as well as from outside world.

Article By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Not only Sonam Gupta but we all are Bewafaa(ungrateful)

Sonam Gupta became an internet sensation in August earlier this year. She became the face of betrayal, and the internet despised her. On one side 'Sonam Gupta's protested stereotyping, and on the other, mostly men, empathised with the dejected lover. As prime minister Narendra Modi announced the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes on November 8, when beloved currency notes ditched the possessors, Sonam Gupta reappeared and is taking the internet by storm again. Her story has moved on from a torn note to freshly released Rs 2,000 notes to coins and has even reached the moon.

This is actually not something new in the material world, lovers always feel dejected or betrayed by loved ones because their incapacity to reciprocate. Also their concept of love is different from that which is given by scriptures thus due to unnecessary expectations from loved one they suffer mental agony. We can not guarantee long lasting love here because sometimes people are so susceptible to allurements given by others that they immediately change their relationships.

Once we were also loving God so much, serving him in spiritual world but to experience little sensual pleasure we ended up coming here in this miserable material world. We forgot his love and pleasures enjoyed in his association. But even after leaving his service he allows us to enjoy pleasures of this world, in fact he accompanies us in all species of life trying to give guidance to return to him in eternal and blissful world again but we never listens to him.

We are actually bewafaa, ungrateful to god, to our real lover, still he is maintaining and sustaining us by providing all necessities of life, he never demanded love from us, never said,"you are such ungrateful fools, I did so much for you and you left me", no, never, this is sign of perfect lover, who just want to serve, happy to see beloved in happiness, that's all. In conclusion from this whole episode we should learn to increase our own gratefulness and faithfulness towards lord by regularly remembering him in the form of chanting his holy names.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 

Although you are oblivious but result of spiritual life is obvious

Many don't want to come to spiritual life and many leaves it in between because being unaware of immense benefits derived from living a spiritual life. Although some may be knowing the results but they don't have enough patience to wait for results thus they turn to cheap methods of so called self realisations and become falsely self realised. Some don't have enough knowledge about god and his potencies thus are fearful to approach him, many are envious of him thus avoid surrender, many don't have the faith in the words of scriptures and various processes given in scriptures thus think how spiritual life will help them. In conclusion people are confused about necessity and result of spiritual life.

One may not exactly get the feeling of  going through the transformations while practicing spiritual life but transformation is obvious and we may not aware of it. But true practitioner of Bhakti experiences the real joy at each step thus gets strength to continue. Also Bhakti path is not something oblivious path, which we don't know where it's going to take us.

Many times transformation is not physical or gross thus spiritual activist may get disturbed about practicing or continuing it. but we can see that spiritual life was practiced by many in the past and thus became successful in their spiritual journey. Thus without getting disturbed following their footsteps, with patience and remaining sure about our spiritual goal one must continue till one reaches the goal.

In conclusion we may be aware or unaware of spiritual transformations in ourselves by practicing spirituality but we need to be rest assured that there is some obvious(tangible) positive effect happening in the heart as well as in the outside world by spiritual practices although we may oblivious(unaware) to them.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

The best chatting is chanting

Who doesn't like to make new relationships? Relationships are the way through which we experience pleasure, mental, physical and emotional pleasure. And that's why we see students are excited to go to school after long holidays so that they can meet old and make new friends, a college boy is excited to meet with girl, a man excited to enter into marriage life, a mother eagerly waiting for baby from womb. There is mellow in good relationships.

One of the way to set up and maintain relationship is to talk with each other regularly. Even talking to the loved ones is pleasure giving therefore so many of them are on cell phones chatting continuously sharing their pain and gain and so many other things of life. Chatting can become sometimes so intoxicating that one may forget everything else of the world.

Similarly if we want to set up a forgotten relationship with God we need to start conversing with Him. We can connect with him through his all accessible network of holy names. When we talk or chat with God he is in front of us, unbelievable but true because of his unlimited potencies, chanting takes us in His contact. Relationships of these world are useless and temporary unless they have some connection with God.

There is no problem in setting up relationship with people of these world but simultaneously one must try to set up relationship with God by chanting regularly. If our relationship with God is perfect then our relationship with everyone will be perfect because he is seated in everyone's heart as paramatma thus can inspire person to deal with us in proper way maintaining good relations. But if we are trying to make relationships without considering God such relationships will surely ditch us one day.

