Does committing suicide foster our path of seeing The Lord?

a very disheartening incidence took place in Delhi few days ago, not one or two but total 11 people from same family committed suicide for getting liberation and to see lord face to face.
Now a day’s people hardly read and follow authentic scriptures thus create their own path for unlimited sufferings by following speculative instructions. Yes, our goal is moksha or the liberation from the world of sufferings but that doesn’t mean we should do it by speculative or wrong way.
an incidence comes in scripture Sri Chaitanya charitamrita, a great devotee named Sanatan wanted to commit suicide because he considered himself to be very sinful and un-useful for the service of the lord. when his thought was understood by Sri Chaitanya deva he chastised Sanatan Goswami by saying, ‘’you don't have any right to kill your body because this body is given by me and it has to be used according to my will, you dint have any right to destroy it’’. He also Told that if it was so easy to see the lord by committing suicide then I could have committed it Long ago. So simple but profound explanation, if the suicide was the way to see Lord then why the scriptures and great authorities of Vedas like saints would, gurus from disciplic succession didn’t speak about it, that means they doesn’t approve it, that’s it. 

we understand from above pastime that body, mind, soul and everything belongs to the God and we don’t have any authority to misuse it, overuse or exploit it or kill it, all these activities will simply bring sufferings for the conditioned souls. The best way is to use it as told by God himself. Just like we use electronic gadgets, kitchen appliances as told by manufacturer for best results. One is considered criminal for destroying the property of Lord which is very serious offence and he has to go through severe punishments.

If someone commits suicide or kills himself his condition becomes very dangerous. Just take the example of a person who is living in rented home but suddenly destroys the home without the permission of owner, what will happen to him? will owner offer him new home? No.. absolutely not, owner would have offered him new home with new agreement for specific tenure if he would have taken care of the previous home nicely. Same thing happens with the soul who commits suicide, he comes out of the body before finishing agreement of stay. He has to just be without body-
less till he gets new body. He has to accept the body of the ghost, that means the soul with desires but no faculty for any enjoyment, he sees, smells, hears everything but can’t do anything. Such a pitiable state!!

In conclusion suicide is not a solution for your problems but it’s a doorway for severe reactions.

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