Turning Dangal into Mangal

Recently there was a super hit movie 'Dangal', it's story revolves around the 2 wrestlers. A person named Mahavir who had to leave wrestling due to financial difficulties vows to make his son best of the wrestlers but he gets disappointed when his wife gives birth to 4 daughters. Later he realises that 2 of his daughters has the potential to become wrestlers thus he begins coaching them in wrestling. As a result of their consistent efforts both wins commonwealth games. Exciting isn't it?

Wrestling or for that matter any game is thrilling and intoxicating, one derives a great pleasure especially when opponent is defeated. We all individuals can experience this wrestling at every moment within us, but most of the time we loose the competition, because we have very powerful opponent. Who is he? He is our own mind, who defeats us with his tactics, strategies, plans. And because we are habituated in getting defeated we don't try to oppose the mind rather we agree whatever mind says. Gita explains uncontrolled mind is our greatest enemy because it keeps us binding to our conditionings which stops our overall progress and create inauspiciousness.

In one sense it's easy to defeat competitor who is equal to us by learning his strengths and weaknesses. But the opponent within us has very peculiar characteristics, it's most powerful as well as most stubborn and flickering even the most powerful warriors and sages were also victimised by it. In fact it has experience of defeating us, fooling us from time immemorial. Just like for 2 daughters it was practically impossible to defeat the wrestlers but when they learned from their father who was expert wrestler they could do it. Similarly spiritual teacher can coach us in the matter of wrestling with the formidable mind.

To oppose the mind it's not an easy play it may require lifetime of practice, patience, sense of discrimination and purified intelligence. But consistent fight should go on, scriptures explains us that mind is the main cause of our roaming into different species of life. It covers our real identity and makes us suffer or enjoy accordingly. In conclusion fight with some wrestler is easy but fight with internal wrestler is quite difficult and long lasting it can only be won with the help of the God and His representatives. When we follow their instructions, advices, guidelines then soon this Dangal can be turned into Mangal(auspiciousness).

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Does your Actions turns to satisfaction?

Why do we play games? Why do we want to go for recreation? Why do we watch movies? Why do we make friends or engage in relationships? Why do people work hard? Different people have different expectations from their job or work or for that matter any activity. In case of work someone may be there just for money or someone may have different purpose to be there. But ultimately everyone is seeking only for satisfaction, everyone is looking for some kind of mellow or pleasure through any activity.

There are 3 kinds of satisfactions, satisfaction on bodily level, on mental and ego level but higher than that is satisfaction on spiritual level. Satisfaction on bodily level includes sensual pleasures or pleasures acquired through working senses. Satisfaction on mental level is of wide varieties, which includes pleasures on emotional, egoistic, intellectual levels, and it is higher than sensual pleasure.

But pleasure based on body and mental platform are temporary and eventually leads to misery as well as anxiety. That's why we see even those who are filthy rich, well positioned are also some point of time fearful and anxious about their money, own security and social position. So in other words their actions are producing fear instead of satisfaction. This happens with everyone, generally one looks for something but receives something else, because one fails to look or concentrate on proper place which can give the real satisfaction.

Spiritual satisfaction is real and highest of all and as name suggest it belong to our real self, the soul. How inexhaustible soul can find pleasure in exhaustible or temporary things? It's impossible. So if we don't endeavour for spiritual satisfaction we will always be miserable even though we may be multimillionaire. In conclusion according to BG 2.65, if one doesn't focuses on satisfaction on spiritual level then threefold miseries will always exist for him.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Regulation is for Elevation

For most of the people regulation is weird term, they just want freedom or free culture. According to them freedom means, 'whatever comes to my mind I will do that for my immediate enjoyment'. These people don't use their intellect for thinking about good or bad effects of such following.

For example someone may say, "I like sleeping for long hours so I will sleep, I love eating junk food I will eat, I relish watching movies I will spend money and watch all movies, i like to drink so I drink, I do whatever feels me good, why should I think about regulating myself if I am enjoying?" But they forget to understand that this pleasure which they are receiving is not healthy pleasure, it can create many problems in physical body as well as in mind, also such pleasures won't last long. So we have to control and regulate our likings, habits.

