From comfort zone to effort zone

It's easy to be in comfortable walls where we face fewer problems, we receive predictable happiness and mental security. But by avoiding venturing out of our comfort zone we limit ourselves to vast opportunities for growth and varieties of experiences. By nature, every jivatma is very active but when he accepts the garb of a material body he is captivated and bound by mode of ignorance.  Unless one is very much inspired, under the spell of ignorance he tends to avoid responsibilities and always seek comforts for body and mind. Gita wakes us up to our real nature by its wisdom. 

As we see that even Arjuna wanted to avoid his duty of fighting and for that he was presenting convincing reasons in front of the lord.  Lord understood that Arjuna just wanted to be comfortable with becoming beggar so he didn't  allow him to do so. Rather by various means, again and again, he pushed Arjuna to take up to this war, effort. He says, Tasmad uttistha kaunteya yuddhaya krta-niscayah, Therefore get up and fight with determination (2.37), similarly we find  tasmat tvam uttistha yaso labhasva, Therefore get up Arjuna, and prepare to fight(11.33) etc. 

Krishna explains the importance of efforts and hard work, especially in the 3rd chapter. He says, do not avoid duties because without work you can't even maintain your body. He asks us to carry out our responsibilities without getting attached to it just like he himself carries out his duties although he is the supreme lord. Similar verse we find in subhashit mala where it says that, "उद्यमेन हि सिध्यन्ति कार्याणि न मनोरथैः । न हि सुप्तस्य सिंहस्य प्रविशन्ति मुखे मृगाः" work gets accomplished by effort, industry, not merely by wishing. the animals don't enter a sleeping lion's mouth.

Not only in material life but also in our spiritual life we need to have this kind of attitude of taking efforts and not giving up easily for some cheap benefits. Generally, it happens that we tend to think, now because I have come to spirituality everything will be taken care by the God and I need not do anything, I will simply rest. But no, just like we see in Gita that Arjuna had to fight the war and then Krishna stood along his side helping him, making him victorious. Similarly, we all have our own wars and Warfield to deal with, when we become courageous and responsible like Arjuna then Krishna can provide his help in multifarious ways. Simply by sitting in one place and doing nothing won't help in any way neither it will attract Krishna, this is the essence of Gita.

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