Let's not get fooled again

Victor Lustig was one of the most amazing con man ever lived. You would be amazed to know what he did, he tricked people and he almost managed to sell Eiffel Tower twice. In his early age he would sell 'money printing machine' to his clients. What he aid was the machine can print number of $100 bill in six hours, so clients purchased the machine sensing huge profits. Some machines were sold for $30000 in early 1940s. But after printing two $100 bills it just used to print blank paper. Guess why? Because those were the two $100 bills preloaded in them. Of course later he got caught in 1936 and died behind the bars.

Now someone may say how dopey, how can one buy Eiffel Tower or money printing machine? Unbelievable!! But fooling is possible when one gains trust over people. A con man is one who cheats or tricks someone by gaining their trust and persuading them to believe something that is not true. Not for so serious reasons but we also have been fooled many times in life. World is full of 'cheaters' who investigate newer and newer ways to fool others and 'cheated' who easily gets fooled. Fooling means false promising, agreeing to give something better but compromising on quality and quantity or not delivering the things at all.

Similarly Maya, the illusory potency of Lord is fooling us every now and then but why we have been falling for her from time immemorial because she has won our trust. We believe in her. In above example we saw some people had been cheated for money but we are being cheated for our lives keeping us away from real pleasures. She is like a thief who pretends to be our dear friend. She steals our intelligence and allures for things which we don't need essentially. With her sweet promising words She convinces us and gives hopes for sense enjoyment which doesn't have to do anything with our core being, soul.  She is very powerful, her allurements are really enticing and even most mighty can get tempted by her appeal.

One can save himself from getting befooled from Maya's tricks when he is sufficiently intelligent, well experienced and guided in spiritual matters. Although Maya is powerful she is faithful servant of Krishna(Bg 9.10). When one gets attracted by Krishna, when we trust him, his promises and his instructions Maya can no more fool him(BG 7.14). In conclusion if we don't want to get befooled by Maya let's stop trusting her promises, her hopegiving words and plans for sense enjoyment better postpone, ignore and neglect such plans. If we again fall for her tempting words then again we will be fooled like never before.

Article By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 

Realisations from a patient

I was suffering from plural effusion that means my lungs got filled with liquid due to bacterias. Diagnosis reported that it was due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. I got little scared because 1.6 million people die every year due to same disease. But doctors gave me hope saying if one follows given prescriptions then TB is fully curable. Here I have related some aspects of my treatment with regulated devotional service(sadhana bhakti).

1)Bacterias are everywhere one who is less immune gets infested
TB bacterias are everywhere, at hospitals, at hostels, at marketplaces everywhere. Most people in good health who breathe in TB bacteria do not develop active TB disease. The TB bacteria that you breathe in begins to multiply in lungs. This stimulates your body defence system, immune system into action. TB bacterias are this killed or made inactive in case of immunised person. But in case of those whose immunity has gone down gets invaded with such bacterias which can create fatality.
Similarly Maya, the illusory potency of God is all pervading like a God but she can attack only those who are not spiritually immune or protected by spiritual environment. That means those who are forgetful of their real identity as part and parcel of supreme gets covered and infected with illusion.

2)One can't skip the dosage
Missing pills makes treatment less effective, the more pills you miss the higher the probability that people having multi resistant bacterias. Missing the dosage will increase immunity of bacteria to a such an extent that it will be untreatable.
Similarly for sadhaka his daily sadhana is very important, missing for a single may make mind more resistant to Bhakti process.

3)Nor one can reduce the dosage
Doctor knows the seriousness of disease in individual patient. He may vary the quantity of dosage accordingly. We can't change the prescription as per our wish.
Similarly we are all ill in spiritual matters. The scriptures and spiritual master have given us the prescribed instruction of chanting 16 rounds and following 4 regulative principles seeing our materially diseased condition. We should not alter them according to our own feasibility else disease may become stronger and worse.

4)Good diet and exercise(regulations) also needed
Of course without medicines TB can't be healed but medicine can't work without a healthy diet. Diet helps to restore the immunity back.
Similarly although holynames is the remedy for freedom it won't work if we are not following diet that is Sadachar(etiquettes), Sadhusanga(association), sastra(scriptural studies) etc.

