10 Spiritual Lessons from Currency Discontinuation

Indian prime minister Mr. Modi has taken a bold step to stop flow of black money and to teach hard lessons to corrupt people who earned money by unlawful meanings and by avoiding taxes. But common people like us who are law abiding can also learn few lessons from this whole scenario.

B- What about the black heart? Yes, Modi's decision is absolutely correct to get black money back, but unless and until something is done to cure black heart, black money again will be created in near future. The best thing is teach principles of Dharma to children from childhood along with other studies.

L-Laws has to be followed, now no one can say I don't follow PM's law, if he says so he is doomed. Similarly Lord has given us the laws in the form of scriptures which has to be followed, if we miss we will be the losers and the criminals too.

A-Acknowledge our nature, understand our nature, don't be so panic, as a soul we have nothing to do with money, at the end we will be leaving everything here only!

C-Change is certain, in material everything is changing constantly, when we focus too much on things of these changing world including our money and body we will be disturbed. One has to become 'Dhira', a sober person.
K-Karma getting nullified, we are facing so much problems on currency exchange, big queues in front of banks and ATMs etc., but understand that troubles and pains in our life are only due to our past karmas, don't blame others.

M-Money can't buy happiness, many those who are middle class or poor think that those who are rich they must be happy and one day I also would like to become rich. But just see situation of rich people from past few days, they are the one who are most miserable and tensed. Although Bangaladesh is one the poor country in the world but it is the most happiest of all other countries according to BBC.

O-Once lost is lost and even once gained is also lost in this world, many have lost crores of rupees which can't be retrieved back. This is nature of material world, but even simple activities done for spiritual cause has the effect for eternity, once gained is ever gained.

E-Excise(tax) has to be paid. We are taking so many facilities from Government we must pay taxes. If we miss the tax we will be penalised. Similarly God has also provided us so many facilities, Sun, moon, rains etc have we ever paid the taxes to Him? Simple way in this age to pay taxes to God is to just chant Mahamantra.

N-Nature of this world is to give sufferings. Whatever we do end result will be sufferings only, so don't get so surprised by seeing miseries of people beacasue of this new rule.

Y-Why to enter into such businesses which will cause us troubles? Do we really need big money to live satisfied? World is like toilet just finish business without entangling yourself and come out!

By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
In the service of www.iskcondesiretree.com

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