Gita is not a law book it's a love book

Most of the people fear Gita(and other scriptures too!!) and it's teachings. They want to keep themselves aloof from this divine wisdom. Why they fear? They think if I follow Gita I will have to stop my enjoyment and kill my desires, I will have to do this and that and stop doing this and that, then I will be controlled by rules and laws and life will become boring better keep Gita packed in red cloth and offer respects from distance. It's like when a child wants to touch the fire father chastises him, child may think why my father is so cruel, why he doesn't give me independence, why he always controls me? Thus he wants to remain away from father. But if father gives independence to his immature child he may burn and loose his fingers for lifetime and latter curse father for not controlling him. So this chastisement is simply out of concern and love for child.

Similarly many times attractive things of this world are like fire, due to absence of real knowledge we don't understand it's nature, thus we want to enjoy in it's company. But it can burn our finger, it can harm us on our spiritual journey. Lord don't want us to burn our finger thus he comes again and again and warns us like a responsible father. He doesn't want to hinder our enjoyment and desires but he offers us the option with better enjoyment and pure desires filled with eternal bliss. Foolish child will take his father's instruction as controlling laws but son who understands father's heart knows well that these instructions are out of love and for my betterment only.

Even in general if you see Gita talks about love more than laws. For e.g.
Krishna's love- although abandoned by us from time immemorial lord still accompanies us in the form of supersoul in all species of life(15.15). Lord keeps providing us the necessities of life for living(9.16-9.20), in fact he provides the necessary knowledge required for leaving this world(4.15).
Krishna asks us to love him- in several verses lord gives us the process to develop love for him(9.22,9.26,9.34). This pure love for him will transcend our consciousness making us eligible for entering into the lord's abode.
Krishna asks us to love his parts and parcels- lord doesn't ask us to love only him but he advices to love and respect everyone(12.13) etc.

In conclusion don't neglect the Gita considering it to be boring and fearsome law book but it's a love book where how to love God and his beings perfectly is shared.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by ISKCON Desire Tree

Deal Diligently with Dil(Heart)

Circumstances or situations doesn't only affect our body but affect our mind and heart by creating emotional up and downs. Many times it happens that we forget about inner world due to over absorption or indulgence in outer world. We neglect the necessities of mind and heart thus creating further serious problems. We suffer great emotional pain when someone breaks our heart by betraying, insults us or when we are lonely or frustrated. Although one may not experience physical pain due to it but it causes immense amount of mental pain which can certainly affect physical body later. When we have headache we take aspirin, when we have body ache we take rest but what about heart? How to cure and deal with heartache or emotional breakdown? Researchers have also shown that when you are hurt emotionally you are actually hurt within physical heart.

Generally when person goes through heartache he takes shelter of superficial and artificial methods which can subdue problem for sometime but not permanently. Arjuna when he saw his relatives standing against him to kill him he felt very sad, his mind overwhelmed with grief, he sat on chariot leaving his bow aside not knowing what to do. But Lord's words provided him substantial solution, cleared his confusion and prepared him to carry on with his duties.
How we can do it on our level:-
Keep your emotional world intact - others can only hurt us when we allow them to do so, as saying goes pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. Just like we protect our body similarly protect emotional world too don't let anyone attack it. Lord Krishna asked Arjuna to be equipoised in all circumstances tolerating them knowing them to be temporary.

Set up relationship with supreme - Keep or protect your emotional world by strengthening it by forming relationship with God. The God is only person who knows our heart and it's need fully, He can only fulfill them. He is the one who won't betray us or cheat us at any point of time. By serving krishna, by discussing about Him one derives great satisfaction and bliss thus one finds complete emotional fulfilment and doesn't seek or need any pleasure apart from this. Thus one gets emotionally stabilised and doesn't get or feel hurt by the petty issues of this temporary world.

Article By Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 
Sent by ISKCON Desire Tree

The Prison- where everyone wants to go

Who will like to go jail? Even for a day visit no one will agree. Recently a lady who was the candidate for the post of CM was arrested for involvement in frauds and corruption. She have been sentenced with 4 years of jail. When the police arrived to take her out of fear she rejected to sit in van and preferred to walk till jail. She demanded private barrack, home food, packaged drinking water and an internet connection but Supreme Court rejected her demands, instead engaged her in hard labour which she never did in her life.

Jail is the important part of any country or nation. It is meant to keep laws of government intact, if someone breaks the laws he is put behind the bars as a punishment. There their independence is checked, they can't go outside, they can't eat whatever they want they get simplest thing to eat, they have to wear given clothes. Their interactions with others are restricted. Prisoners has to work hard for less money. They have to do many things which they have never did or thought. No facilities at all. Miserable life isn't it?