5)By not adhering to doctor's advice one simply aids to spread disease
It generally happens that after starting treatment over bacterias one starts feeling quite well thus one tends to stop further dosages. When one starts taking medicines after a while it kills enough bacterias but not all. So few bacterias that are left are the ones that are most resistant to the medicine. Then what happens? The few hardy bacteria repopulate and multiply and you are left with a worse infection. And you become source and medium of such worse bacteria which can hardly be treated with any medicine. So it's patient's first responsibility is to save himself first and then others following doctor strictly.
Similarly when one doesn't follow scriptures and spiritual master he is becoming an instrument in Maya's as well as in Kali's hand to spread the disease which kills the spiritual intent of people.

Article By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Are you immune?

Each of us experiences sickness during our lives. Interestingly our body employs a system which tries to keep body fit against illness, that's called immunity.  Immunity is an internal defense mechanism that keeps things from causing you harm, sort of a Pure Precept of anatomy – cease things that do harm. When the body is attacked the immune system arises to defend the body from things that may harm it. White blood cells go on the defense and antibodies on the offense. People do all kinds of things to boost their immunity so that they won't be attacked occasionally by illness.

But many times it happens that our immunity, an internal defence system collapses due to several reasons such as lack of nutritional diet or unhealthy food and habits etc, which invites different bacterias to attack our body. Thus we get sick or diseased, many times this reduced immunity can turn to be fatal. Then its very important to strengthen immunity with antibiotics or natural herbs or physical exercises or nutritional diet.

Life doesn't offer us only bodily illness but also psychoemotional maladies and white blood cells and antibodies can't help for that. Circumstances, situations in life are not stagnant they are dynamic, someone who is rejoicing now can be seen morose or stressed after a while. There is one more immunity system within each one of us which protects our mind from such injuries, rejuvenates, purifies and connects it to the God, it's called as spiritual immunity. Sometimes life knocks us very hard, disappointing us, betraying us, negative thoughts prevail in mind without an option of hope. During this time spiritual immunity helps us not to stop these problems but to properly react over them.

Being overly attached to the self and only conscious about sense enjoyment is first symptom of weak spiritual immunity. Such a person is overcome by the destructive bacterias, the anarthas, lead by lust, anger and greed. Infected with such disease one leads his life towards hell(BG 16.21). Just like sometimes bacterias causes death, the person who is infected with these anarthas goes through spiritual death i.e. one forgets his connection with supreme lord as an eternal servant.

There are people who are contented and serene even in the midst of the most negative situations or plateaus of greatness. These are folks with a strong spiritual immune system. Lord krishna talks about them in several verses of Gita, they are the ones who attain real peace in this world and enter eternally blissful kingdom of God at the time of death(2.71-72). In conclusion just like we protect ourselves from getting diseased by immunising our body similarly we must protect ourselves from getting materially infected by immunising our mind and soul with appropriate spiritual practices recommended for this age i.e. hearing and chanting.

Article By Rupesh Gauranga Das

Distractions leads to destructions

Suppose a person while driving a car starts fiddling with electronic gadgets or take out his phone to text someone or starts looking outside the window at billboards and misses his attention for driving then he may crash. Everyday, distracted driving kills more than 15 people and injures more than 1200 in US. Distraction doesn't happen only while driving but at all times if we are not careful enough about giving attention. A student during preparation leaves attends parties and movies then he may fail in exams. A little distraction while cooking may burn hand and there are so many other examples of distraction.

Distraction is a thing, a thought, a person which prevent us from concentrating on our specific goal. Distractions sucks away our time, energy and money. Absence of focus causes distraction. There are primarily 2 types of distractions, external and internal. People, things or for that matter any object which takes away our focus comes under external distractions. Internal distractions are created by our mind which is preloaded with past conditionings, impressions and thoughts which are again results of external distractions. A thing which doesn't lead to our goal is considered to be only a distraction.

Now someone may say my distraction is not so serious, I am aware of my duties and goal, I just get little bit diverted by my Facebook, what's app, twitter notifications, how big destruction it can make?? But please take not that whatever we do or whatever we see it's image is formed in the mind in the form of impressions. These impressions can't be deleted easily, they last for long. And whenever we are in important work they just pop up within mind, for eg. a person siting in office may start thinking about movie scenes, or student in class start imagining about fun in picnic, that may lead to his work efficiency and consume his time and energy without productivity. And again to get mind back to its work it's a bit tedious task. So ask yourself is this helping me in my purpose if not then don't let it consume your energy and mind space which is already filled with so much junk.