Article b​y Rupesh Gauranga Das
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

*Be a childlike not a childish-lessons from child*

Today we are celebrating children's day. Do you remember those past carefree days of playing without any time restrictions. We demanded something and we received it, even our small mistakes and mischief were glorified by everyone. Then we became older and everything changed, responsible nature was expected from us. We can't be child again but we can adopt to our childlike nature full of  innocence and trust simultaneously we can't be childish means immature or silly.
Let's learn some spiritual lessons from child.

*C-confidence in father*, have you seen play between a young child and it's father. Father picks it up and throws high in the air. Does child becomes fearful? No...its just laughing and enjoying because child is confident that father is going to catch me and protect me from falling down. Similarly lord Krishna who is our supreme father tosses us high in air, by giving us some tests, but we need to be confident that He will surely protect us.
*curious to know*, child is always curious and eager to know the things, devotee is also always curious to know more and more about Lord Krishna, His pastimes, His names, His qualities, His beauty etc.

*H-happy because carefree*, child is happy because he has no worries. Child knows I will get my food, my toys and all other things on time. Devotee also knows that Lord will take care of their all needs and necessities thus they are not worried about their maintainance and sustenance.

*I-innocent*, child is so innocent in its heart, it doesn't know any politics or manipulation or troubling others. It fully trust parents. Devotee is also innocent thus offence less and pure at his heart.

*L-looks only for mother*, just look at the child when it's in difficulty. It only searches for mother and doesn't compromise with any other thing. Spiritual aspirants also understand that they are trapped in difficult situations of material world, they don't seek for other solutions but directly approach Lord.

*D-dependent upon parents*, child is not dependent upon anyone other than its parents, it fully believes in them thus parents also love a child. Similarly a devotee too has full faith in God and His mercy, Lord also like to take care of dependent souls.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

Treat the culprit with the head not with the heart

Criminal who has committed severe crimes can not be forgiven, and judge need to take strict action against him although he seems to be innocent by face. If dealt sentimentally and forgiven he can be more dangerous in future.

Similarly our uncontrolled mind is main culprit who create troubles for us in various ways. It proposes different ideas for sense enjoyment which result only in future problems. It is one which keeps us hankering for different things due to which we always remain discontent and dissatisfied. Mind poses to be our good and innocent friend who always looks for our well wishes also we may feel what's the problem in fulfilling mind's desire.

But no, uncontrolled mind can only create havoc and has to be dealt very strictly not loosely. There were many in past on the path of self realisation who got cheated by mind thus lost from path. Mind is superior to senses due to which senses get easily deluded but intelligence is higher than mind. Thus real yogi always remembers his ultimate purpose and deals with his mind with spiritual intelligence acquired from scriptures and spiritual masters and not with his heart sentimentally.

Based on Gita 3.43

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

10 Spiritual Lessons from Currency Discontinuation

Indian prime minister Mr. Modi has taken a bold step to stop flow of black money and to teach hard lessons to corrupt people who earned money by unlawful meanings and by avoiding taxes. But common people like us who are law abiding can also learn few lessons from this whole scenario.

B- What about the black heart? Yes, Modi's decision is absolutely correct to get black money back, but unless and until something is done to cure black heart, black money again will be created in near future. The best thing is teach principles of Dharma to children from childhood along with other studies.

L-Laws has to be followed, now no one can say I don't follow PM's law, if he says so he is doomed. Similarly Lord has given us the laws in the form of scriptures which has to be followed, if we miss we will be the losers and the criminals too.

A-Acknowledge our nature, understand our nature, don't be so panic, as a soul we have nothing to do with money, at the end we will be leaving everything here only!

C-Change is certain, in material everything is changing constantly, when we focus too much on things of these changing world including our money and body we will be disturbed. One has to become 'Dhira', a sober person.
K-Karma getting nullified, we are facing so much problems on currency exchange, big queues in front of banks and ATMs etc., but understand that troubles and pains in our life are only due to our past karmas, don't blame others.

M-Money can't buy happiness, many those who are middle class or poor think that those who are rich they must be happy and one day I also would like to become rich. But just see situation of rich people from past few days, they are the one who are most miserable and tensed. Although Bangaladesh is one the poor country in the world but it is the most happiest of all other countries according to BBC.

O-Once lost is lost and even once gained is also lost in this world, many have lost crores of rupees which can't be retrieved back. This is nature of material world, but even simple activities done for spiritual cause has the effect for eternity, once gained is ever gained.

