12 Reasons to accept Spirituality

Most people consider spirituality to be path of escape, they think by accepting spirituality one is avoiding or one is escaping from his duties. But it's not at all true. Without knowing the benefits of practicing spirituality they avoid following it thus missing something substantial in life.
Here are some reasons for practicing spirituality:-

S-Strength to deal with all challenges- many times circumstances are so sudden and new that we don't know how to deal with them. Spirituality is not the path of running away from circumstances but it's the path of dealing with them with clarity of mind and thoughts.

P-Positivity- world is filled with negativity. There are people who are jealous of us, who keeps us pulling down, who belittle us which results into lacking faith in oneself. Spirituality and scriptures shows us the hopes and teaches us to be positive in all circumstances.

I-Inner strength- most of us doesn't lack the skills but we lack the will. We try to avoid our responsibilities and challenges due to lack of will power and laziness. But the scriptures reminds us about our circumstantial duties as well as our eternal duties. It inspires us to deal with challenges  by suggesting us practical way to fight and to deal with them.

R-Realisation of real self, reconnecting with yourself- spirituality is the only thing which teaches us about our real nature, our true self. We consider our body to the whole and soul but it's not the fact. Body is just a temporary covering over the eternal soul. In the age of technology we have developed modern instruments to connect to people of the other continents within seconds but we have totally forgotten to connect to ourself.

I-Intelligence gets purified- ideally intelligence should guide the mind but due to our conditionings and past bad habits mind was instructing intelligence which was only resulting in havoc. Spiritual practices and guidance from saintly people makes intelligence strong and purified which doesn't bend on mind's demands.

T-Transformation- as soon as one starts practicing authentic path of  spirituality his heart transforms. He becomes more sober, calm and cool. He becomes more sensitive to oneself as well as towards others including trees, birds and beasts. He doesn't unnecessarily harm them. So there is no necessity of practicing non-violence and other good moral conduct separately it gets automatically developed in the heart of practitioner.

U-Understanding the nature of the world- no university teaches about real nature of this world. For most of us world is place to eat, sleep and be merry but it's not the case, world is filled with unlimited miseries and suffering. Spirituality teaches us that this world is meant to give us the chance for reforming our conditioning thus making spiritual world as our goal.

A-Attention and awareness increases- practicing spirituality gives us the understanding that we are just caretakers of the world and not the enjoyer. As a obedient servant it becomes our duty to take care of everything which is given to us. Thus matters about ecology, social welfare etc are improved without special endeavour.

L-Loss of fear- the greatest fear is of death. When one realises that I am eternal soul and death exist for body but not for me then there is no fear.
loss of interest in petty issues and things - when one understands that we have some higher goal in our life to attain he stops taking interest in small things of the world.
laziness of mind is cured- body may be active but mind becomes lazy in the sense it doesn't want to adopt to the changes and keep postponing the things. One learn to deal with crazy and lazy mind in spirituality.

I-Immense benefit and bliss- one learns to control his desire and doesn't hanker for unnecessary things. Thus satisfaction and fulfilment enter into the heart. One can experience the real bliss by coming into contact with bliss personified God.

T-Temptations can be tackled easily- spirituality teaches us sense control in fact it gives us the higher taste by which we can easily overcome cheap temptations of this world.

Y-Yields are not temporary but everlasting- fruits or benefits of our labour or any activity are temporary they will last till we last in the world. But credits of spiritual practices are eternal and never diminishing. They come to our rescue in future births too!!

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by Iskcon Desire Tree

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