Not only our material life but also spiritual life gets affected by distractions. Lord krishna talks about the distractions due to visaya, the sense objects which causes a destruction of our spiritual life(Gita 2.62-63). There were so many in the past(Viswamithra, Saubhari, King Bharata etc) gives a proof of that. Just like thought or thing may become cause of fatal accident similarly these sense objects may distract us on our sojourn towards spiritual perfection causing a spiritual death.

By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 

Lessons from a Hospital Bed

Nosocomephobia is the extreme fear of hospitals. It is a fairly common phobia; many people (including US President Richard Nixon) are known to suffer from it. I also never liked(in fact I hated and feared) to go to hospitals because of it's particular atmosphere and medicinal stink. But somehow or other due to circumstances I had to forcefully get hospitalised. During resting on hospital bed I have made few observation and drawn some lessons from it.

1)Ward doesn't matter, disease and it's treatment matters
When I was about to get admitted I was asked that which ward would you like to have? Special? Semi-special? General? I realised that ward won't change my disease nor pain that I am going through, I opted for general.
World is like a hospital, we share similar disease 'Bhava Roga' but with different intensity. Someone want to suffer from it by being in most opulent house or someone opt to suffer by being in hut but everyone has to suffer. One who takes proper treatment even by being in meagre facilities get relieved from 'Bhavasagara'.

2)Hospital is not a home
Hospital is an institution providing medical and surgical treatment and nursing care for sick or injured people. The definition clearly states that it's an institution for sick and injured and not for normal people. As soon as one is cured gets shifted to home. But sometimes patient forgets the home and gets accustomed to lifestyle of hospital, I saw there were some patients who were enjoying their days in hospital as if they were at picnic spot. They were watching movies, enjoying food and gossiping at other times etc.
As we discussed earlier hospital is similar to this material world. We the patient starts loving this world so much due to its facilities and comforts that we forget about our real eternal home which is much more better than temporary home.

3)One who follows gets freed
I saw a patient who was there from a month or may be more, he was diabetic. He had a injury on wrist which wasn't getting cured from a year or so. I came to know from nurses that he hardly follows the doctor, he eats what he wants, whenever he wants. She told till he listens and follows doctor faithfully he won't get cured in other words won't be freed from here.
Similarly we need to have faith in the words of spiritual authorities. When we follow their words we will get cured and will be freed.

4)Sympathising with others makes pain lighter
Yes absolutely I was in pain but when I saw others, especially a very young boy who just had a surgery on his abdomen, I felt my pain is nothing in front of his.
When we think of me, mine and my comforts we certainly go through distress and misery but when we see others, help them to sort out their problems our problems become insignificant.

5)Hospitals shows the real face of the world
Real world is not in the movie theatres nor in malls nor in hotels but it's in hospitals, where truth of life is highlighted and that is birth, old age, disease and death. Scriptures tells us again and again about that but one can experience it here.

6)After all you are alone, care for yourself
Throughout the day parents or friends would be there with a patient, but during treatment or any surgery you are all alone with doctors. Also during night most of the time parents or closed ones would be requested not to be with patient.
Similarly in life we ourselves will have to handle most crucial moments. However close our near and dear ones may be to us but remember We have come alone and will be departing alone from here. Better learn to care for yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. Don't depend upon other so much.

7)Tolerate some pain to eradicate bigger pain
When needle of syringe(injections) goes inside the body, however experienced and mature you are in taking it, it really pains. But doctor or nurses are not intentionally doing it, even they also don't like to trouble us by injecting medicines again and again into our body. But it's necessary for us to protect us from bigger pain.
Similarly we may find spiritual practices to be a bit austere and we need to sacrifice many things but this helps us to deal with greater material miseries.

8)Our mischief has only led us here
If we introspect carefully we can find out that for most of the times it's our mischief and frivolous nature which have made us diseased or hospitalised. In my case it was self advised change in food habits which reduced my immunity to very great extent. The patient who was on next bed he also was the victim of same nature, he, disobeying his mother, went with his friend, on a drive who didn't know how to drive properly thus car toppled down and he came under it leading to fracturing of his bones.
We come to this material world due to our independent nature. We also got allured by some so called cheap enjoyment thus we left spiritual world. When we give up that frivolous nature and obey God we get elevated to his realm.