Still there is a jail or prison where everyone wants to go and stay for long period. Where is this prison? According to scriptures and saints this material world, in which we are living is similar to jail. How? Just check our daily lives our independence is restricted, we are controlled by modes which moves us as they want. Durga Devi is superintendent of jail, she makes sure that we are undergoing different kinds of suffering . Although this jail doesn't have any bars or big compound walls but still no one can easily escape from it. Why? People here are not shackled by iron chains or ropes but with the chains of desires and attachment. Those who break the law of God they are put in this jail. Peculiarity of this jail is that although suffering miserably one keeps hoping for pleasure and doesn't want to come out. Conditioned by prison from long time we have forgotten about the real world(Vaikuntha) which offers us unlimited bliss, facilities to enjoy and express love and anxiety free life.

Actually we all were associated with Lord in spiritual world but we wanted to enjoy independently forgetting God, thus to fulfil our desires He created this world. Dictionary meaning of prison is, a correctional institution where person are confined for punishment. So the primary purpose of material world is to correct us, to correct and reform our attitude. The best thing about this jail is that the Supreme Court, the supreme Lord wants us freed as soon as possible and He helps us for the same in so many ways, actually He Himself stays with us as super soul till we leave this jail. But the problem lies in us, we are holding the prison house tightly. When we abandon all the shackles of desire for sense enjoyment we will be freed immediately to entere our original home.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 
Sent by ISKCON Desire Tree

Just Adjust

Every individual wants to be happy, satisfied and peaceful in life and he tries also very hard to attain the same. But there are only few who actually become successful. One struggles to keep happy situations forever in life but situations doesn't remain the same, they keep changing. Life is not stagnant as we think it's dynamic, anything can happen at anytime. World is certainly uncertain.

There are many things which are beyond our reach to solve and deal, we need to change and adjust ourselves according to situations. Adjusting our own self to different circumstances, conditions or case is the key to happiness. Not only things but people, nature, our own body and mindsets also keeps changing and if we are attached or comfortable with only one situation then we will be quite miserable in life.

When there is rain we adjust and protect ourselves by using umbrella. Similarly we need to keep our inner situations intact with the help of spirituality. We can't change and argue all the times about external circumstances but we can have full control over inner world, our mind. As Gita says(6.7) one who controls his mind he doesn't get bewildered by heat and cold, honour and dishonour, happiness and distress, he is always tranquil.

In conclusion when one advances on spiritual path he gets adjusted with any situation, position, place, person etc and remains happy because he is satisfied within completely. But those who rather than getting adjusted with situations using spiritual intelligence, keeps changing their situations thinking I will be happy somewhere else remains miserable always.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 
Sent by ISKCON Desire Tree

Love is not about expressing passion but extending compassion

Today people especially youth of the whole world are celebrating Valentine's Day by spending time with beloved one expressing their love. But there is tremendous difference between what's going on in today's world on the name of love and scriptural explanations of love.

Today's love affairs are nothing but fulfilling the passionate desires which are lying in the Core of our heart. Movies, songs, news, leaders etc simply propagate and encourage innocents to go on and fulfil these cravings in the name of love. Such a love is simply selfish and gets broken over petty issues. Conditioned because of anarthas and habits one keeps enjoying sense pleasure thinking it to be love thus gets mislead without knowing what is the real or true love. This perverted love creates agitation in mind and dissatisfaction in heart also future becomes darkened. This love binds one to unlimited sufferings. We have to be aware of deluding forces of the world which mislead us towards the path of sense gratification.

Love is showing concern, compassion and care for beloved. Concern for this life and for future. Scriptures explains that if you love someone then you must take a responsibility of delivering that person from cycle of birth and death, how many of us think about the next life of beloved? Lord Krishna is our real lover, He is ocean of compassion. Although we have left Him millions of years ago He still accompanies us in the form of super soul. He still reminds us of our relation with Him through saintly devotees, scriptures, deities and so many other things. He offers us so many ways to go back. He still wants us back, He hasn't forgotten any one of us, He is eagerly waiting for us, He can immediately free us but we are holding on to selfish love of this world.

In conclusion lord doesn't say that don't love your beloved but He says don't limit or restrict your love till bodily platform. Love for the body will finish when the body is finished, body is temporary, soul is eternal. Think about soul's welfare, his spiritual journey. Offer everyone the devotional service by which they can reach Lord's eternal kingdom one day, that's the aim of human life, that's the real love which can free us and others from slumber of material existence.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 
Sent by ISKCON Desire Tree

Does spirituality make us hard hearted ?

