Matter doesn't really matter to us

We all are always bothered by things happening in the world. Different problems, sufferings, miseries are coming from nature, other living entities and our own body and mind. Something is always going at the back of the mind, mostly anxieties, tensions, thoughts of how to resolve the particular solutions. In one sense no one is happy here.

We are always searching for the solutions which can deal with all these issues and can offer us comfortable life. Thus we are heading towards technical, scientific research to avoid or at least postpone the miseries. But history shows that science can not mitigate problems 100%, in fact many times solutions are more troublesome than original problem.

Scriptures explains us that we are not these bodies made up of matter, but we are eternal souls. Matter can't sustain without spirit, matter is always dead. In real sense we have nothing to do with this material world which is full of matter, matter or material world can't hurt or trouble us in any way, but because we have identified ourselves with these matter we suffer the consequences while interacting with matter. Why we suffer? Because nature of the matter is temporary, it's bounded by time, when it's taken away by time we suffer due to separation of sense objects.

Thus sages and saints would keep their minimum contact with material world and always focus on spirit and spiritual world by engaging themselves in austerities and penances. In our case of course we can't go to forests to perform austerities or yogas but scriptures offers us the easiest way to get free from this matter and material conceptions and that is engaging these matters, things of the material world including our body in the service of Lord. When we use everything in service of God who is all spiritual we start slowly realizing our real identity as soul. Then one can actually become indifferent to the things happening in the material world and doesn't get bothered about them unnecessarily.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

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