9)Hospitals are meant to cure us not to kill us
Hospital is a good place for fast recovery, recovery from our diseased condition. They are not meant to trouble us or kill us ultimately..no.
Similarly God has not created this world to make us suffer he has created this facility so that we can get cured of our enjoying attitude and turn it into servitude.

10)Restrictions are made for freedom
While giving the discharge card I was shocked when asked to follow so many regulations for at least six months. But I don't have any choice apart from it if I want to get cured earliest.
Similarly in material world we have to follow so many restrictions for practically everything according to scriptures but we need to understand that it's there for my future betterment only. One should be sure enough to know that if I follow regulations, which we may find troublesome sometimes, properly I will be cured of my material disease.
An intelligent doesn't  take this world to be the place of only enjoyment but he values the life here and learns the crucial life lessons from each and every situation happening around, which can help him to transcend the miseries and cheap pleasures.

By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Treat for tat

Tit for tat is well known phrase. That means taking action or revenge against someone intentionally who has mistreated us or done something unpleasant to us. I remember we would exactly follow this phrase in our childhood. When somebody would refuse to give me notes of lectures I also would deny to help him in need, if someone wouldn't call me for his birthday party I also would intentionally forget to call him for mine and we did so many things like that. But later I realised that, this is not the way in which civilised and advanced one thinks, there are many disadvantages of this psychology.

If you’re one of those who live by the motto “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”,then chances are that your life will be full of miseries,a new study has found. According to the study,published in the ‘Economic Journal’,people who apply a “tit-for-tat” attitude to life are more likely to be unemployed,have a smaller circle of friends and be less happy.

But that doesn't mean we should keep getting hurt by others for sake of keeping good relations and others should exploit us, we can reply them in sophisticated and better way. its such a childish mentality to do what he has done to me. He may be fool why we also want to become like him. Why do we want to become same, copying him? It's said the best revenge is not to be like your enemy. Here are some good options to react.

Think twice- responding immediately is not always a good idea. A sober person thinks twice and answers in most suitable way, he doesn't comes under the sway of his passion. When Bhima was young he was poisoned and thrown into Ganges, Yudhisthira could have declared the war immediately against the Kauravas but he took decision with cool head, he realised now we are not in power. He waited for suitable moment, he allied with the kings, took guidance from Krishna and then fought for rights which was perfect tit for tat.

Reflect- rather than thinking he was bad that's why he did bad to me, we can think in other way round. It's not that others are always bad and we are always good. Reflect on our intentions more than deeds.

Empathise- he may be acting under some conditioned nature or immaturity that we may not know. In this case person can be forgiven. Sugriva, when received his kingdom back he forgot his purpose of helping Ram and immersed in pleasures. Lakshmana was planning to teach him a good lesson but forgave him understanding that Sugriva has missed the kingly pleasures from so many years.

Accept- accepting unfavourable situations, conditions, neglect and taunts by others teach us many lessons which makes us experienced. Pandavas accepted 13 years of exile which helped them in so many ways, can't we accept some criticism, rebukes, taunts why always respond in aggressive way, let's learn something from circumstances. Such situations develops our fortitude.

Thanking- rather than always keeping a revengeful attitude and spoiling relationships with others for small small things we can accept the circumstances as discussed earlier and thank for it for our betterment. Queen Kunti never had revengeful attitude towards Dhritarashtra and Gandhari although they were parents of those who troubled her sons in so many ways and in fact we see that she asked krsna for such situations so that she can remember him(lord) again and again.

In conclusion if someone forgets to call you for party or mistreats you in any other way, you 'treat' them.

By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Is spirituality changing me?

As soon as one starts practicing spirituality people start expecting unexpected things out of him immediately. He comes under the spotlight of everyone, they start critically analysing his every word, every action, every step. They want to see the change. Those who are inquisitive they gather the answers in sober way from practitioner but those who are envious or against spirituality they start demotivating him saying it doesn't work, it's all myth, leave it, live normally etc. But serious practitioner knows how well and effectively spirituality changing him in various ways. In my personal case also I was challenged and questioned by circumstances and people to think and introspect the effect of spirituality in my own life. Following are some of the changes (which are more internal than external) observed in my own life.

