Realisations from a patient

I was suffering from plural effusion that means my lungs got filled with liquid due to bacterias. Diagnosis reported that it was due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. I got little scared because 1.6 million people die every year due to same disease. But doctors gave me hope saying if one follows given prescriptions then TB is fully curable. Here I have related some aspects of my treatment with regulated devotional service(sadhana bhakti).

1)Bacterias are everywhere one who is less immune gets infested
TB bacterias are everywhere, at hospitals, at hostels, at marketplaces everywhere. Most people in good health who breathe in TB bacteria do not develop active TB disease. The TB bacteria that you breathe in begins to multiply in lungs. This stimulates your body defence system, immune system into action. TB bacterias are this killed or made inactive in case of immunised person. But in case of those whose immunity has gone down gets invaded with such bacterias which can create fatality.
Similarly Maya, the illusory potency of God is all pervading like a God but she can attack only those who are not spiritually immune or protected by spiritual environment. That means those who are forgetful of their real identity as part and parcel of supreme gets covered and infected with illusion.

2)One can't skip the dosage
Missing pills makes treatment less effective, the more pills you miss the higher the probability that people having multi resistant bacterias. Missing the dosage will increase immunity of bacteria to a such an extent that it will be untreatable.
Similarly for sadhaka his daily sadhana is very important, missing for a single may make mind more resistant to Bhakti process.

3)Nor one can reduce the dosage
Doctor knows the seriousness of disease in individual patient. He may vary the quantity of dosage accordingly. We can't change the prescription as per our wish.
Similarly we are all ill in spiritual matters. The scriptures and spiritual master have given us the prescribed instruction of chanting 16 rounds and following 4 regulative principles seeing our materially diseased condition. We should not alter them according to our own feasibility else disease may become stronger and worse.

4)Good diet and exercise(regulations) also needed
Of course without medicines TB can't be healed but medicine can't work without a healthy diet. Diet helps to restore the immunity back.
Similarly although holynames is the remedy for freedom it won't work if we are not following diet that is Sadachar(etiquettes), Sadhusanga(association), sastra(scriptural studies) etc.

5)By not adhering to doctor's advice one simply aids to spread disease
It generally happens that after starting treatment over bacterias one starts feeling quite well thus one tends to stop further dosages. When one starts taking medicines after a while it kills enough bacterias but not all. So few bacterias that are left are the ones that are most resistant to the medicine. Then what happens? The few hardy bacteria repopulate and multiply and you are left with a worse infection. And you become source and medium of such worse bacteria which can hardly be treated with any medicine. So it's patient's first responsibility is to save himself first and then others following doctor strictly.
Similarly when one doesn't follow scriptures and spiritual master he is becoming an instrument in Maya's as well as in Kali's hand to spread the disease which kills the spiritual intent of people.

Article By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

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