Chit-chat or Chitta-chat

Talk is one of the free gifts of nature given to us by our creator to express ourselves freely with those around us. Chit-chat litteraly means talking unnecessarily or useless talks. Previously people would chit chat when they would come together but after innovation of phones especially mobile phones even the person is not in front or at distant place they can talk and share words, great isn't it? But it has many disadvantages too. Often we observe people are in front of computer or mobile, chatting on what's app or Facebook or twitter, there is no limit for chit chatting, it's actually intoxicating.

Chitchat drains our energy, consumes the time and you don't know when it turns into gossips. People that talk too much have made it a habit of talking about other people. In today's technical world we are so absorbed and simultaneously disturbed by modern things that we forget to turn to our internal world(chitta- consciousness). In practicing silence, in meditation we connect with our inner world, Which can give us immense strength. Today hardly anyone bothers about inner strength. Let's chat with inner world, connect with the consciousness.

That's why we see in previous ages the great sages would follow the vow of silence and meditation, they would not talk for a week or for a month with anyone to conserve the energy of speech thus their words used to have so much power. Whatever they used to say it would come true. They would not waste their time in gossiping, understanding death can come at any moment.

Silence not only mean not speaking unnecessarily but also mean speaking about the God and His pastimes. It's one of the way by which one can advance on spiritual path the goal of human life. Talking about mundane things like politics, games, movies, actors or actresses etc. won't help us in anyway in this life as well as in next. But discussing about God can relieve us from pangs of miseries. Lord Krishna in Gita explains, "my devotees derive great pleasure in discussing about me  and my pastimes." So let's not waste our time in chit chat but utilise our time and energy in Chitta chat (chatting for elevation of consciousness that is chanting and hearing about lord) by which we can connect to supreme Lord who is residing in our heart.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

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