E-Excise(tax) has to be paid. We are taking so many facilities from Government we must pay taxes. If we miss the tax we will be penalised. Similarly God has also provided us so many facilities, Sun, moon, rains etc have we ever paid the taxes to Him? Simple way in this age to pay taxes to God is to just chant Mahamantra.

N-Nature of this world is to give sufferings. Whatever we do end result will be sufferings only, so don't get so surprised by seeing miseries of people beacasue of this new rule.

Y-Why to enter into such businesses which will cause us troubles? Do we really need big money to live satisfied? World is like toilet just finish business without entangling yourself and come out!

By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
In the service of www.iskcondesiretree.com

*The only solution for pollution*

A thick smog has enveloped the Delhi since Diwali and people are experiencing worst spell of smog. Cases of respiratory diseases with elders and children are increasing day by day. There are various causes for pollution like cars or fire crackers etc and different measures are taken by the government to reduce but it seems of no use because all solutions are baseless and will create further problems.

The most basic cause of pollution in any city or nation is not something external but our polluted hearts alone and the interesting thing is that everyone is unaware of it. Polluted heart is greedy and lusty for things, it just asks for more and more without bothering for future consequences. Polluted heart doesn't feel satisfied ever, just take the example of demon hiranyaksha, he was so greedy for gold that he kept digging the earth in one side thus earth lost its balance and felt from its path, then lord came as Varaha(Boar form) to restore the earth and to kill the greedy demon who was destroying the life on earth. Similarly, we are also exploiting resources in a rapid way and creating pollutants, which are in turn troubling us.

Till the time one thinks that I am the enjoyer and proprietor of the world one will take things for granted. One will exploit the rare resources thus destroying the nature. Not being aware of the supremacy of God is basic problem of everything. Nature doesn't work independently, God is the instructor and if we interfere into it we will be the suffer. Lord came to kill demon who was creating imbalance in nature, will lord appear again to kill polluters? Lord has already appeared in the form of holy names and stored all the potencies into it, so when one chants he is not killed but his demoniac tendencies are killed.

When heart gets more and more cleansed by chanting the names of God, one realises that we are just servant of God and caretakers of his property not the proprietor so one is very careful while using His resources. When one feels this river is property of God then why will he throw sewage or pollute the water, when one feels this air is God given then he will take utmost careful before discharging poisonous gases of industries and cars into it or at least he will have some protective measures. Thus all other solutions are there but they are simply temporary and can't be as effective as becoming devotee of God. So in conclusion everything depends upon the civilised and fine thinking, feeling and willing of the people, if they become devotees of god they will have respect for everything in creation of god but if they don't they will simply act like a demon creating problems for themselves as well as for others.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

Who is your favourite actor ?

Hardly anyone is there who don't have any interest in watching dramas or movies. Although one may not be regular movie watcher but he also knows about latest or past actors and actresses through some advertisements or trailers or promos or songs etc. Most of people have their favourite actor/actresses and they won't miss a single movie of them, but all these actors have their own limitations thus not complete or perfect. Then who is perfect hero to be followed or liked?

A- perfect actor is one who can perform all roles perfectly, only God can take this position. He acts as a beautiful lady(Mohini) and bewilders everyone including Lord shiva, not only this but he takes the roles of different animals too like lion, turtle, fish, boar etc. and likewise he has taken to unlimited roles, none of today's actors can do this even in their dreams.
C- captivating, a perfect actor is expert in captivating the heart of watcher. But many times it seems that they are boring and wasting our time. Lord's pastimes are simply amazing, they are still attracting the heart of millions even after thousands of years. When he becomes child and plays with cows and Gopas and gopis, he protects everyone in Vrindavan by killing various demons, then his Mathura, Dwarka Lilas are just mind blowing.
T- talents and skills, mortal actors lacks multi talents and skills, few days ago during shooting 2 actors jumped into dam from helicopter as a part of scene but still they are missing. God is perfectionist, once he jumped with his brother Balaram from big mountain but landed safely, he has multi talents and skills, he is wrestler, lover, dancer etc he has 64 other skills too.
O- open hearted, rather than being open hearted and kind most of the actors are just selfish, hard hearted and they have nothing to do with others. But God is so generous that he is ready to give everything whatever his fan asks for, he is ready to share his wealth and property with his dear devotee, who else other than God can do this?
R- reciprocator, none of the actor knows fully about their fans then what to say of doing welfare to them. But see the example of God he is such a actor that he knows and acknowledges his each and every fan of his each and every role and reciprocate with them fully because he is staying most near to us in the form of super soul. He expands into 16108 forms to reciprocate with each of his queens.