We must have observed kite flying. Kite is tied to thread, if the kite thinks that this thread is restricting me thus I need to free myself from thread to go higher and higher thus it separates itself from thread. But what's the result of that? Will kite go higher? No, it will come down. Similar with the example of train, it's bound by railways thus it's going ahead. If someone wants to be successful in life he has to be regulated in terms of his likings, he has to sacrifice many things by thinking of higher goal in life. Without regulation we become like an animals.

In spiritual life also we have to regulate ourselves in so many ways without getting disturbed by understanding that these regulations are meant for our advancement only. Without regulation spiritual as well as material life becomes chaotic. Regulation helps to develop determination and to get off mental platform. Generally people avoid scriptures thinking that it will ask  me for restricting my pleasures but scriptures doesn't tell us about restricting our enjoyment tendencies but they offer us the ways of regulating such proclivities so that slowly slowly one may advance on spiritual path.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 

What's in the name??

Now a days there is so much discussion going on about the name of one of the celebrity's child. Some of the people are deliberating that this particular name may hurt the feelings of Hindus, others say that parents have right to give any name to their baby, some others refereeing to Shakespeare say that, what's there in the name (This reference is often used to imply that the names of things do not affect what they really are).

For all of us name is so important, it's our identity, people know us by name. Without names life would be so boring and confusing. Names play a significant part in our life. It's often observed(it's also researched scientifically) that name do affect the personality, personal character and behaviour. So it was the custom that parents would keep name of the child belonging to great historical personalities or belonging to gods. This would help the child and even parents. History tells us the example of Ajamila.

Ajamila was gentle and pious person by nature but somehow or other he felt victim to lust and got entangled with prostitute. In due course of time she gave birth to many kids, the youngest child, who was very dear to Ajamila, was given the name 'Narayana'. It's one of the name of Lord Vishnu. When Ajamila was on the verge of death, Yamdutas, the servants of Yamaraja came to take him. By seeing their fierce form Ajamila was terrified and started calling for his youngest son by his name, 'Narayana'. As soon as he uttered the names of Lord, the servants of Lord, Vishnudutas came to rescue him to gave him another chance of improvement.

Actually there is nothing in ordinary names but there is everything and full potency in the names of God which can deliver people of cumbersome material world. Anyhow one hears or call out for His names receives the benefits for eternity. Therefore we see that all the saints and the spiritual teachers give emphasis on chanting and hearing of Holy names. In conclusion we have to fold our life in such a way that somehow or other we are speaking and hearing the names of God or names of His pure devotees which only can infuse auspiciousness in us and all around.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Understanding the MISunderstanding

World is full of misunderstandings. It's there between husband and wife, friends, boss and servant, parents and children, teacher and students, misunderstandings are all pervasive. It's a main reason for break up in relationships.  This is one of few other feelings in the world that makes you feel downright terrible even if a stranger happens to misunderstand you, what to say of close ones.

What to say of us but scriptures give various references where great personalities were also misunderstood by people in general. In Ramayana after departure of Dasaratha from this world, Bharata returned to Ayodhya. Although having no connection with whole incidence he was held responsible for King's death and Lord Rama's exile by residence of Ayodhya. Then he was misunderstood by his guru Vasista and Viswamitra. Later when he decided to get Lord back to Ayodhya he was misunderstood by Laksmana. Only Lord Rama could understand Bharata's intentions. Similarly Bhagavat Mahapuran explains the story of Syamantaka jewel, where in whole episode Lord Krishna was misunderstood by His own relatives, Yadavas. Later Lord brought back jewel from forest and clarified the doubts of people.
If we take care of mis, understanding can grow well.

M misidentification has to be given up -The main cause of misunderstanding is that we have misunderstood ourselves. Although eternal soul with blissful nature we think ourselves to be a body which has to end one day. Although servant of supreme God and meant for his pleasure we want to become boss, proprietor and independent enjoyer neglecting the God. Servant enjoys when he serves the master faithfully and when master gets pleased servant is also pleased, service is his inherited nature, if servant wants to enjoy separately he can't do so with fullest extent. Till the time we think I am the owner, I am the enjoyer, I am the boss, everyone should obey me, respect me till that time there will be conflicts because every conditioned soul thinks in that way.