My attitude to see the world
Previously I felt like whole world revolves around me and my desires. I thought world is meant to give me pleasure but later I understood that every single soul thinks in similar way, I am not the only one, everyone feels he is the enjoyer(although one may lack the capacity to enjoy fully). We are not the enjoyer the lord is enjoyer. World is Lord's creation to give a chance for a suffering soul to go back to spiritual world and not to make arrangements to stay here permanently. World is temporary place with temporary things even the body which we are having is perishable. By seeing transient nature of the world and enjoyment offered by it my confidence in eternal world described by scriptures is increasing day by day. But that doesn't mean I am running away from this world or became totally hopeless here or fed up with the world,no. While continuing our current responsibilities we all must desire to return to our eternal, blissful home. As Jesus says, the world is a bridge, pass over it, but built no houses upon it.

My behaviour and dealings with others
I am realising my bodily relationship with everyone is for limited time period then why not value it, respect it. I also started seeking at least something good in everyone. I am feeling becoming more sensitive to others including trees, birds and beasts because the understanding of 'part and parcel of supreme' which I have received from the scriptures. I try to see that same spark in all beings, thus I avoid hurting others physically, verbally or mentally.

My external habits and actions
Spirituality gave me many positive things to perform that automatically lead to decrease in unnecessary habits which consumed my lots of time. I started taking my every action as a duty or service to supreme which is making me more responsible in my job or work, everywhere.

My internal habits
I would think there is no difference between me and my mind. Whatever my mind would think I would take it as my opinions without resisting. My mind due to its conditionings would wander over many thoughts, most of the time nonsensical, and I would respond to those thoughts and feeling by fulfilling it. But later I understood from scripture that mind is fooling me, 'I are not my mind' and 'uncontrolled mind is worst of all enemies' etc. I learnt to neglect my mind and its demands that is actually satisfying me. In short I learned internal engineering, when to respond to mind and when to neglect it(art of discrimination).

My relationship with God
Raised as god fearing culturally after reading Gita I came to know about many aspects of God and one of those is that He is most merciful and loves all of us. His magnanimity attracted me. I came close to Krsna by reading, discussing and chanting about him which is giving me more confidence in him. Neophyte like me can experience his transcendental presence in the form of deity and devotees. I have lost my fear of 'God', now I am excited to see him, hear him, be with him and to talk to him!!

I have changed a lot(may not be physically) by practicing devotional life, why don't you give a try??

By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 

Blessed sickness

Body is an important medium to serve Lord krsna in the material world, so it's necessary to take care of the body and keep it healthy. But however natural, pure and healthy lifestyle and diet you may be having there will be circumstances in life when you will have to get admitted to hospital or you will be asked to give rest to the body. Because it's a nature of the world that one who is born he has to go through other 3 stages(miseries) of life that is old age, disease and death. One can skip the old age but not the disease and death. And sometimes diseases are so serious and severe that tremendous amount of pain is involved in it(although sufferings may be optional which depends upon the level of consciousness).
In my personal case I always tried eating pure hygienic food, did exercises regularly but still diagnosed with pleural effusion which means watery fluid accumulation in chest. Thus got admitted in hospital and undergoing strict bed rest for minimum 2 weeks. Yes, of course it's certainly painful to miss your service to krsna due to physical inabilities but that can't stop our remembrance of krsna which is as powerful as service to krsna. We can turn this sickness into blessing by reflecting on following few points.

To know our level of consciousness-
During sickness most of the time one is advised to rest. And during resting it's our observation that although body is resting mind keeps roaming. And because we don't have particular work to be done or we are not focused on something it flickers wildly. This is the best time to know our consciousness level by seeing our thoughts. If the thoughts and feelings of sense enjoyment are prevailing then we need to seriously work on consciousness.
Also we must have heard and even convinced others that how we are not this body but soul but when some bitter medicine is kept on tongue or when needle is injected in body we sometime yell due to pain thus we understand that I myself is not convinced or realised about my identity as soul. Still long way to go.

To know our foolishness-
Every jivatma till he is conditioned feels himself to be doer and controller. Thus he tries to enjoy indiscriminately But when such situation arises he realises that I am an insignificant part of the vast creation. I can't control any my part of body what to say of others or something else. We can't do anything by ourselves and if we think that I am the doer then we are simply fooling ourselves.

To know our helplessness and to develop meekness-
Alone we can't do anything this realisation perfectly comes when one is sick. We are utterly dependent on someone even when it comes for attending natural urges. Depending upon others for small small things  means one has to be humble and it's one of the important quality to become God conscious.