In conclusion movie stars doesn't have to do anything with our life so don't just blindly like or love or follow them, ask yourself is that person helping me, inspiring me, directing me, giving hopes to me in miserable world anyway? Film stars are just for our entertainment, they are not real heros of our life, it doesn't make any sense making them favourite in life. Make the God a favourite actor of your life, follow him and just see how he acts miraculously to make sure that we see happy end of our life movie.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

What kind of happiness are you looking ?

Everyone of us is looking for happiness, isn't it? But many doesn't know what real happiness is, how to acquire it, how to maintain it and what kind of happiness should be looked for. Happiness doesn't mean only some pleasurable moments or some thrill or filling of being elated, real or true happiness is deep term and have a relation directly with soul.

Gita explains about 3 kinds of happiness(BG 18). The first kind of happiness is spiritual, it is bitter in beginning but gives unlimited enjoyment at the end, and most of us don't want this type of happiness. We want immediate happiness without wanting anything troublesome thus generally no one goes for this kind of happiness. Spiritual life involves regulations and austerities to control mind(mediation) and senses(getting up early in the morning) thus seems bitter in beginning but when one crosses this tough phase of rules and control endless happiness can be acquired.

2nd kind of happiness is born out of interaction between senses and sense objects. For e.g. I want tasty food to satisfy my taste buds and when I eat that I become happy, here the happiness is immediate but it's not long lasting in fact it causes troubles in future e.g. Only eating tasty food will not nourish your body it will make you weak and sick eventually. But because it gives pleasure immediately people tend to look for this kind of pleasures. 3rd kind of happiness is derived from sleep, laziness and illusion. Actually here happiness doesn't exist at all but under influence of illusion one thinks I am enjoying while sleeping or dreaming(imaginary happiness).  Spiritual practices may seem little tough but it's fruits are sweeter and every practitioner can receive it after qualification where as material practices seems very easy and pleasurable but results only into misery and sadness at later stage.

As we discussed earlier happiness is related to soul and not with body but we seek for the happiness in things which doesn't have any connection with soul and thus receives false or momentarily happiness or gets frustrated in attempts to become happy. In conclusion happiness isn't acquired by fulfilling the demands of the senses and mind but it can be achieved only by suitable spiritual practices of connecting soul with super soul.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

One Indian Man

One Indian girl is a story of 'Radhika' a girl from Delhi born in middle class family but who is ambitious, studious thus gets employed for high paying job. But because she is woman she gets exploited, undermined, cheated and troubled by the men dominated society. Author has tried his best to create the awareness of the problems which women are facing but couldn't give solution, in fact there were so many movies and books written in past on feminism though couldn't make any positive impact on society because matters were dealt superficially without going to the depth of the problems. Solutions to all kinds of various 'ism' including feminism, altruism, nationalism etc are perfectly given by 'one Indian man' through his teachings.

This one Indian man(A.C. Bhaktivedant Swami) born in Calcutta, raised in traditional cultures was follower of Gandhi but later highly influenced by teachings of Saraswati Thakur, a high class saint of 18th century. Thakur ordered him to take the teaching of scriptures to the west and present in English language, Saraswati Thakur was convinced nothing else without God consciousness can make society happy and peaceful. Thus taking his orders seriously one Indian man went to west at the advance age of 70 to create revolution in the world. He translated and wrote commentary of revered scriptures like Gita and Bhagavat Mahapuran. He started lecturing in storefront and began his daily chanting in park which was attended and liked by hippies who later became his disciples. He established the international society to spread God consciousness throughout the world.

As a true representative of God and previous saints he always presented message as it is but with contemporary examples so that essence can be digested easily. Apart from 700 temples all over the world and many projects his contribution to the society is his books. His books are still sold in millions and although he has departed many decades ago from this world he is still influencing the people's lives and transforming them. He is the one who has given the real aim of life and made people actually happy. He is jagadguru leading people on right path.

Books like one Indian girl deals with problems on superficial level and offer some temporary solution which in turn becomes bigger problem, but books of Prabhupad goes to the depth and reveals our constitutional position as a soul and an eternal servant of God. When one understand that everyone is part and parcel of God why he will disrespect or exploit others, all the problems have one root cause and that is forgetfulness of our eternal relationship with God, Prabhupad's books deals with how to revive that lost connection with God and create serenity in the society and the whole world. In conclusion if you still want to experience cheap trills and entertainment then go for one Indian girl but if you are looking for something substantial in life then you must read the books by One Indian Man, Srila Prabhupad who created internal as well As external revolution on planet.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

What do you prefer Reel life or Real life?