I interpretation has to be avoided- another cause of mistaking is interpretation of something or about someone by mind based on its impressions from past experiences. We must clarify what person meant by his actions rather what we perceived their actions to mean.

S sustainable relationships with everyone on the basis of service attitude- if our attitude is correct, if we are careful in our dealing and sensitive about people's feelings then there won't be any conflicting situations. But even if such situation arises, due to good relationships with them misunderstandings can be immediately clarified. Conflict is distressing but if we deal it with correct perspective then it can turn into great opportunity for growth in terms of deepening our relationships.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

When mind plays the game, play careful

Who don't like playing games, there is fun especially when we defeat the opponent. But winning the game is never easy even in front of weak contestants, so many tricks, tactics have to be used.

Did you ever observe or feel that biggest opponent is staying very close to us, just within us, whatever we propose, may that be any noble idea or resolution or plan it opposes it or disposes it. It is our own evil mind, evil because it is untrained and uncontrolled from time immemorial thus it supports what is not worthy of and accepts which will bring our ruination. It's just like crazy as well as strong monkey.

Mind plays various tricks with us to destroy our plans and hopes. Sometimes it proposes different plans, apparently for sense enjoyment but which also has potential to cause future miseries to us. Many times it projects the opposite and different ideas about someone or something which disturbs us. So if we are not strong enough to control these different emotions arising in mind we may fall victim to them which can create more chaos in life forgetting the real goal of life.

Especially when one tries to practice devotional service mind opposes in very tactful and hard and many time in formidable ways. Because mind knows if someone takes to genuine spiritual path then it will have to give up all contaminated enjoyment tendencies where mind feels I am the boss and will have to accept the pure path of service to Krishna where including mind all sense are also servant. If one starts believing in the mind and it's plans then one can't go ahead on spiritual path. There were many in the past who felt victim to mind's demand and went away from purpose of human form of life. One must use intelligence which is refined in the association of spiritual teachers and scriptures. With the help of this intelligence answer or oppose mind's questions and plans carefully. Defeating the mind is not an easy game it may take a lifetime too thus under guidance and proper intelligence we have to stick to path of spirituality.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

Love is not blind, it opens the eyes!!

It's a common saying that 'Love is blind' which means Love is blind to reason, common sense and logic. In fact traditionally Cupid(love God) is also pictured as blind with arrow in hands.

Actually real love is not blind, it not only opens the eyes but illuminates the everything around. There is common misunderstanding between love and lust. What people mean to say is that lust is blind, sense gratification is blind, when senses sees the sense objects they desire to enjoy them without bothering for further consequences. Just like moth rushes to the fire getting attracted with something illuminating, it doesn't bother for future results thus although having eyes moth is considered as blind.

To fulfil the lust, to perform sense gratification is also not so easy just like animals do whenever they want. But for humans we have pay heavy amount in terms of physical and mental endeavour but at the end one realises that pleasure is totally insignificant compared to endeavours gone to have it. But people keep hoping from material nature that one day we will become successful in enjoying the senses at the topmost level even though getting defeated again and again they try different methods of sense gratification thus gets entangled in laws of karma.

As a soul we have an eternal relationship with the God, we are eternal lovers of him but due to misidentification with this material body we have completely forgotten to love him and serve him instead we started loving and serving our own senses. Devotional service is a process of again engaging ourselves in the service of God thus developing forgotten loving relationship with Him. This love reveals that service to Lord is real aim of life and can provide pleasure for soul. In conclusion when we start loving God without having ulterior motives it opens our eyes to eternal realities.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 

Matter doesn't really matter to us

We all are always bothered by things happening in the world. Different problems, sufferings, miseries are coming from nature, other living entities and our own body and mind. Something is always going at the back of the mind, mostly anxieties, tensions, thoughts of how to resolve the particular solutions. In one sense no one is happy here.

We are always searching for the solutions which can deal with all these issues and can offer us comfortable life. Thus we are heading towards technical, scientific research to avoid or at least postpone the miseries. But history shows that science can not mitigate problems 100%, in fact many times solutions are more troublesome than original problem.