People especially parents become scared when they see their child taking spiritual processes seriously. Because the general mindset is that when someone joins such path he becomes hard hearted, he ignores or abandons his parents and family considering them to be obstacle to spiritual progress, he gives up his social responsibilities and considers everything to be illusion.

But no, that's not the fact. We seen in Gita While enlightening on the importance of soul Lord krishna doesn't belittle need and importance of body and bodily relationships. He many times calls Arjuna by names relating to his dynasty and mother Kunti(Parth, Pandava, kaunteya etc). Incidence comes in Mahabharata that when Abhimanyu was killed his father Arjuna even after knowing principles of Gita and soul wept bitterly out of love for his son.

When one comes to spirituality he becomes aware of his relations with everyone as parts of God. One becomes kindhearted and respectful not only towards human but also to the birds and beasts. He helps them to advance on their spiritual journey. His soft heartedness goes beyond bodily relationships and time. He extends his love beyond cast, creed, nationality, religion etc because spirit is the basis of spirituality and not the body which identifies with cast and religions. The only religion for the soul is to love God and His parts and parcels. His love is now not only remains remains limited to family or relatives but goes far out of compassion for all living being.

In conclusion when one practices the Bhakti process seriously he understands that I am not the doer nor the enjoyer I am just the caretaker and servant. He loves and takes care of his family considering it to be Krishna's family. He fulfils social responsibility with more attention and care considering it to be duty given by the Lord. 'Vasudhaiva kutumbakam' that means whole earth becomes his family and he strives for everyone's spiritual well being.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 
Sent by ISKCON Desire Tree

Don't fall in Love, let's Rise in Love

So many times we have heard from friends, colleagues or from many others saying I felt in love with her/him or saying I have given my heart to her/him etc. Every now and then people talk about love, love stories and things related to love( although they may not know what's the real love is?). Love and romance is also given top priority in any movie, in any song and in fact it's there in advertisement and news too. On the name of love they package lust and vulgarity and deliver it to innocent, fooling them and keeping them bereft of attaining real love.

Love is need of everyone. All wants to love and to be loved. But we don't know how to love and whom to love? Love of this world which is many times simply a attraction for opposite sex. That creates agitation in mind and hankering for sense enjoyment which give rise to further problems rather satisfying heart. Illusioned by beauties and skills of the people of this world one starts showing affection or starts loving mortal beings for own pleasure, but there is tint of selfishness in this love. Soon one gets frustrated in his attempts to enjoy because we are not meant to enjoy we are meant to serve, in serving others we enjoy.

Love is not so cheap, degraded, limited till physical body and constrained by time as they generally show in movies. Love is most pure and sacred thing. Love is sacrifices made for loved ones. Love is very powerful, a drop of love in heart can purchase possessor of everything, the God. Unless and until our hearts become purified from enjoyment tendencies till that time we can't realise pure love. Love uplifts us, our consciousness, soothens the mind and satisfies the heart. Love is very serious matter, it demands dedication, service and attention without an ulterior motives.

Love for God can free us from conditioned life and transfer us to eternally blissful world. So called Love of this world will only entangle us more and more into miserable world. Out of love for us God has created this special facility, material world for our upliftment, as soon as we get freed from disease of enjoying alone for own pleasure we will be promoted to His world. The desire to love is unlimited within every soul which can only be fulfilled by unlimited God. He is the one who can accept love and reciprocate in best way with every living entity. Loving God means loving and respecting Him and all His creation, seeing presence of Him in everything, that's the way to rise from our fallen life style and ultimately reach Him.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 
Sent by ISKCON Desire Tree

Pride can take you on unsafe ride

Pride is a feeling of deep satisfaction for some achievements. But many times it happens that pride goes into our heads, it turns to arrogance and we start disrespecting the superiors or from whom we have learned. Under the influence of pride one thinks that he is better than others, he considers others to be really insignificant. Pride tears the relationship. One doesn't want to listen or learn from others. When there is wound we treat it but pride grows inwards and one doesn't come to know how severe is it and how to heal it, so we generally ignore it but that can become the cause of our downfall.

How to deal with pride? Let's reflect on some points to overcome this enemy which obstructs our path towards divinity.
Pass on credits - whatever achievement we have attained is just because of others, no one is self made man. We all are helped by people around us, they are the contributors of our victory. Understand that we can't do anything by alone. Pass credits to those who assist us.

