Who is your favourite actor ?

Hardly anyone is there who don't have any interest in watching dramas or movies. Although one may not be regular movie watcher but he also knows about latest or past actors and actresses through some advertisements or trailers or promos or songs etc. Most of people have their favourite actor/actresses and they won't miss a single movie of them, but all these actors have their own limitations thus not complete or perfect. Then who is perfect hero to be followed or liked?

A- perfect actor is one who can perform all roles perfectly, only God can take this position. He acts as a beautiful lady(Mohini) and bewilders everyone including Lord shiva, not only this but he takes the roles of different animals too like lion, turtle, fish, boar etc. and likewise he has taken to unlimited roles, none of today's actors can do this even in their dreams.
C- captivating, a perfect actor is expert in captivating the heart of watcher. But many times it seems that they are boring and wasting our time. Lord's pastimes are simply amazing, they are still attracting the heart of millions even after thousands of years. When he becomes child and plays with cows and Gopas and gopis, he protects everyone in Vrindavan by killing various demons, then his Mathura, Dwarka Lilas are just mind blowing.
T- talents and skills, mortal actors lacks multi talents and skills, few days ago during shooting 2 actors jumped into dam from helicopter as a part of scene but still they are missing. God is perfectionist, once he jumped with his brother Balaram from big mountain but landed safely, he has multi talents and skills, he is wrestler, lover, dancer etc he has 64 other skills too.
O- open hearted, rather than being open hearted and kind most of the actors are just selfish, hard hearted and they have nothing to do with others. But God is so generous that he is ready to give everything whatever his fan asks for, he is ready to share his wealth and property with his dear devotee, who else other than God can do this?
R- reciprocator, none of the actor knows fully about their fans then what to say of doing welfare to them. But see the example of God he is such a actor that he knows and acknowledges his each and every fan of his each and every role and reciprocate with them fully because he is staying most near to us in the form of super soul. He expands into 16108 forms to reciprocate with each of his queens.

In conclusion movie stars doesn't have to do anything with our life so don't just blindly like or love or follow them, ask yourself is that person helping me, inspiring me, directing me, giving hopes to me in miserable world anyway? Film stars are just for our entertainment, they are not real heros of our life, it doesn't make any sense making them favourite in life. Make the God a favourite actor of your life, follow him and just see how he acts miraculously to make sure that we see happy end of our life movie.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

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