Scriptures explains us that we are not these bodies made up of matter, but we are eternal souls. Matter can't sustain without spirit, matter is always dead. In real sense we have nothing to do with this material world which is full of matter, matter or material world can't hurt or trouble us in any way, but because we have identified ourselves with these matter we suffer the consequences while interacting with matter. Why we suffer? Because nature of the matter is temporary, it's bounded by time, when it's taken away by time we suffer due to separation of sense objects.

Thus sages and saints would keep their minimum contact with material world and always focus on spirit and spiritual world by engaging themselves in austerities and penances. In our case of course we can't go to forests to perform austerities or yogas but scriptures offers us the easiest way to get free from this matter and material conceptions and that is engaging these matters, things of the material world including our body in the service of Lord. When we use everything in service of God who is all spiritual we start slowly realizing our real identity as soul. Then one can actually become indifferent to the things happening in the material world and doesn't get bothered about them unnecessarily.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent bywww.iskcondesiretree.com

Movie doesn't move you at all!!

While my travels may that be short or long distanced I observed the people were absorbed in their mobiles watching the movies. Their eyes were right into mobile screen and headphones on their ears, they were unmoved by any distractions around. According to them they were utilising their time in noble way. Some of them found to be so addicted that they started new movie immediately after end of the first one.

Movies are considered to be good medium of entertainment. But along with the entertainment lot of violence, vulgarity is also shown which contaminates and agitates the mind rather than refreshing it. Most of the time movies take you away from reality of the world and presents falsity which makes the similar impression on mind thus person starts expecting more than what world and people can offer, thus gets ultimately frustrated.

Movies doesn't take us anywhere, it makes us stagnant, in our attitude and behaviour towards the world, we can't move, can't grow. It just kills our time and sucks the energy. In Vedic times of course there were not any movies but there used to be the dramas or other entertainment programs. These programs would not only entertain and offer enjoyment to people but it would make people to understand realities of life as well as purpose of human life which is not only enjoyment. Today's movies, cinemas lack these skills of illuminating people for their real goal but promote 'do as you wish'. People should understand where their benefit lies, if they are unable they should approach scriptures and expert spiritualists.

In conclusion we are not against the movies but they should spread the substantial message in society rather then just providing entertainment, teach people how to control the anger, stress, dealing with depression and unexpected situations, teach them to deal with the negativity of thoughts and actions. Movie should move the people forward and not make them stagnant, in their thoughts and consciousness by keeping them unaware of realities by showing false hopes.

Article By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by www.iskcondesiretree.com

Have you charged yourself today?

What do we do immediately after getting up in the morning? We start searching for our mobile phones, isn't it? because we want to check up messages by friends and various other notifications. But suddenly we realise that battery is draining out then next thing we do that is to start searching for charger and then we keep mobile for charging at least for 2-3 hours so that it can work effectively throughout the day.

Actually human body and mind is also like a mobile, it also needs charging everyday. If not done properly then it won't work efficiently for the day. We charge our body by taking care of it, feeding it, bathing it etc but usually, not usually but always we forget to take care of mind and ourself, soul. This is the reason for most of the problems in life. Any activity may that be regular job, study or any activity sucks the bodily energy as well as mental energy. We replenish bodily energy with food but what about mind and soul??

Mind is already tired with yesterday's work and now we drag him today for new work and expect the same efficiency but this ultimately leads to tension, depression and other mental problems because mind is not fed properly. We generally think movies, songs, dramas etc will entertain the mind thus energise it but this is like feeding fast food to body which only creates further complications. Mind needs something substantial for its nourishment. Many times it happens that even though you are not using mobile phone battery keeps on draining, why? Because many unnoticeable apps are running at the background, similarly we may not be doing any work but mind's energy is draining constantly because many worries, many thoughts which are like unnoticed app are running in background. How to stop them? How to delete these apps?

There is only one way to substantially replenish the drained out mind and that is meditation. For most of the people meditation is like boring task but it's a need of mind without it don't expect mind to function properly over the period. If the battery is spoiled we can buy a new one but what if mind gets wild or spoiled? We can't change it, thus we need to take nice care of mind too! Simple way of meditation is to chant everyday for 1-2 hours which refreshes and soothes the mind and energises the soul for rest of the day.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa

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