‘’Start wondering about creation to stop wandering in creation’’

Recently I had a chance to visit Devbhumi, UttaraKhand. I was simply mesmerised by seeing the beauty of the mountains and flow of Ganges.  And while enjoying the nature’s grace I started reflecting on the cause of this mind-boggling creation which included not only rivers and mountains but also birds, beasts, humans and much more which is beyond our scope of experience. Who made this all and why?

Bhagavad-Gita answers this aptly, Krishna says, I am the source of everything and everything is made to give you a chance to return back to Me in the permanent spiritual world. I had seen most of the scientists, philosophers were also thoughtful and tried to search answers in this regard but they never came to any conclusion, they were and still they are confused about the creation and its purpose.

When we accept the creator behind the creation and appreciate his acts we naturally get humbled in front of him, we offer ourselves for his service accepting the creator as our true well-wisher. When we do so we actually begin our spirituality and stop our materiality. The problem with the scientist is that they don’t want to accept higher authority like Vedas or wisdom of the realised souls, thus remain stuck up in their own speculative ideas of creation and keep evolving newer and newer theories. Thus, they keep revolving in the world of birth and death.

In conclusion when we see the things from the eyes of the scriptures we experience Krishna’s presence everywhere, simple things also charm us, pleases us and then when we glorify and appreciate Krishna for his gifts that’s the start of our devotional service which actually takes us beyond this temporary world to a place which is eternal, filled with knowledge and happiness.

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