Everyone likes to watch reel life that means movies which are based on attractive stories filled with romance, humour, fights, some struggles, tragedy, emotional drama, 3D effects etc. Usually story starts with hero getting fascinated by heroine then begins struggles of hero to get her hands, then how he overcomes all the hurdles and marries her at last people are also happy and satisfied seeing happy end of movie.

Movies are good mediums to create awareness but hardly any one shows the realities of the world in fact movies distract from harsh realities and put the people in the state of confusion. Reel life ends when hero unites with heroin but real life begins at the union then real responsibilities and struggles of life starts. People generally want to see the movie because many things which they want to do are not practical so they try to fulfil them by mentally fantasising about it in the form movies(they see themselves in the form of hero) for e.g. to have best of the facilities to enjoy unlimitedly like hero but many times it leads to only frustration because expectations and ground realities are different.

Movies don't talk about miseries of life and how to overcome them. No one shows how painful the old age is, how incurable the diseases are, how sudden and shocking the death is(end is not happy at all as shown in movies)! It's just presents romantic and happy moments which makes one forgetful of real life and it's purpose creating mass destruction in society. Our scriptures also filled with amazing love stories, drama, fights and other things but the difference is ultimately they talk about realities of the world and offers solution to get out of this world whereas movies of these world ultimately talks about lust and various ways to fulfil it and shackles us to be in this world life after life by keeping the mind always agitated for sense objects.

Reading of scriptures won't give us only excitement and entertainment but also satisfaction and purification of heart because they describe the glories of all pure God. They are not made by ordinary man of this world but by God himself so carries the extraordinary potency of transformation. No one has become a transformed person after watching reel life, there life continues in same sinful way in fact they become more passionate for enjoyment which is not purpose of human life. Scriptures again and again reminds us about our real life that is our natural position as a soul, part and parcel of God and his purpose that is to serve God lovingly. In conclusion one should not waste his money, time and energy to get more confused and bewildered about life by watching reel life but take proper shelter of scriptures like Gita and learn about realities of this life and about real life!!

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

Watch the trailer and get a role in the movie!!

Once when I opened my YouTube app to check some info I was amazed to see that one of the trailer of particular movie was viewed by 20 crores people in one day, what a craze! Trailer is overview of movie to attract the people to watch the movie, trailer is for promotion and free of cost. After watching trailer person becomes desirous of watching movie by buying costly tickets and hopes for 2-3 hours of excitement and happiness.

It's practically unheard that someone watched the trailer and what to say of freely watching movie but he gets role into next movie. But it happens. When God appears in the world and performs different pastimes which are like the trailer of His real eternal movies going on in spiritual world. Everyone likes to see movies and follow hero and God fulfils desire of conditioned people in positive way. When he descends to this world he enacts the perfect roles, when he takes role of baby he actually becomes and exactly behaves as baby, when he takes role of lover he perfectly reciprocates with loved ones, when he becomes husband, king and a servant of devotee no one can doubt his credibilities of acting thus he becomes perfect hero whose example can be followed.

His earthly pastimes which are like trailers which reveals glimpse of his activities in eternal world. These trailer of God is the subject matter of scriptures like Gita and Bhagavat Mahapuran, as we discussed earlier that peculiarity of these trailer is that it qualifies one to watch fully movie(understand whole pastimes of Lord) and get chance to enact role in these movies with Lord by becoming his associate(one gets entry to eternal world) without costly tickets. One loses his time, money, energy as well intelligence by watching movies of this world because non of them teaches purpose of life and activities to be performed to achieve it, in fact people get  more bewildered and think sense gratification is only aim of life.

There is no one more merciful and compassionate than God who avail this facility of just reading and listening about him from authentic spiritual teachers and getting entrance into his kingdom filled with eternal bliss also it's a perfect utilisation of time and energy. In conclusion these pastimes of Lord are not something boring or tiring or old(as usually thought) but keeps the potency to fulfil all human emotions and always felt newer and newer by the sincere practitioner, at the same time it makes one qualified to enter the spiritual world by purification of heart.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

(Spiritual) Health is Wealth- 3 Lessons from pastime of Dhanvantari

Today is the day when Lord Dhanvantari appeared during the churning of milk ocean. During churning demons became very morose and depressed when they saw Goddess of fortune accepted the shelter of Lord Narayan neglecting everyone. They again engaged themselves vigorously in the churning expecting something wonderful to come out of it. Thereafter a beautiful male appeared from ocean, He was strongly built; his arms were long, stout and strong; his neck, which was marked with three lines, resembled a conchshell; his eyes were reddish; and his complexion was blackish. He was very young, he was garlanded with flowers, and his entire body was fully decorated with various ornaments. He was wearing the beautiful robes, he was also carrying a big jug full of nectar.