Revise the history - in ancient texts we find that those who were proud of their achievements or prowess were humbled bitterly. Indra the king of demigods was proud of his power thus he insulted his guru Brihaspati which lead to his defeat against demons who pleased their guru Sukracharya.

Identify the real contributor - God is the source of everything including our skills, strength, intelligence and body. He is the one who inspires us to do something. Gita tells us that there are 5 things responsible for happening of any work and one of that is super soul who sanctions everything. Without His sanction nothing can go ahead. Also however powerful, wealthy, aristocratic we may be but time snatches everything so better be grateful to Him.

Divide or share - pride is killed when we share spotlight, achievements or deeds with others. Student comes first in class not just because he studied hard but also because he was assisted by fellow students, their notes, guidance. When he understand that and divide his success then he will never fell proud.

Exercise humility - bending in front of others is quite a difficult task but it opens door of success and progress. Proud one can't ask help from someone but one who is humble it's very easy for him to acquire help even from unknown. Exercising humility means keeping humble demeanour in words, actions and attitude.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa 
Sent by ISKCON Desire Tree

Trimming the weed of greed

A weed is wild plant which grows in unwanted place especially in garden or field where it obstruct the free growth of cultivated plants. Weed uses fertilisers, water and all other nourishing objects for its own growth. So it's utmost important to remove the weed before it spreads and harms the whole field.

Just like a weed which harms the plants greed harms us. Greed is selfishness to fulfil our own desire without bothering or caring for anyone else. Becoming less greedy doesn't mean you shouldn't have high goals in life or killing dreams but one should understand what one needs and what he doesn't need to be happy and satisfied in life. Sometimes weed just looks like the plant thus we may water it which results in different and serious outcomes. Similarly this greed although harmful one may take it as healthy and natural thus one ruins not only his life but society too. Greed can not be satisfied ever for however you supply better control it.

History tells the examples of greedy demon kings like Ravana, Hiranyaksha and many others who suffered themselves terribly. Not only history but also if you observe today's society you will find people those who live a selfish life are not truly happy, they are always miserable, they are always hankering. One doesn't earn in greed but looses a lot.

While running after greed one completely forgets about his real need and thus their life ends without achieving something satisfying to the heart and soul. As a spirit soul, part and parcel of supreme God, our only need is to reconnect with God, greed pulls us away from this goal. Thus Lord tells in Gita that greed is one of the ways to hell. In conclusion it is certainly the best to live and earn with our capacities and serve God rather than cheating or exploiting someone for fulfilment of our own greed which as it is never going to get fulfilled.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by ISKCON Desire Tree

Spirituality is a reality

Empiricist are those who believe in something when they perceive it through their senses. So such people generally consider spirituality to be a mythology and it's followers to be sentimentalists. But if that was true then why would so many materially successful people have practiced and preached about spirituality. Spirituality is the only reality, we as a spirit soul practicing of it connects us to supreme soul.
As one starts practicing authentic ways of spiritual practices of connecting to Krishna, he experiences the following 3 things thus his faith and conviction becomes more strong and deep.

*Experiencing the transformation*- spirituality transform the heart of the practitioner. One becomes sensitive and caring towards others as he realises that we are part and parcel of same eternal father. One starts sympathising with others including animals and plants and doesn't harm them unnecessarily. One develops equanimity in all circumstances, may those be happy or sad moments or someone may offer respects or insults he takes everything equally. He develops all good qualities and bad habits and desires are automatically vanquished from the heart.

*Inner stability* - everyday is like a war, full with challenges. We need strength to fight. More than external strength of body we need internal strength for mind and intelligence. Because the body and the senses are just order carriers of mind. If intelligence is properly guiding the mind then everything can go well without confusion or disturbance. Intelligence gets purified with spiritual guidance. Spirituality also empowers Will which is more important than skills, will pushes the skills for working in certain direction for success. One gets control over the senses and their desires to enjoy pleasures thus one gets freed from hankering and experiences calmness.

*Higher taste* - one gets higher transcendental taste and his likings for mundane things automatically reduces. One doesn't take much pleasure in petty things of the world but seek always for higher happiness, it's just like a beggar who gives up begging when he gets delicious meal everyday.

In conclusion one shouldn't neglect the spirituality without knowing fullest about it, one can only relish it when one practices it. It's just like the sweet balls(gulab jamuns), however I tell you about its taste unless you experience you won't believe me. Similarly practicing or following spirituality(Bhakti process) will reveal its sweetness and need and then one will ask for more.

Article by Rupesh Gauranga Dasa
Sent by ISKCON Desire Tree

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