To validate trueness of scriptures and falseness of material pleasures-
Although we accept teachings of scriptures on the basis of faith but it's most important to have realisations of some by undergoing real life experiences. Again and again scripture tells us about futility of material sense enjoyment but still we keep hoping for some pleasures. But when situations like sickness or diseased conditions comes we understand that body is simply going to give me trouble. Same thing was actually spoken by Avadhuta brahmana in 11th canto of SB, “The material body is also my spiritual master because it teaches me detachment. Being subject to creation and destruction, it always comes to a painful end. Thus, although using my body to acquire knowledge, I always remember that it will ultimately be consumed by others, and remaining detached, I move about this world.”

To know greatness of krsna-
Krsna is great he is controlling everyone from microscopic(bacterias in body) level till macroscopic level. It's simply a mystery that how he has created this body which is much more complicated than any modern complex machine. So many verities of things are involved in it and if function of any small part stops body tends to become weak or diseased. But again krsna has provided medications too to get it cured.
Krsna is so kind that although we have done tremendous amount of sinful activities in this life what to say of past, he is giving us minimal reactions to it.

To develop closeness to krsna-
This is the time when we have nothing to do, lots and lots of time is available. We can utilise this time to read, chant and study more about krsna, his pastimes, his instructions. We have to time to pray, meditate, contemplate, reflect and introspect in our own heart.

To develop gratefulness to devotees-
 In my case whenever I was sick or bedridden due to some disease I was helped by devotees. Their encouraging and hope giving words are some of the things which always helping me to get cured early. We can utilise this time to meditate on their good qualities.
We can remember not only the current existing devotees but also past devotees who have tried hard to push the movement accepting difficulties.

To understand greatness of devotees-
It's painful When a syringe's needle goes inside a body. Just imagine the condition of those devotees who sacrificed their physical comforts and even body for spreading krsna consciousness. Kuresh disciple of Ramanujacharya, his eyes were taken out while he was alive, Hladini Devi who took bullets of revolver on chest, so much pain. We can't imagine the pain Prabhupad had suffered when he had 2 massive heart attacks on Jaladuta and there was no doctor.

To cultivate seriousness-
During sickness we have understood that being in this body is simply inviting more miseries better perfect our life by becoming serious in our devotional service. That's the only hope, if we miss this chance then again material bodies with varieties of pains...enough is enough.

Also during sickness we can appreciate the value of healthy body and we can actually vow to utilise future's every healthy moment in service of krsna. So that during sickness again we can remember happy healthy serving  moments.

By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Worst of all disease

I was hospitalised for 4 days and could see people with different kinds of illness and suffering. I was hearing names of many diseases for the first time in my life. Medical science has progressed a lot, so much innovation is done in this field that medicines are available for practically all the diseases.

But still there is worst and horrifying disease on which medical science doesn't have any medicine or doesn't know how to cure it. Do you know that disease? It's a 'Bhava Roga', the material disease. And surprisingly most of us are not knowing that we are also afflicted with the same. Primary symptom of this disease is to think I am this material body and whatever is in relation with my body thats mine. We understand from scriptures that we are essentially soul at core, body is just a temporary covering. This covering will come to an end but soul remains eternal.

There are different levels of this Bhava Roga, depending upon the consciousness of a person. one who is very deep rooted in enjoying mentality for him to convince you are not this body is very difficult. Unrestricted sense enjoyment makes Bhavaroga more active. Person under the impression that he is this body and he is the enjoyer goes through different bodily coverings according to his past activities thus enjoys or suffers. He keeps creating his future bodies because he keeps on desiring for sense pleasure but he forgets to understand that this is entangling pleasure. He gets stuck up in cycle of birth and death not knowing how to come out of it. Bhava Roga is cause of all diseases and suffering. It makes us forgetful of our relationship with God and his grace. It is deadliest,it makes us spiritually dead because our service attitude and gratitude towards God is turned into enjoyment seeking mentality.

But not to be worried so much, the God who has created medicines for all the diseases has offered us the medicine for Bhava Roga too which is called as 'Bhavausadhi'. This Bhavausadhi is available in the form of holynames, scriptures, holy places, holy association etc. When one takes regular dosage of these medicines under the guidance of expert spiritualist he gets cured of his disease slowly but easily and surely.