Nectar was supposed to be the culmination of whole activity of churning. Everyone was happy seeing the nectar. Both the parties were really eager to taste it but some powerful demons without concern for anyone just snatched the jug and ran away to drink. Demigods were helpless, lord appeared to them and told don't worry you will be the enjoyer of nectar. Here demons started fighting amongst themselves deciding who will have it first. 1)One lesson we can learn from here is that Lord Dhanvanatari who is God of health couldn't protect the jug from demons indicating health of material body is flickering and time is snatching it away from us and even best of the doctors can't do anything.

Lord asked demigods to keep some patience, He assumed the form of Mohini to bewilder the demons. Forgetting the nectar they started running after her, they put their full trust on her and handed over jug asking her to distribute it equally amongst everyone. But what Mohini did, she started distributing nectar only to demigods. Demigods are servant of God whereas demons defy the God and His supremacy. 2)Here Mohini is indicating that only the devotees are rightful heirs for nectar which will give healthy body because demigods are using body in service of Lord, where as the demons wanted to have healthy body for their own sense pleasure, Lord provides all necessities for His devotees, they always gets best of both the worlds.

Sukdev Goswami concludes this chapter glorifying the nectarian holy name of Lord. Similarly rather than seeking nectarian bliss anywhere else we also should engage ourselves in churning of our heart with Bhakti process and then result will be the taste for holy names, by experiencing this nectar our spiritual Heath will improve and we can become fit to return our eternal home. 3)It doesn't means  that one should neglect the bodily health but one shouldn't exploit his body for sense pleasures of this world which will only cause moroseness as seen with the example of the demons.

Article By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

Significance of Dhanteras

Today evening most of us will be worshipping Goddess Lakshmi seeking her choicest blessings in the form of money and good fortune. Today is the day when Lakshmi Devi appeared from the milk ocean during it's churning. Actually everyone within the world is seeking her slightest glance upon them, they are trying out so many things to attain her mercy. More than money and some fortune she has something really special to offer us.

Once Durvasa muni cursed Indra to become deprive of his heavenly kingdom and all fortunes. Indra with other demigods was also defeated by demons, they lost everything. Lord Vishnu being compassionate upon His devotees asked them to have a truce with the demons. He told them to churn the milk ocean which will result in getting nectar, everyone agreed. Lord helped them in getting Mandara mountain as churning rod and Vasuki snake as rope. Both parties demigods and demons started churning vigorously expecting the nectar but first thing which came out was poison, that was accepted by Lord shiva protecting universe. Then various wonderful things started coming out and everyone according to their positions were accepting them. Surabhi was accepted by Rishis, horses and elephants were taken by demons etc. Soon a lady with exquisite beauty appeared from ocean like a lightening. She was goddess of fortune herself.

Everyone was seeking for her hand. Sages started praising her and had bathing ceremony with Vedic mantras and other paraphernalia. After accepting new garments she started searching for perfect master who can give her protection. She was roaming in the midst of all celestial beings and demons but she found out that no one is complete and everyone is full of faults, someone had good looks but no intelligence, someone was ascetic but influenced by time, someone was powerful but had no position. When she approached Lord Vishnu without a second thought she offered a garland over His shoulder indicating He is the supreme one.

Lord also accepted her as an eternal consort and gave her place on His chest. Being the chaste wife of Lord she always follows the Lord. And whom does the Lord follow? Lord follows the heart of devotees, He stays in the heart of devotees and where there is Narayan there is Lakshmi, it's so simple equation. Only being desirous of Lakshmi is a mentality of Ravana who also wanted Sita without Lord Ram but that only caused for his destruction. On the other hand those who worshipped Them together became prosperous. If someone only worships Lakshmi desiring material benefits she appears to them as Chanchal(flickering) or illusory Lakshmi offering them some temporary benefits but one who becomes devotee of Lord Narayan she offers eternal fortune upon those souls. In conclusion rather than running after grace of Lakshmi run after the grace of her master Lord Narayan whose shelter she also seeks, this is the significance of Dhanteras.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

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