Are you postponing your happiness?

What is the first thought that comes to our mind when someone asks "When will you be happy?"
If our answers are more or less similar to these:  "When I pass my exams, I'll be happy" "when I get promotion", "when I lose my weight", "when I get married", "when I travel Overseas", "when I eat such kind of food", "when I meet my friends", "If I could be rich, I will be happy", "If I have a good job", " when I have a villa", "If I can attain this, I will be happy", "when I get that, I will be happy", etc...  Or our statements contains the conditions "If and when" then many of us are victims of 'if' and 'when' syndrome. We are simply postponing our happiness and constantly thinking, planning or waiting for the magical future. Even if we fulfil such desires they will be short-lived. Absorbed in making plans of the future happiness, we completely forget about present, which is in our hands right now. Rather than relishing present to its full capacity, we simply waste it by building castles in the air.
If we carefully observe the above answers, most of the answers are dependent on either things or somebody. Happiness exists neither in the things nor in other people. Happiness is our personal choice and it completely depends upon us. When we want to be happy, we can do it without being dependent on others. Happiness is our choice, 
we have the complete right to experience it at the moment. The more we try to find pleasures from outside or in others, the more we become miserable and frustrated. 

"Anandomayo abhyasat" we are all meant to experience happiness, but we have completely forgotten where to seek for that Happiness and what is that real Happiness. While running after false and temporary pleasures of this world, we have lost our contact with our eternal pleasure giving God, Sri Krishna. Vedic scriptures describe Krishna to be "satchidananda vigraha", the embodiment of Eternal Knowledge and Bliss. Lord Krishna is eager to share His Bliss with all of us. Bliss is even far superior than Happiness. When we come in contact with Him by different means such as chanting His Holy Names, worshipping Him, reading about Him; we can surpass the temporary happiness and can experience real pleasure within. When we start experiencing such purest and highest Bliss at all the times, we naturally stop searching for pleasures of this world, understanding its true nature. Then we situate ourselves in a state where external conditions no more affects our "Happiness".

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