By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 

The best teacher

What makes a great teacher? Teaching is one of the most complicated jobs today. It demands broad knowledge of subject matter, curriculum, and standards; enthusiasm, a caring attitude, and a love of learning; knowledge of discipline and classroom management techniques; and a desire to make a difference in the lives of young people. With all these qualities required, it’s no wonder that it’s hard to find great teachers. Lord krishna is the best teacher the world has ever seen. Today's teachers, professors must learn some of these qualities from this great teacher.

T teaches by example- Lord didn't only speak the wisdom but He himself followed that. Lord is not hypocrite, He does whatever he speaks(BG 3.23). He need not to perform any actions but just for sake of teaching the world he does that. Teachers have the great responsibility to walk their talk because they are leaders or role models for innocent kids.

E expert- Lord is so expert that he converted war field into classroom. And addressed Arjuna in the midst of war. Arjuna was asking varieties of questions and without getting bewildered or confused even for a second Lord replied them so perfectly. Today's most of the teachers lack this skill. Lord gave importance to field knowledge because life situations are not always cozy and comfortable like well furnished and air conditioned classrooms(BG 2.11 onwards).

A acknowledges the real problem- at Kurukshetra apparent problem or issue was the war between Kauravas and Pandavas but lord rather than instructing Arjuna on How to fight he instructed on why to fight. Because he realised that real problem was not a war but tussle going on in the heart of Arjuna(BG 2.3). So rather than complaining that students don't study, tell them importance of study or try to investigate what's the real reason?

C concerned- lord is very concerned out of compassion for all beings. Teachers of this world sometimes behave partially towards their students but Lord is impartial. He made this supreme knowledge available to all humanity through Arjuna. Whoever follows that he is promoted to next grade of spiritual level(BG 2.72).

H holistic- lord introduced holistic philosophy which was not only useful for temporary war fighting but also for living a life as a successful person. Good teachers are not only masters of their own subject but they teach student how to live a life. They guide student like Lord guided Arjuna. Arjuna became winner of the war as well as returned to eternal abode of lord after his life in this world(BG 18.78).

E eager- many times teacher gives up the hope for one who fails again and again. But we find that lord is so eager for uplifting the conditioned souls of the world that he himself comes again and again to this world or arranges for prophets or saintly beings or inspires a person from within(BG 4.7).

R ready to repeat- just after whole Gita was spoken Lord asked Arjuna, do you remember everything, are you able to digest it properly, did you get whatever I say or should I repeat the whole knowledge again(BG 18.72). Good teachers rather than getting angry at students who ask them to repeat the subject matter, they repeat it.

Article By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by ISKCON Desire Tree

Have you updated your 'Status'?

Status has multifarious meanings. According to dictionary it means person's social standing, ranking, position or level etc. Everyone wants to raise his/her status to an another level. This particular word 'status' is also being wildly used in social networking sites and apps but with little different meaning. People who are addicted to such networking sites found to be changing their 'status quotes' and 'smilies' every now and then. This virtual status can be used to indicate many things. It's used to express person's current state and standing of mind or to convey the feelings or to inform others about what they are doing or to wish someone for their birthdays or anniversaries etc.

Many times people are seems to be so much bothered about their status. No one wants to be on same level thus everyone of us tries a lot to improve it. But because being fully drawn by the externalities and distractions of the world we have forgotten our essential necessities. We are the soul and not these bodies, the status which we are updating is merely related to body which is constantly changing and eventually will go through a destruction one day. Thus even one may have received some position or status in society that will be taken away as time passes. Or in case of social networking status, it's also a temporary feelings or state of mind and doesn't help us at core by anyway.

One should focus on and think about his spiritual status, his spiritual position, standing, level etc. that will help him to go and grow in both the worlds. One should always aspire for updating and upgrading it with Bhakti yoga. Following recommended spiritual practices correctly with heart into it doesn't keep us at same level of consciousness, it simply raises us. This upgraded spiritual status, consciousness will help us to tackle the distractions and obstructions on our sojourn both externally and internally.

In conclusion it's certainly not an good idea to be a mediocre materially and economically one should use his skills, talents and energy to upgrade his social level, status and value. Similarly we shouldn't be attached to mediocre consciousness level which can keep us bound to this world. We must take help of spiritual authorises and scriptures to shape, raise and update our spiritual status regularly.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by ISKCON Desire Tree

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