Body Health check up... what about spiritual health check up?

Just few weeks ago I was extremely sick with coughing, fever, body ache, weakness and so many other health related issues. I neglected it for some time intentionally thinking body will respond to it naturally but didn't work like that and I became more sick thus weak, then I was taken to the doctor who asked me to carry out health check ups to find out where exact problem lies. Check up included blood test, sputum test, x-ray etc. I did all the tests faithfully and received the 'Normal' report at the end. I was told to do these tests regularly to stay fit.

But one thing I could understand from test is that what's actually going in my body, what's the count of RBC, WBC, RCC, MCV, WCC, what's the count of platelets, is haemoglobin level proper in blood? in conclusion I understood is my body functioning properly to live long life or are there some issues inside the body. Suppose if the reports were not normal then I would had to take special treatment to get cured faster. So many tests we need to do to maintain this temporary body made up of flesh and still it can betray us at any moment.

Just like we are so protective and careful about our body, do we that much preservative about ourselves, soul? Are we interested in spiritual health check up? No... most of us are so engrossed in the body that we forget checking the soul, we forget what soul needs, what soul expects, how spiritual life should go on ideally etc. Spiritual health check up reveals us answers to all these questions, it also includes different tests which can be conducted under expert guidance. Some of the tests you yourself can perform by asking these questions..

How much do I feel to chant or engage in spiritual activity ?
Am I happy practicing spirituality ?
Are my material attachments increasing or decreasing ?
Do I like to serve or do I like being served?
Am I expecting respect or offering respects without expecting none in return ?
Am I assertive upon others? Am I demanding or humbly requesting for something ?
Can I deal with negativity of my mind(negative thoughts, negative feeling about someone and other anarthas) ?
There can be many questions but these includes into basic test.

Check the report is normal or not by examining the answers, if not normal then take treatment from good spiritual doctor but don't give up, just like when body is sick we don't give up body similarly when spiritual life is sick or goes on toss don't give up ask the expert doctor you will be cured of sickness!! We need to do these tests to know our progress as well as to stay fit in spiritual life.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

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