Are you ready for GST?

Tax is a financial charge imposed upon an individual by the government in order to fund various public expenditures. Some of these include expenditures on economic infrastructure (roads, public transportation, sanitation, legal systems, public safety, education, health-care systems), military, scientific research, culture and the arts, public works, distribution, data collection and dissemination, public insurance, and the operation of government itself. So there are different types of taxes such as commercial tax, food tax, entertainment tax etc. levied to recover money. And from today the GST taxation laws will put an end to multiple taxes which are levied on different products, starting from the source of manufacturing to reaching the end consumer.

In short we need to pay money for using systems, facilities and services provided by the government in the form of tax and if we avoid or neglect it then we become criminals according to the law. If we analyse and observe closely we will find that actually it is the nature through its cosmic management provides us all the essentials in the form of earth, water(rains), air, sun and moon rays, oceans, trees etc to maintain and sustain our lives on this planet. But it's surprising to know that we have hardly ever bothered to pay the taxes to that universal governance which is incessantly providing us with all those basic things from time immemorial.

Scriptures explain us that universal management is done by the demigods who are empowered servants of the supreme God Krishna thus We are indebted to them. In order to clear that debt, to live happily in this world and in the next world scriptures asks us to perform sacrifices for their pleasure which is similar to paying different taxes(3.10). Just like for a smooth governance there has to be a cooperation between government and citizens similarly to gain prosperity in human society there has to be a constant cooperation between a man and the demigods(3.11). We are not only liable to the demigods but also to the sages or teachers who give us the knowledge, we are liable to our parents who gave us the birth, we are liable to society that has facilitated our upbringing and to the so many others. One who avoids to repay these obligations in the form of verities of sacrifices is considered as a thief(3.12).

But the question may arise that if we are indebted to so many then how much time it will take to please everyone and nullify everyone's debt? Just like GST includes all the other taxes within it similarly when one engages in the service of Krishna, he need not to bother about so many other obligations. Loving service to Krishna includes service to everyone, he is like a root of the giant tree, when one waters the root of the tree every part of the tree is nourished. GST may or may not be beneficial for people in general but sacrifices performed as a loving offering to Krishna such as sankirtana yajna will surely bring fortune in the society. Pleasing Krishna is not at all a difficult task, even a bagger can do that. Krishna asks for minimum things like a leave, a flower, a fruit and the water in return from his devotees(9.26). In conclusion just like a lawful civilian pays his taxes to the government dutifully similarly one must understand the contribution of Lord Krishna in our lives from millions of birth and engage in his devotional service (may not be lovingly at initial stage but at least) dutifully.

Bhakti toughens the skin and softens the heart

It's a general misunderstanding that spirituality is something esoteric  with its unattainable, theoretical, impractical and only imaginary results. But from the point of view of those who have rigorously practiced it in their lives concludes that Bhakti is the most practical method with its immense attainable benefits, even an ordinary neophyte practitioner can see and experience some of these. These outcomes are extraordinary, substantial and more valuable than superficial and temporary material experiences.

Sincere practitioner begins his journey gradually from a relative to the absolute world by following the words of scriptures and realised souls thus start setting up the connection with supreme reality, Krishna. He understands and fulfils his material as well as spiritual responsibilities without getting affected by challenges realising the world is filled with dualities. Just like thick objects absorb the impact of striking hammer(toughness) similarly his skin gets tougher in the sense that he becomes indifferent when he is ignored, praised or blasphemed, respected or insulted or criticised or even physically assaulted etc. He continues to be concerned with carrying out his duties for upliftment of everyone without getting least bothered about reversals.

Although his skin gets toughened but his the heart is softened. He becomes sensitive in dealing with others, he makes sure that he is not disturbing or agitating or troubling others. He feels pain for others because he realises that on the spiritual plane we all are brothers and sisters, we have very close relationship with each other. Due to his compassionate nature he want to benefit everyone eternally. He eagerly shares his fortune of being krishna conscious with others because he knows the ultimate reason for their misery is lack of knowledge of krishna and forgetfulness of his relationship with them.

Scriptures gives us innumerable examples of such souls who have actually executed these qualities, Jesus is one of the example. People were criticising him, cursing him not only that but he was crucified (toughness) for preaching god consciousness amongst them but he kept wishing well for everyone without having a tinge of grudge in his heart (softness). In conclusion Bhakti gives us the direct higher experience which helps us to tolerate short material miseries and empowers us to share the joy of practicing it with others.

Before you go high, go deep

Just imagine an architect making a beautiful building without bothering much about its foundation. What will happen? Such a construction won't survive even a smaller natural calamities what to say of storms, earthquakes and floods, therefore foundation plays a major part than aesthetics of building. A properly-built foundation could sustain the wrath of a natural phenomenon at a much higher level and remain safe for the people inside it. Just because foundation is unseen we can't ignore its importance.

Similarly when it comes to a building of a life we care much about our goals and externals, our looks or aesthetics appearances than our foundations which are based upon core values and spirituality. Just like the nature life is also not smooth it's filled with many upheavals, it tries to knocks us down by various challenges and if we are not grounded well within then we may collapse (psychophysically and emotionally) like a building constructed by an immature engineer.

More the height of a building more deep it is within the earth. So if we want to attain the heights of success our life should be based on strong spiritual principles which act like a foundation. Lord krishna in several verses of Gita gives the characteristics of a person who is well established in his spiritual understanding. Such a person realises the real nature of problem thus remains fixed up in his duties in the midst of the difficulties, because he is fixed in knowledge he neither gets elated nor gets disturbed but maintains equal attitude towards good and bad situations(BG 2.56-57). Just like a Foundation transfers load to ground similarly when we are loaded heavily with disturbances, tensions, agitations etc spirituality can help us to unload or to bear all those things.

In conclusion, when it comes to building projects, the foundation is the most important work and the basis of everything that comes after. It should not be taken for granted. Similarly Life is much more precious and rare than any project if it is not well built on strong spiritual foundation one may suffer from occasional collapses in various ways. Thus we must fold our life in a way to include spiritual practices like reading, hearing scriptures and chanting, in it to make foundation more deeper and stronger.

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